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   "Well, well, look who we have here?" a young girl with black hair cascaded to her shoulders as her smokey eyes narrowed in disgust. She had sharp and beautiful features but were filled with hate. Her wand was held at the other girl, who had chocolate eyes, brunette hair, and kind features. 

   "What do you want?" the brunette called out trying not to cower in fear. She knew that the raven-haired girl's intentions were not good and she knew that the other girl had more knowledge in the Dark Arts. 

   "I learned some new spells yesterday and I wanted to test them out and I thought, 'Who better to test them out on than the biggest blood traitor in the pure blood line.' " she cackled as her elm wand glowed a bright lime green. The brunette was now frightened and reached for her back pocket for her wand, but no matter where she searched, she couldn't find it. She had to find another way to escape this situation. But no matter what scenario she came up with it would always have its many flaws. Finally, after a few moments of coming up with a plan, she thought of screaming. But, the two girls were in the middle of a deserted hall. They were both in the part of the castle were no one dares to enter and ironically they were there. 

   "Looking for this are you?" the ebony haired girl sneered, holding up a beige, vine wand. She threw the wand behind her and whispered, 'Incarcerous.' the brunette was tied up instantly and the ropes were so tight that they were about to be ripped through her flesh. Then, the black haired girl filled herself up with as much hate she could muster and spoke one of the Unforgivables,


   The brunette squirmed in pain, it felt as though a million hot knives were piercing every inch of her skin at the same time, her bones were on fire, and she wanted the pain to stop. She wanted to die. She screamed as loud as she could before a another spell hit her. 

   "Silencio." the black haired girl whispered, "Do you want someone to hear us? Just for that, you need all the punishment you can get." the girl's silver eyes sparkling with hate, "Crucio."

  The pain felt even worse the second time, every inch of the brunette's skin was on fire as though someone doused her in gasoline and threw a match on her body. She wanted it to stop. Tears were streaming down her face as she silently begged the other girl to stop and hoped someone would come. Luckily for her, someone did come. But not at the time they should have came. The raven haired girl muttered a spell and her wand produced a lavender colored light that hit the brunette right in the middle of her chest. There was a crimson liquid seeping through her crisp, white Oxford shirt, staining her silver necklace. 

   "Walburga?" a boy had just now entered the scene, his ebony hair swept neatly to the side and his vivid iridescent eyes were menacing. His eyes moved from the onyx haired girl to the chestnut haired one who was now withering on the floor, her blood covering the entire front of her torso as well as the ground. 

   "My Lord?" Walburga sunk low as she squirmed in fear, not facing his eyes. He took a menacing step towards the cowering girl and whispered, "I will deal with you later." and with that Walburga Black ran down the hall towards the Slytherin dungeons. After, the boy saw that the girl was gone, he sprinted to the girl who was wheezing on the floor. His menacing and rude look dropped to a concerned one. He took her icy hand and checked for a pulse. It was there but it was so small, you would almost miss it. But luckily he didn't. 

   "Tom?" the brunette croaked out. 

   "Shh love, don't speak." he smoothed down her hair as he spoke to her in a soothing manner. He pointed his wand at her chest and whispered, 'Vulnera Sanentur.' Slowly, but surely, all of the blood that came out of her body was going back in and her pale, sickly color was turning back into a light tan. The girl had stopped wheezing and went back into her normal, steady breathing. She was very weak but she was alive. 

dark// tom riddle⚡️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ