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author's note:

hellooo everyone, long time no see. i'm so so so SO sorry for not updating, i've been very busy with school(and i know that is no excuse, im sorry :(( ) and y'all know how that goes, but anyway I love reading all of your comments always make my day and make me so so happy! never forget that you are loved and don't ever be afraid to shoot me a message. enjoy! <3

OH, forgot to mention, i'm currently working on an original novel, and i am SUPER excited to publish!! so if you guys don't mind, please check that out as well when it is published !!

Weeks had gone by since Hermione's new discovery. She hadn't told her parents or anyone really because she was afraid of what they would think of her and since she couldn't even control her powers, she told herself that the secret would come out at the right time. Hermione felt all alone since Harry was now on missions with Dumbledore, the only thing that had been keeping her company were the few letters sent by Ginny with updates on her and the few books she would read whenever she had the time.

Now Hermione was in her bed with the red curtains closed up around her, almost as if it was covering her from the hate of the outside world. She had one of Ginny's recent letters to her in her hands. The letter went on to say that the Weasleys were so heartbroken after the death of the second oldest, Charlie Weasley. Ginny mentioned that her family was a grieving mess and also stated that although she loved her family, she couldn't help but think that they hated her at that very instance, that she had went from being the lovable, cheerful child to the child that was blamed for her sibling's death.

Hermione sighed, not knowing what to do or even how to help her desperate friend. She gently folded the letter and tucked it away in the top drawer next to her bed. Hermione laid back on her bed and shut her tired eyes. She hadn't gotten more than two hours of sleep a week since she had discovered her life-changing discovery. But suddenly, her heavy eyelids started to close and everything around her started the go dim and dark, until all she could see was pitch black.




The staccato beat of heels echoed off of the marble floors and onto the empty, granite walls, making the person walking in them sound closer and bigger.

"I know you're here." a voice cut through the deep silence like a knife, sharp and steady, "Come out from where you're hiding." the same voice spoke. Even though it was pitch dark and the only light source were the fires that were lit on the walls, you could see the sinister smile erupting on the person's face.

"Yeah, come out, you filthy half-blood," a boy's voice said, "come out before we find you." a nasty cackle erupted from the both of them. Then suddenly, the heels and shoes came to a sudden halt, right near where the girl was hiding. They had heard her.

"Lumos." the girl whispered, "Look Orion, we've found her." the girl's menacing eyes sparkled with delight as they realized they found exactly who they were looking for. Carter Callaghan.

"Looks like we'll be having some fun tonight." Orion remarked, a venomous glint in his eyes.

"Please, don't. I haven't done anything to ya two." the boy babbled in his thick Irish accent, "Please don't do anything to me." tears leaked from his eyes as he pleaded the two, but luckily, sounds of footsteps seemed to be getting closer and closer the where the three were.

"Well, look who we have here." a girl spoke, her voice rough yet silky.

"Hermione, the blood-traitor." the girl scoffed, turning her attention away from Carter and to the brunette girl. Even in the dark, Hermione's hazel eyes sparked like fire, they were bright.

"Walburga," she inclined her head, clutching onto her wand as tight as possible, "don't you have anything other to do than to torture a poor second year Ravenclaw?"

"You think you've gotten so brave ever since you've been talking to Him, haven't you."

"Jealous?" Hermione spoke with grace as she examined her nails, her wand still elegantly clutched in her hand

"Never." Walburga stated, as she positioned herself for an oncoming battle. Her silver eyes bright, yet so dark, "Crucio!"

Hermione jumped out of the way, her thick hair flowing behind her, "I'm not doing this again, Walburga."

"Oh, is the princess too scared to battle with me? The Queen?" she taunted, "You would never ever win a battle against me." Walburga snarled

"Really? I'd like to see you try Walburga." a new voiced appeared and even in the pitch dark, you could still see his chiseled, high cheekbones, plump and rosy lips, and his shining, iridescent eyes. His voiced dripped like honey, sweet and smooth. Walburga looked shocked, as well as Orion, neither spoke a work as if they disappeared with the darkness, "Did you not learn your lesson the last time, Walburga?" Tom spoke softly.

"I-I did, My Lord." she stuttered

"Good, I hoped you wouldn't make the same mistake, yet here we are." he said sternly, "Leave, both of you. I don't want to see you here again."

"Yes, My Lord." they both said in unison as they both walked together, their heads bowed down.

"Carter? Are you still there?" Hermione spoke into the darkness.

"Yes." a small voice sounded back.

"Go back to the tower." Hermione said sweetly and she didn't turn to the tall figure until she heard the small footsteps of Carter Callaghan slowly disappear, "You know I can take care of myself, don't you?"

"Yes, but I think you should have backup once in a while, and you should be glad I found you, because if Slughorn found you, you would be back in detention before you could even cast the next spell." Tom murmured, slowly inching closer to the girl.

"Maybe, but I know how to take care of myself." Hermione smirked.


"Hey," she hit his bicep softly as gentle laughter erupted from her mouth, "I can."

"But, you know I'll always be there, no matter what." he assured.

"Always? No matter how far apart we are?" she questioned.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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