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   "You called Professor Umbridge?" Draco called out as he entered the overly pink office on the fine Christmas morning. 

   "You may drop the act, My Lord." The woman called out sweetly, "No one is here, it is just you and I."

   With a wave of the wand, Draco Malfoy turned into Voldemort. His menacing red eyes locked with the bright blue, "Keeping up the act was very tiresome. I trust you haven't told anyone about the plan?" he asked, his voice high-pitched and smooth. 

   Dolores trembled visibly and Voldemort smiled evilly, but the smile quickly disappeared when he realized why she was trembling , "Who found out?" he asked calmly, but it was always calm before a storm. 

   "M-Minerv-va." she shuddered. 

   "Mcgonagall?" he asked incredulously, "How? How did she find out?" he roared, making the plump lady cower in fear. 

   "I-I don't know." she squirmed under his intense gaze.

    "You will oblivate her. Don't let her remember. Do you know what she knows about?" his temper rising. 

   "I think she knows about everything. About how you are under the Polyjuice Potion disguising to be Draco Malfoy and how the real Draco is at the Malfoy Manor, safe. She even knows about Hermione, I am sure." she stopped for a little bit before asking, "Why do your eyes turn green?"

   "It is because very deep underneath, the girl still loves the old me. Whether she knows it or not and every time we touch, I start to turn back into my old self sometimes it even happens when I am looking at her, only my eyes though. Polyjuice Potion and changing spells don't work every time I am with her." he replied angrily, not wanting to explain anything to the dumb woman. 

   "Then that means that she was there that time when you were in front of the Great Hall." her eyes widening and on the inside so were Voldemort's, "That means she knows everything." the toad-faced woman clamped a hand over her mouth, eyes widening. 

   Voldemort sighed angrily, "You take care of Minerva Mcgonagall, I'll take care of the girl." he sneered and Dolores nodded rapidly. Voldemort waved his wand over himself and he changed back into Draco, he would take the Polyjuice Potion when he would get back to the Slytherin dorms. He swiftly turned on his heel and left the office leaving a plump cowering lady behind as he shut the door with a slam. 

   'I wish I didn't lose her. I wish I didn't let her go that time. I would take a time turner just to go back to that time, but I have duties here.' then it dawned on him, a completely new plan from the old. One that would take her back, but it was dangerous. She could get hurt, but all he wanted was her. It was a dangerous plan, but just this time he could make it work. 'Maybe' he thought as he played with a necklace that was in the shape of a broken heart with the initials of H.J.F. and walked back to the Slytherin dorms. 


   Dolores Umbridge was left cowering in fear in her office until she realized what she needed to do. She gained back her non-existent strength and her wand and marched to Minerva Mcgonagall's office. On the way, the toad-faced woman wondered how her colleague got to know her Lord's plan. Obviously, the only people who knew about the plan was her Lord and herself, no one else was involved. That is the reason why she accepted being in Voldemort's ranks, because he vowed he would get rid of the filth in the Wizarding World and because she was trusted with a top secret mission, which made her feel powerful. There was no way Minerva Mcgonagall was going to come in between her trust with her Lord. 

   Dolores adjusted her pink dress that was hanging below her knees and knocked on the smooth cherry wood door that had Minerva Mcgonagall, Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor in a gold plate in the middle of the door. After a few knocks, Dolores heard a faint, 'Come in' and took that as her cue to plaster a small, fake smile upon her face and turn the door handle. 

   "Ah, Dolores. What are yeh doing here? On a Saturday?" she asked suspiciously, not even trying to hide the hate that was etched upon her face.

   "Well, I wanted to know what plan you were talking about because I think we are thinking about two very different ones." she said falsely.

   "Why don't you tell me first?"

   "W-Well," the lady stuttered, not knowing what to say, "I, erm, asked you first."

   "Well then, I overheard you and your "Lord" talking when I came to give some of your paperwork Dumbledore assigned for the new term. Something about plans to get Hermione Granger back. It didn't quite make sense at first but then it dawned on me. I remember very well what happened fifty years ago." the tall woman hissed. 

   "You weren't even at Hogwarts then, how would you have known?" the plump lady said gritting her teeth, anger rising in her body. 

   "I have my sources." Minerva stated simply and in a spilt second, before Minerva Mcgonagall could even grab her wand, Dolores Umbridge raised her wand at her colleague and muttered, "Obliviate."

   "Now I think you have learned you lesson, Minerva, don't stick your nose in other people's business." Dolores said bitterly as she stared at Minerva's unfocused eyes before she left the obliviated lady in her office as she shut the door quietly and walked back to her office with a slight smirk on her face. 


   Hermione Granger awoke Christmas morning in her empty dorm room to find many gifts at the foot of her bed. She pushed her white bedsheets out of the way as she escaped the warmth of her bed to observe the gifts she had gotten. Hermione sat down criss-cross on the ground and grabbed the biggest present in the pile, it was from her parents. 

   'Dear Mione,' the letter on the outside of the box read, 'We have gotten information that there is going to be a New Year's ball when everyone comes back from the holidays and since you weren't here for Christmas this year, we wanted to give you this beautiful dress we bought. We hope you like, darling!' 

   Hermione peeled the wrapping off of the big cardboard box and opened it up. Inside, there was a beautiful floor length, emerald mermaid dress. It had a high neckline and delicate, sliver embellishments of flowers all along the bodice of the dress. On the back of the dress, it had a large keyhole cutout that reached to her mid-back. Overall, the emerald dress was stunning and Hermione couldn't wait until the New Year's ball to try it on. Along with the dress, her parents managed to get her a pair of silver stilettos that were made of satin cloth and had jade colored leaves embroidered along the sides and had the ornamental leaves spiraling naturally upwards on the heel of the argent shoe. Hermione reminded herself to write a letter to her parents to thank them for the beautiful things they bought her. She went through all the other gifts that her friends gave her and concluded that she had gotten a lot of books and chocolate. After a little while of riding sweet letters from her friends and opening her presents, Hermione reached out to grab the last of her gifts which was a small box that was covered in the same shimmery gold paper as her bracelet and a red bow on top. 

   'Whoever gave me the bracelet must have given me this present as well.' she thought, wondering who the mysterious person could be. Hermione opened the petite box and found a velvet crimson box, inside the box was an ebony cushion that was holding a sterling silver necklace. The necklace look very bright against the raven cushion and it made it easier to read the broken heart charm, which had the initials T.M.R. Hermione wondered who had the other part of the necklace and thought of going to the library today to try and figure out who's initials T.M.R were.

   Unfortunately for her, only one person had the answers to all the questions that she had. But he was the person in her enemy's body. 

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