11: Play time

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I woke up to Violet calling my name, I sat up and saw we in the room I was staying in and she looked really exited for some reason. "Guess what I found? Guess, guess." I really was not in the mood for playing this game but I didn't want to hurt her feeling so i put myself into a thinking position and guessed, "clothes?" I said and she shook her head grinning even more crazily that I had to grin and laugh as well, "um....chocolate and lollies?" I guessed again but again she shook her head and said, "no silly, I found make up and hat stuff so today we can do what ordinary teenage girls do with there friends and I've always wanted to do it with someone so will you do it with me please?" I nodded and got out from the bed making it as neat as I could before quickly saying, "I'll just quickly get dressed and then we can do it ok," I walked over remembering I had no cloths to wear but she dragged me to her room so impatiently that I laughed and went into her cubists and took out a blouse and skirt with leggings and thrust them into my hands, "quickly come on i really want to do this," I nodded a thanks and ran into the room getting dressed before running back into he room and she clapped her hands obviously pleased while the clothing choice she made and I sat down on the floor and she did my make up ad then I went and did hers trying to be really good at it even though I really think I failed but she seemed to like it so I felt better even though I still apologised if it was a bit bad or messy and she said it was fine seeing as this would help me get better. She looked at the clock before yelling, "crap, I have to go to school now Y/N thanks for doing my make up I will see you when I get home also dads at work so do anything you like. I nodded and she ran out of the house, before she did my make up i told my self that I would take it off but I decided to leave it on as I did look quite pretty in it as she did a really good job at it so ten i wondered, 'why is she getting bullied when she is really pretty, has a good home and can do make up well?' I decided not to question it and went down stairs and made some breakfast for myself as I was getting quote hungry and as I was eating i was trying to be extra careful as to not ruin any of my lip stick and lip loner that Violet put on for me. After I finished an cleaned up i saw some horror movies and decided to watch 'the funhouse massacre' (if you have not seen that movie then oh my god you must watch it, it is so good!) and it was funny and made me a bit sick to the stomach but I pulled through fine. By the end of the movie Violet came home and I said hi to her and asked her how her day was, "it was ok, I'm going to go do some homework and then we can play some games ok?" She said in a really different voice then usual but i agreed and put my focus back onto the TV even though deep down in my heart something was not right.

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