16: 1 or 2

250 4 1

If you wanted 1 but no one commented it but ill still do both then thx to the person who did comment you know who u are :) Meggysause

Your p.o.v

"Umm, i guess i will choose 1. I don't know why are you even asking me this?" I answered confused at Sans question and why he was asking it. He seemed to frown a bit but then smiled, "ok they were questions if you chose 1 which you did I'm asking you this. Y/N, we have lived here for over 100 years with your magic would you please help us get back to the surface?" I nodded repeating yes and we started jumping around until i stopped and asked, "what would you have asked me if i answered 2?" Sans said nothing and just winked at me and i felt myself blushing.

We started to go on the journey to go and break the barrier in Asgore's castle and hearing the name made me remember of that dream with all the doors in it and i shuddered at the thought of the first door and wondered if that would actually happen, 'no it wouldn't he died remember? He was killed by you right in front of your own eyes, why would you be down here?' I thought and it was true me killing Tony was the reason i wanted to commit suicide in the first place.

Time skip brought to you by................you

We arrived at the castle and we walked through the 'judgement hall' and into a nice room with heaps of yellow flowers and one throne just sitting in the middle by itself. There was also a large goat man who i was guessing was Asgore was watering the flowers until Sans cleared his throat (i don't know neck?) and he turned around, "oh, hello Sans and......human." He sighed looking sadder than he had been just before and i wondered why. "This is my friend Y/N and we think she might be able to break the barrier with her powers and the other 6 souls, can you let her try please!?" Asgore nodded and brought us to the 'barrier' which was just a long white glowing hallway with some invisible wall.

I started to summon all the magic that i could conjure up and Asgore brought out the six souls and i combined my powers with them and shot a magenta (or your chosen magic colour) at the wall and the ground and walls started to shake and crumble and Asgore shouted a message throughout the underground telling everyone to come to the barrier at once as i heard it shatter and monsters started running through it cheering.

By the time that all monsters made it through to the surface the ruins and most of Snow din had been trapped underneath the rocks and stuff but there was no real need to go back to the underground and the humans seemed surprised to see the monsters at first but they will hopefully accept them quickly and some were surprised to see me as well but we're thankful i was ok. We were watching a sunset and i could see Sans start to cry so i hugged him and he hugged back not letting go. (Picture of sunset below picture is not mine)

We found a old abandoned apartment building that was in pretty good shape and there were two beds in each so i thought Sans was going with Papyrus but to my surprise Sans pulled into a room with Papyrus and i saw one double bed this time and a sin...

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We found a old abandoned apartment building that was in pretty good shape and there were two beds in each so i thought Sans was going with Papyrus but to my surprise Sans pulled into a room with Papyrus and i saw one double bed this time and a single, "wanna all sleep together, Y/N and me in one and you in the other one?" Sans asked and Papyrus nodded, "yes that would be an easy way for the great Papyrus to protect both of you now off to bed!" Papyrus shouted and i giggled at his playfulness and went on one side of the double bed while Sans went on the other and before we went to sleep Sans hugged me and whispered, "Y/N, would you do the honour and be my girlfriend?" He asked and i nodded and whispered, "of course, i love you." He smiled, "i love you to!" Then we fell asleep dreaming of better to come.

Ok this is if you chose number 2 like Meggysause  did so again shoutout to them :). This chapter will be long because the first part was 746 words so this whole thing will definitely be over 1000 words.

Your p.o.v

"Um...i will choose 2 then," I answered going with my gut and Sans smile brightened as he took me by the hand and led me outside i front of some kind of tree, "Y/N ever since you fell down here and I later my eyes on you I fell in love with you, we have fought, made up and worked everything out in the end and I only have one thing left to ask of you, would you be my girlfriend?" I stood there shocked at what I was hearing and I started to tear up, "yes, yes, yes Sans I will I love you so much as well." He stood up and we hugged and kissed while monsters that stopped cheered and clapped for us.

Time skip

I couldn't believe it everything was going amazing in 2 weeks we will be aloud to go to the surface and Sans and i are so exited for that day to come. I was walking to Grillby's to meet up with Sans when I was pulled into an alley way and I was about to summon something when my hand were handcuffed in a way were for some reason I could not use my magic, "well well well look what I found, looks like I'm going to be having fun~" someone said and I turned my head around frantically trying to find the source of the voice, "leave me alone you bastard!" I said and I was slammed into a wall and lips were on mine. I kept trying to pull away or move but that only made them kiss more forcefully, I started to cry, 'i don't want this' i kept thinking that over and over and i only just realised that they were tugging at the hem of my shirt and I kneed them and they cursed under their breath. They went down to the ground and picked something up and that's all i remembered as my vision faded to black as something struck my head.

I woke up to being chained into a bed being basically nude with only my bra and underwear on, "someone's up now we can have some fun~" I tried to move but I couldn't and the man came closer.
(Ok I'm not writing smut or lemon so use your mind of a rape scene)
After that was done i was knocked out again and when I woke up this time I was in a forest and I could see houses from here. I didn't tell anybody what happened but I can tell that Sans knows I'm not telling him something and I wish I could muster up the courage to tell him that I got rapped but I don't want to make him made at me.

I decided to have a movie day with Sans and he brought lots of food including his ketchup and I got some chocolate for myself and some chips and nice-cream. The first movie we watched was a horror movie called Orphan (best movie ever) then we watched some comedies then some romantic movies to finish off our day and Papyrus claimed that we should have been more productive but when he saw that we had fun he gave up trying to tell us how to have a better life.

Sans p.o.v

Y/N got home pretty late and she didn't meet up with me and Grillby's but I was not to mad or sad about that but I think something is up because she has been extra quite and she wanted a full movie day which I did agree to do but it's not like her to just want to stay inside all day, she loves to see the sites around town especially waterfall with all the Eco flowers (is that what they are called i forgot) i decided to trust her word for it even though deep down in my soul I knew I should look more into this but I don't want Y/N to think I don't trust her either because then we will just have even more fights then we used to have before we got together.

I think tomorrow I'm going to have Undyne come over and let her and Y/N have some girl time with Violet since she is back in school but tomorrow she can have a day off to hang out and they can have a huge girl day doing whatever girls do on those types of days. Once Y/N went for a shower i called up Undyne. (S-Sans and U-Undyne)


S-Hey Undyne it's me Sans.

U-Ok what's up?

S-I was wondering if tomorrow you would like to have a girl day with Violet and Y/N!

U-Yeah that sound awesome see you tomorrow.


Cool Undyne will e here tomorrow and I'm going to have a nap.

Your p.o.v

I got out of the shower to see Sans asleep and I chuckled and layed down next to him and fell asleep as well.

All together I have 1614 words!!!

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