5: Remembering

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I woke up today feeling a little sick (probably from the cold) and went to go knock on Sans door before i thought better and would just lie about it saying i was feeling 'fine'. A couple minutes later my phone got a ring which i didn't think was possible since i was underground. I answered my phone.
(P=Police and Y=You)

P, "Hello?"

Y, "Hi, who is this?"

P, "This is the police and we want to ask you about the death of Tony people at your old high school has said that he was your only friend making you a suspect and since you have recently disappeared you are right now our top suspect so we are asking for any information that you may or may not have."

Y, "'sigh' yes i did kill him but it was only by accident he jumped out at me and i have magic so i put my hands out and bones came up from the ground impaling him, so i went to the mountain that no one returns from to commit suicide i found a hole, jumped and landed in an underground full of monsters who are really nice so i doubt that you will ever find me there are lots of hole in the mountain and your not going to risk people jumping down and dying to see if it's the right hole or not so don't even bother trying. Goodbye now.

End of phonecall.

The police wont find me i have nothing to worry about. Sans must've heard me because he had the most shocked look ever and i thought that he was going to hate me for killing someone innocent. "Y-you killed someone?" He said after quite some time. "Yes but i didn't mean to he was that friend who kept making me do bad stuff but its not like i could say he was not my friend anymore i tried onetime and... i...i...never mind i don't want to talk about it." I said almost breaking into tears remembered what happened to me when i said i didn't want to be his friend anymore because he kept making me steal and other stuff. "Please tell me i wont judge you tell me what he did to you, i can try to help you!" He said comforting me. "I said i don't want to talk about it you cant help me anyway." All Sans did was sigh i want to tell him what happened i really do but im just not ready for people er monsters to know yet. Promptly after saying that i threw up on my cloths and a bit of the floor. "Crap sorry i didn't want to bother anyone because i didn't feel well but i didn't think that this would happen either." I kept apologizing but Sans kept on saying it was ok and he washed and dried my clothes while i went for a relaxing bath.

Sans P.O.V

I can't believe that y/n would kill someone but if it's that person who made her do bad things that he kinda did deserve to die then i just want to know what he did to y/n that was so terrible that y/g almost broke down into tears because of it. When y/n threw up they kept apologizing but it was ok y/g didn't know that y/g was going to throw up.

Your P.O.V

After about an hour of being in the bathtub i went out and got dried and went i checked i realized i still don't have any of my cloths  because i only have that one pair that i fell down in so i did what i thought was most reasonable at the time "SANS I DON'T HAVE ANY CLOTHS ARE THEY DONE YET?" I called out hopefully Sans could hear me. "Yeah let me get them for you," Sans opened the door a little and gave me all my cloths, (i don't know if this is how fast cloths get dried and washed in real life so just go with it) and i put them on going out to find a pillow fort out in the lounge with Sans in it grinning at me and beckoning me to come in with him, i smiled and laid down with him grabbing the tv remote and turning a show that i liked on. (Choose whatever show you want) I was starting to feel a but tired after the episode/movie and started to drift off to sleep still with Sans still next and before i fell asleep i felt a light kiss on my forehead and smiled to myself.

Sans P.O.V

I watched as y/n started to fall asleep after the episode/movie was finished and put a light kiss on her head as she smiled to herself, y/g was very cute i hope that they like me in the same way i like them! I was about to turn off the tv and fall asleep with y/n when a news report came on and it states that it was an 'emergency' but knowing Mettaton its nothing but i still listened anyway, "ladies and gentlebutuies i am here to announce to you that there is a human in the underground i repeat there is a human in the underground,we do not know all the details yet other than the sighting of a human y/g who looks about 22 years old and that y/g is seen in Snow din thats all for now goodnight my bueties!"  That was bad if everyone knows that y/n is in the underground everyone will try and go after y/g but no one knows that they are magic and what if y/g kills them because they are trying to kill y/g i hate to do this but i don't think i can let y/n outside again if they are going to go after them. I sighed and turned the tv and almost immediately i fell asleep right next to my beautiful  y/n.

Yay another chapter finished and for once i made it too 1000 words not including the A/N or the brackets in the story that i did so i feel really proud of myself for making two chapter in two days and over all i have made 4 additions to this story and two parts to my other story a Markiplier x reader so yeah i feel ready for school so hopefully while you people are busy reading other chapters i can do other parts of this story and my next one so stay tuned for that. DITCH OUT!!!

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