3: The skeletons

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"HMM BROTHER WHO IS THIS?!?" The taller skeleton said. I think that the short one remembered me because he said "bro i think thats the human i saw when watching for humans!" I kept thinking about a way to escape the situation that i got myself into when "OH THIS IS THE HUMAN THAT YOU SAID WAS CUTE ISN'T SANS?!?"

Sans P.O.V

OMG!!! Pap did not just say that in front of the human girl as soon as she heard that she just looked at me and I'm not to sure but she looked amazed that she could actually be loved. Her face, hair and body was perfect and she was strong too how could people not love her. I blushed 50 shades of blue when pap said that and how the human was looking at me. "U-uh bro when did i say that about the human?" I stuttered trying to get out of this, pap was just about to answer when the human spoke up, "uh i don't mind if he thinks I'm cute but i better get going heh heh so i think i'll leave you to it and get going ok?!!

Your P.O.V

Ok i think I've had enough of them talking and stood up to go out the door when i find myself surrounded in blue magic. I turned around to see Sans holding me up in the air and seeing frightened and being magic i lift him up in a magenta aura (if you don't like the color then change it to a color that would best suit you) and hold him ip in the air as well. We looked at each other for about a minute when the tall (and loud) skeleton spoke up sounding worried, "U-UM COULD YOU PLEASE PUT MY BROTHER DOWN AND SANS YOU PUT THE HUMAN DOWN AS WELL!" We put each other down and i started to walk towards the door when Sans spoke up, "hey please don't go yet why don't you eat or hang out or even rest or something?" I looked at him and agreed and sat down on the couch while both the brothers where looking at me and i started to feel really uncomfortable around them. "Um ok so I've sat down and i feel uncomfortable because you two are just staring at me so is there anything you want to know or what?"

Sans P.O.V

Wow i guess i feel stupid for not really doing anything i kinda just stared at her after she sat on our couch and looked at us and asked if we wanted to know anything. "Not really just make yourself at home. "Ok," she responded. For the first few minutes we didn't really know what to do so we just stood there really awkwardly until Papyrus spoke up "WELL THEN IM GOING TO GO GET DINNER READY AND SANS PICK UP YOUR SOCK!!! The human giggled to herself then i think she found it funny i don't know how humans work. Papyrus went into the kitchen to start making his 'wonderful' dinner. "Heya, my bro's food does not taste as good as he sounds wanna go to Grillbys with me to get some chow? I asked her but not meaning it in like a date kind of way because my brothers food is horrible. "That would be rude though plus if i don't like it i will just use my magic and dispose of it that way." Wow she can do that i never really thought about that, not that i can do that with my magic anyway only stuff like summon bones and gaster blasters and teleport, if i try hard enough i can pause time for a bit. "You wanna hear a joke?" I asked, "um, sure what is it?" She asked. "Do you have any walnuts?" I started. "No why?" She looked at me really confused."Then how about a date?!" I was only half joking when she answered "what kind of date would you be talking about?" She asked and even though i wanted to say that it was not the nut type of date i still said it anyway." It was a pretty good joke!" Right then pap called out saying that dinner was ready, when the human started eating a look of disgust crossed her face and little by little spaghetti part were magically were disappearing and i smiled to myself a real smile, not the fake one that is glued onto my face permanently.

Ok so this chapter is now here ive been at my dads all week so multiple parts should hopefully be up if you have any ideas or like the story please comment and vote and suggest more stories i should do. I have this story, a Jacksepticeye x yandere reader 'All i want is him' this one and a Markiplier one as well so check them out!! So i shall see you in the next chapter DITCH OUT!!!

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