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"You have failed me, Lucius." spoke a high pitched voice.

"My L-Lord. I promise it will not happen again." the platinum blonde hair man stuttered.

"Ah, but I have been making many excuses for you Hoping that one day you will redeem yourself, but I have waited too long." his crimson eyes glowed menacingly.

"I-I promise My Lord. There will be no excuses this time."

"It is too late for that." everyone's eyes turned to a boy who got pushed into the scene. He had sliver eyes and platinum blonde hair. He looked exactly like his father but younger, "Maybe your son will redeem himself on behalf of you. Come closer Draco, we shall start the initiation."

   The dark manor owned by the Malfoy's were engulfed in horrific screams of pain. Of a boy who had no choice.


   Hermione woke up abruptly from her peaceful slumber. Beads of sweat had gathered at her forehead like she was running for a long period of time. She moved her hand to her forehead to wipe the sweat off her face. Then, she got up to get a glass of water but fell back down with a squeal when her legs couldn't support her weight. Hermione touched her legs and they felt sore. Maybe I was running? She thought. But how?

   Hermione looked over to Ginny who was sleeping peacefully. She didn't want to wake the redhead up from her slumber just to tell her to get herself a glass of water because she obviously couldn't do it herself. Hermione laid back down on the mattress and stared up at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep again but it just wouldn't work. She was too awake and was scared that her nightmares would return, whatever they were. Hermione couldn't actually see anything in her dreams. She could only hear, but hearing was just as bad as seeing what was actually happening. Hermione would hear voices, sometimes of screaming people and sometimes of a very high pitched voice, and sometimes even whispers calling her name. Sometimes, Hermione would wake up and feel like there was something watching her or something suffocating her. It was awful and the worst part was, she didn't even know why it was happening. She hadn't experienced anything horrific in the past few days. Right?

    Hermione was quickly drawn out of her thoughts when she heard screaming and saw thrashing of a certain redhead from the corner of her eye. Ginny. The ginger was wiggling and squirming like something had gotten a hold of her. Hermione almost ran to her friend who was only a foot away from her, but her legs wouldn't let her. 

"Ginny!" Hermione shook her, but Ginny wouldn't open her eyes. 

"Ginny!" At this point, there were tears streaming down Ginny's closed eyes and beads of sweat. gathered at her pale forehead. 

"GINNY!" she screamed in Ginny's ear and the ginger struck forward, almost striking Hermione's forehead. Ginny panted heavily, her chest heaving up and down irregularly. She ran her heads down her pale, stricken face, clearing the mixture of sweat and tears on her face. 

"What happened?" she asked almost scared for the answer Hermione was going to give her.

"You had a nightmare." Hermione said simply but had a heavy tone in her voice. 

"Did I wake you? Did I wake anyone else?" Ginny bombarded Hermione. 

"No you didn't wake me. I was already up, I had a nightmare of my own, actually." Hermione almost whispered the last part but someone needed to know of her nightmares and she couldn't actually tell Harry and Ron about them, "and you didn't wake anyone. At least I don't think." she chuckled trying to lighten the mood but it came out like a cough. 

"Okay. I-I'm going to get some water. Would you like some?" Ginny asked. 

"Yes, I'm parched. Thanks." 

"No problem."

   When Ginny left the room, Hermione was left to her thoughts. She was thinking about the nightmares the redhead was having. Nothing happened to her friend as well. Right? So many questions swam around Hermione's smart mind as she was trying to figure out what was going on. Everything seemed so wrong, but at the same time, it seemed so right. But how? Her thoughts went further to Tom Riddle. She had seemed to stop having dreams about the boy who looked eerily similar to Harry. Hermione had somehow missed him being in her dreams, he was a type of protection for her. She didn't know why, she hadn't even met him but she felt so attached to this handsome boy. 


   Ginny walked down to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses to fill up with water for her and Hermione. Tom Riddle had once again entered her dreams and turned them into nightmares. Ever since her encounter with him the last year, she had been keeping to herself because she was so frightened of accidentally slipping the huge secret. Ginny had half a mind to tell Hermione but when Tom Riddle promises something, he keeps it as she remembered in her first year. 

   She wondered what nightmares Hermione must have been having. Hermione seemed so brave and confident, she didn't think the brunette girl could ever have nightmares because she seemed so strong. 'But then again, you thought you were strong too. But look where that got you.' her conscious mocked her. Everything was turning very bad. Tom Riddle was back and he wanted Hermione, Ginny's only actual friend and was like a sister to her. There was no way in hell that she would let Tom Riddle take her away form Ginny. She fought him once. She could do it again. Right?

   Thoughts swirled inside her head like a pensive as she neared the door of her bedroom. She was glad she was calmer now and not frantic like she was before. Ginny opened her bedroom door to see Hermione sitting on the mattress of her bed, staring off into space. She handed Hermione her glass of water and Ginny sipped a bit of hers, letting the cold water settle into her stomach. Ginny looked over to the brunette, wondering how strong she could be in the middle of all of this. And she wondered if she could be as strong as her. So she made a decision, Ginny would tell Hermione of Tom Riddle. Ginny could not keep the secret any longer. 

   Now, Ginny would truly break free of Tom Riddle's suffocating grasps. 

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