Chapter 1

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We finally make it to the door that leads to the other side of the building. The security main hub. The outside door was just beyond that. Lucas was clinging onto me. Every step he took, he winced. Blood was dripping down his leg.

We were about to reach the door when we heard him.

"Did you forget something?" A low chuckle echoed behind us.

We stop. I close my eyes as they pool with tears. No, he was still alive.

Lucas and I turned in shock. This monster was shot and stabbed several times and he still was able to walk. He was holding his side struggling to breathe. A smug look on his. He was covered in his own blood.

He holds the detonator into the air. I look up at Lucas. We both had the same panicked look.

"You both are good. But I'll always be two steps ahead of you. Don't ever forget that." He clicked the button on the detonator causing the light to turn red.

Suddenly we heard them. The explosions and rumbling. The tower was collapsing on itself. The sound of glass shattering and the earth moving had me paralyzed. Tears pooled in my eyes.

Lucas and I look at one another. He pulled me into him so that we were holding on to one another.

"I love you..." Lucas tells me as he runs a finger down my cheek.

"Forever," I say trying to smile back.

I look up back at the maniac. He looked ready to pass out. He grabbed the wall for balance and started to laugh.

That was the face of a madman who accomplished what he set out to do. To torture us. To kill us.

He instantly stops smiling and looks up. An explosion went off above us and a piece of the ceiling fell on him. Lucas and I were suddenly thrown backward and everything went black.


"Why don't you just move back? It's been two years since anyone has seen you, Jasmen. I miss you a lot. How long are you going to torture yourself? There's nothing over there for you." My younger sister was desperate to get me back home. This was the third time she called me today.

"You know I can't do that, Joce. I might start a new job in a week or so. And besides, how am I supposed to fly over to the states when I have only five dollars to my name?"

I get that moving to London was a huge mistake on my part, but I had to deal with it. I stupidly fell in love with a guy. And my heart made me follow him to London from Pennsylvania.

Everything was great for a year. On Valentine's day, he decided to break up with me. He never really gave me an explanation as to why the breakup. He just told me his heart wasn't into it anymore. It was right after the weekend he went away with his parents.

Didn't surprise me not one bit that it happened after seeing them. I still remember his mom whispering to his dad how annoying my American accent was. She never liked me going to their home for Sunday dinners. She was demented and hurtful.

"I can send you a ticket. Please, come home. I know you don't want to run into momma's boy either. I can get you a job at Robbie's office. His assistant just quit and he's looking for a new hire." My sister paused, waiting for my answer.

"I love my bro-in-Law, but he's a hardass, Jocelyn. And I will not be his flunky. I've seen why his assistants never last long. Didn't he make that one guy cry?"

There was a long pause on the other line. I smiled because I knew she playing over in her head how mean her husband was. To his employees, of course. She ruled that relationship with an iron fist.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Shouldn't mix business with pleasure."

"Thank you." It was always easy to convince my sister. Two years younger than me, but she always acted like a mother to me.

After hanging up the phone with her, I go and start pulling clothes from the closet. Tomorrow was a big day. It was the final interview for a position at Cable Net London at Bowers tower as an assistant.

They just finished construction on the new, massive building. Over 2,100 feet, 100 floors, 44 elevators. I don't even know what I was thinking when I first applied. I was so afraid of heights. Having to work on the 90th floor was going to give me anxiety. But I knew I would somehow manage.

The first two interviews were held on the second floor. Obviously, that wasn't a problem. There were five of us battling for that one position. Three of us made it to the second Interview. I did not expect to be called yesterday by the HR department head and told I made it to the last interview.

"Congratulations, Miss Jasmen Gibson. You made it to the final interview. Please be at Bower tower at 9 am sharp. 90th Floor. Someone will escort you from the reception area."

I don't even remember telling the woman on the phone 'okay' or 'goodbye.' In fact, I wasn't even sure of the date or time. What time did she say? The floor was the only thing I remembered.

As soon as I was able to put my head back on correctly, my macbook chimed. The lady from HR sent me all the information through e-mail, including the date and time. I was relieved.

The sun was starting to set and I wanted to make a statement with my attire. I didn't know who I was up against for this position. Hell, I didn't even understand how I made it this far. The other two people, from the second interview, were mean and rude to me.

During the interview, every time I opened my mouth, they both would smirk at one another. I don't know if it was my american accent or if I just sounded stupid to them. Probably both. Anywho, I'm glad I made it this far.

I placed two dresses in front of the mirror. It was the same type of business, modern dress. One was black and the other was brown. Whichever one I chose, it would be paired with a black blazer and black heels. I also needed to do something with this black, wavy hair of mine. Decisions, decisions.

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