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a/n: hey guys, i really hope you guys are liking the story so far. i am currently working on two other books. that's right, TWO and they are obviously Harry Potter related. not going to spoil for you guys but one of them is a Draco Malfoy fic and the other is a time travel one in the Marauder's Era. would you guys read it if i posted both of them on my page? comment if you will because if you guys don't want to then i won't but it would mean a lot to me if you guys did read them. anyway, i really hope you are enjoying Dark because it makes my days whenever you guys comment and vote. i love each and every one of you, have a great day, and enjoy this chapter. <3   


   Hermione Granger sat in the Gryffindor common room, finishing her Potions Essay. The room was abnormally quiet but she liked it that way because she could focus more on her essay which was due the next day. It was unlike Hermione to put things off till the last minute but she had been getting severe headaches. She even went to Madam Pomfrey who gave her a Potion to cure her migraine but even that didn't work. Hermione looked up from her essay and adjusted her eyes to the dim lighting. She saw Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil conversing with each other and Hermione found herself wishing that she had someone to talk to through this rough time. Ron was at home in hiding with his family and Harry was frequently visiting Dumbledore and between the NEWT level classes and reviewing for the exams that were coming up, even she didn't have time for anything anymore, even sleep. Hermione quickly regained her consciousness and went back to writing. 

   She wrote the last sentence and ended it with a small dot, indicating the period and rolled her parchment up, put away the quill and ink and made her way up to her dorm for a long night of relaxation and sleep.  


   When Hermione woke up, she quickly realized that her slumber had not erased the pain that pounded in her head. She gingerly touched her forehead and winced as she made contact. Her forehead was burning up as well as the rest of her face. Hermione pushed the crimson covers off her body and made her way to the bathrooms to take a long, hot shower. She walked in and looked into the mirror, she was a mess. Her hair was more frizzy than it normally was, she had dark bags under her eyes, and her skin was pale as though she was sick. Hermione stripped down of her clothes and entered the shower, hot droplets of water coating every inch of her skin. She had never felt better. After the steaming shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and walked out of the shower. She dried herself off slowly because the headache made her skin hurt as well. Hermione knew something was happening to her, but what? She hadn't a clue. 


   Although it was very unlike Hermione to skip class, she told McGonagall that she was sick and called it a day. Throughout the day, she didn't have the appetite to eat anything and her skin was slowly turning a light blue even though she was feeling very hot. Hermione even tried taking  a cold shower but it hadn't worked as she just felt more feverish. Her skin was turning blue, her head was pounding, and she was feeling very warm. 'Something is definitely happening to me.' she thought to herself. 

   Just as Hermione pushed off the duvet to go to Madam Pomfrey, she fell to the ground, clutching her head. Her usually tannish skin was a faint blue but anyone could see it clearly. Hermione rolled around the floor a little bit, clutching her head and screaming out in pain. Something was about to happen to her. 'I'm going to die.' she thought to herself, 'I'm going to die and no one is going to help me.' 

   Suddenly, her body went stiff as though she had lost all control in her body and coldness engulfed her entire body, leaving the scorching temperature that resided in her body all this time. Then, she gained back control of her body and could finally move again. The pain in her head went away and she felt like she was normal again, but that feeling came back before she knew it. It was as though someone put a Disillusionment Charm over her body, it felt cold and wet. Her entire body tingled, it was a very foreign feeling to her. Hermione slowly moved her body to lean against the wall and tiredly brought her hands up to her face, her palms facing her face. She examined them closely because the tingling feeling hadn't left that part of her body but the rest of her was fine. Hermione slowly turned her hands around so her palms were facing her bed and gasped. Her veins were glowing. On her left hand, her veins were glowing a bright, neon, icy blue. But her right hand was a different color. Her veins on her right were glowing a bright red-orange. Hermione slowly brought her knees to chest and buried her head in the crook of her thighs. She laid there a few moments before she smelt smoke. Hermione lifted her head and spread her legs out in front of her and examined her hands with her palms laid out flat in her lap and she almost screamed. Her breath got stuck in her throat and she felt as though she couldn't breathe. There were ice crystals emitting off of Hermione's left hand and there was a big lick of flame sitting on the palm of her right hand. She rolled her hands into a fist and screwed her eye shut. 'Make it stop. Make it stop!' she yelled inside her thoughts. Tears were slipping out of the corners of her eyes because she was digging her nails into the face of her palm. Hermione opened her eyes and opened her hands. It was gone, her hands had come back to normal.

   A few moments went by as she stared at her hands before she realized something. Something that could change everything. 

   Hermione Granger could control ice and fire from the palms of her own hands. 

  Tom Riddle was right, she had hidden powers. 

   But Hermione didn't need to know that.


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