4: The underground

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Your P.O.V

I had been down here for who knows long because all i have been doing is sitting on the couch it was currently nighttime and though Sans said i could have his bed i said i would sleep on the couch, the couch is ok but magic makes it better. They have been asking me some questions like why I'm down here, my age, name, did i want to commit suicide and stuff like that, i answered all but some where lies i said i tripped here but i know the real truth i wanted to end my life but life does not let me and it sucked. I don't know what I'm going to do now though maybe just stay here?

Time skip to a couple hours later

I still haven't figured out what to do because i want to go back to the surface but thats not really an option now i still have my phone and credit and all over the under net is that he died because of me!!! Sans is really strange around me and to be honest out of the monsters that I've seen so far when i was running by he does look the cutest, i guess he acts strange because Papyrus says he likes me. Both of them are up and i'm just pretending that i'm asleep so they don't bother me. "BROTHER YOU STILL HAVE NOT PICKED UP YOUR SOCK YET!!!" Papyrus (loudly) yelled to Sans who was only on the floor below me. I must have smiled then because Sans said "oh you up now kiddo, uh how long have you been awake for?" I opened one of my eyes to see Sans staring into my face and i gently but still with force pushed him away from me as i sat up and strethed. "Awhile now i just didn't want too get up yet there is not a lot to do in this house." I answered after a while. "You know that your adult so you don't have to stay here just go out for a bit and come back later human money does not work here and you have no gold so you cant buy motel room so you may as well stay here, its free to stay here as well." I agreed and went outside with a jacket and scarf that Sans and Papyrus gave me and walked around talking to very little monsters as i could, though to be polite i did complement a bunny lady with her child, the child did look really cute though. I walked around for a couple of hours before heading back to the skeleton brothers house in time for dinner which was not surprisingly spaghetti again. "HUMAN HOW WAS YOUR WALK THIS AFTERNOON?" Papyrus asked me still loudly as ever. "Uh good talked to very little people, made no friends, complemented a women and her child you know the usual," i told them while shrugging my shoulders, though Pap seemed a little sad that i did very little on my walk while Sans just nodded. "HUMAN WHAT IS THE POINT OF LIFE IF YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS?!?" Papyrus whisper/shouted to me. "Whats the point of having friends if all they want is to abuse your magic and make you do bad things with it and can you stop calling me 'human' and please call me y/n!" I said to him trying to keep my calm. "what type of bad things did those 'friends make you do y/n?" Sans spoke saying my name for the first time. "Stuff..." I answered almost immediately. I think that Sans wanted more of an answer than 'stuff' but he didn't push it any further thankfully.

Sans P.O.V

Y/n answered my question with 'stuff' but y/g didn't go on so i didn't press it anymore as much as I would've liked to. Pap seemed a little sad that they didn't talk to to may people but who could blame them they fell down into a hole which didn't kill them and lead them to an underground full of monsters and even though some of us are nice there a lots who will want to kill any human they see including y/n so i plan to keep y/g safe as long as i can until we get out of here or not i wont give up unless they do want to stay down here but it does get boring after a while.

A couple of minutes later

Thank god we finished dinner paps cooking is really dreadful but y/n does not seem to mind unless they are using there magic again man i wish i had there powers so i could do half the stuff y/g could it would be amazing.

Your P.O.V

I finish my shower really quickly not wanting to use to much water and so i can go to bed quicker and be ready for whatever tomorrow brings to me. I feel really happy and safe in the underground and thats what i thought about as i fell asleep on the couch.

YAY!!! Another chapter is now completed and i will start to make the next chapter over the weekends. Please be prepared for updates to be slower because i am starting year 8 on the Monday and im going to have lots of homework so i might do chapters then realese them all at once because i still want them to be long and my goal is to make a chapter that is over 1000 words long so yeah. Well i will start the next chapter and i will see all of you in the next chapter. DITCH OUT!!!

P.S is there a specific gender you want comment and vote and the most commented one will be the gender for the story so i don't have to keep doing y/g.

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