Chapter 21

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Why was she doing this? I kept repeating this over and over again. She was home. Safe. No one would harm her here. Why did she want me nowhere near her? I stumbled onto my bed. I had no more energy to walk, talk or think. I just wanted to be near her.

Looking around, I reached for the only thing I could think of that would give me some type of peace. I grabbed the Pillow she always slept on and hugged it tightly. What did he do to her? How broken was Jasmen, that she didn't want to face me? It was the only thing I wanted to know at this point. I wanted to hug her. Kiss her. But she was broken. So broken....
I just kept thinking about her until the darkness consumed me and the entire day faded away.

Jasmen's Point-of-View

I remember fainting in the Truck and waking up in my room. Maria and Dayo where by my side.
"Dayo" I whisper. My legs hurt beyond intolerable, had a huge headache and my throat was hurting so bad.
He kneels next to the bed and looks at me.
"No one is allowed in here. Only you and Maria. Please, Dayo."
"And Mr. Bower?" Maria had said from the other side. I hadn't noticed she was kneeling on the floor.
She grabs my hand and rubbed it.
"Maria, I know he's been through hell but I can't let him see me this way." My entire body felt sore. I had bruises all over and my face hurt too. The only thing I can think of, is when I blacked out, Sam began to hit me, all over.
"I understand." She had tears in her eyes, "but he's been broken ever since you left. I've never seen him so distraught. All he wants is to be with you. Are you going to deny him that?"
"Yes," My heart broke. "For now, I am."

I woke up from a nap in terrible pain. I tried so hard to stay quiet but couldn't muffle the sound. The pain radiated from my foot, and traveled up my legs. I felt like I was in an accident. The Migraine was even worst. It was blinding. My screaming wasn't helping but it was all I could do.

I hear commotion on the other side of my Door. Lucas was demanding Dayo let him in. Maria kept trying to calm him down but it wasn't working. I heard an unfamiliar voice. The man started to get annoyed and told Dayo to move out the way. The Doctor ran in with Maria right on his tail. She began helping him set up.
"Please," I began to sob and roll to my side, "I need something for the pain!"

"Jasmen, sweetie, I am Doctor Berger. Tell me what's wrong."
He pulled the stethoscope from around his neck, and pulled out a thermometer from his pocket.
"Painful headache, my entire body feels like it's on fire, especially my feet."
"When was the last time she had anything to eat or drink?" He asks Maria.
"Before the kidnapping. Almost three days ago.
The alarm beeps from the thermometer.
Maria pulls it out my mouth. "104."
"Alright," the Doctor pulls a clear I.V. bag from his duffel bag and a needle. He also pulls out alcohol pads, gauze and a tourniquet.
"Now, Jasmen. You are severely dehydrated. I'm going to give you an I.V. After that I'll give you some pain medicine. It'll knock you out so I can work on your feet. How does that sound?"
He looks at me, winks and keeps working.
My head is pounding but I took comfort knowing this pain would end soon.

He puts the tourniquet on, takes the needle and says, "small pinch." I was in so much pain that I didn't feel it. The doctor tells Maria to hold the bag up while he taped the I.V. line onto my skin, removing the tourniquet. She hangs the bag through the metal rod that was on top of the Metal HeadBoard.
I close my eyes and feel the cold liquid enter my bloodstream.
"All right. This should take the pain and make you sleepy." I open my eyes and watch as he puts another needle into the IV.
I closed my eyes. He was right. I was starting to feel better. So much better. I just wanted to hurry up and get better so that I could see Lucas. I knew he blamed himself for everything. He didn't need to see me like this. Bruises because of the choices he made so long ago. And after all this, I knew this wasn't the end of Sam's terror. He wasn't going to stop, not unless he, or both Lucas and I, were dead.

I was sitting up on my bed, feeling a thousand times better. Doctor Berger told me to stay off my feet for a week. Prescribed me some pain meds that worked like a charm.

"Good morning honey. Feeling better?" Maria came in with my Breakfast tray. It had been three days since I got home and I was being fattened. I wondered how much weight I've gained, since all I did was eat and lay.
"I don't need that much breakfast, Maria."
"You don't even know what I have here." She stopped in her tracks. She looked down at the tray and made a sad face.
I laughed.
"Something to do with eggs, fruits, meat, tea, coffee, and Juice." I sighed.
"Fine! You're right. But it's the least we can do for Lucas."
She sits on my bed, puts the tray on my lap and removes the lid. "He wants you eating right. It's the least we can do since you don't let him see you."
I put my head down and agree.
"Do you have to remind me and make me feel bad everyday?" She didn't let it go that I didn't want to see Lucas yet. Not til my wounds healed.
"Yes!" She stands. "Especially since I'm the mole here. I let Dayo know when Mr. Bower leaves for work and comes home. Just so the guy can get some sleep. Uggh!!"
I laugh. "Thank you."
"You're lucky I love you as if you were my own. I'm going to get fired and then you will be supporting me...AND DAYO!"

She lets me eat while she prepares her Mom's home remedy for cuts and bruise. Had something to do with Vaseline and sugar. I didn't know what exactly was in it, but it worked. Every bruise started going away. Even the cut on my lip had new skin growing through the scab.

Later that night, Maria walked in with a small box in her hand.
"I come baring gifts from Mr. Bower."
She placed the box on my lap.
She squeezed my arm and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Good-Night."
"Good-Night," I say as I smile back.

There was an envelope attached to the box. I opened the envelope and pulled out the Card. It was a simple non-folding Card. It had a Dog with sad puppy eyes. He was holding a flower and a banner saying, "I miss you."
"I miss you too, Baby."
I put the card to the side and unwrap the Box.
I start giggling. It was another iPhone. How many phones was that?
I open the box to take the phone out and noticed there was a sticky note on the screen.

Call me. Maybe?

I grabbed my Robe, which is lying next to me, and put it on. Tying it, I make sure it's tucked underneath me properly.
The door opens and he comes rushing in panicked.
"Is everything okay? Do you need me to get Maria?"
I smile. "No, I'm fine. I just need a favor. Can you carry me to Lucas?"
He gets serious and stands tall. "Are you sure? You are not being coerced in any way, correct?"
I laugh and nod. "How? I just got my phone back and no one is able to get past you."
"I take my job serious!"
"I know you do. And I am forever grateful. I will never trust my life with anyone but you again...and of course Mr. Bower."
"Mr. Bower is acceptable. He sits in the Hallway in front of me. Hours at a time. I can feel his love for you. It's ridiculous. I wouldn't do this. Not even for my Girlfriends back home. "
Did he just say Girlfriends?

I swung my legs over the bed. Didn't hurt that much. When I put my feet on the floor. That's another story.
"Ouch!" It burned. My feet had been covered in gauze.
"Stop!" He commands. "I will carry you."
He grabs me Bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Any discomfort?"
"Nope. I feel great."
He starts walking out the room.
"You know Dayo, I may end up loving you. You're not such a brute after all."
I plant a kiss on his cheek to see if I'd get a reaction.
He growls. And then I see the smallest hint of a smile.
I giggle.

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