Chapter 41

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Shawn and Dayo arrived exactly when the Cops did. They had questioned us and asked if the Killers were still inside.
"Samuel Ludwick got away. He was shot in the neck. His guard and his Girlfriend, Cindy, are dead." Lucas told the Sergeant. Shawn and Dayo looked at one another in shock.
"Our Cindy?" Shawn looked at me and asked.
I nodded and looked down.
"Susan Mitchberry was also kidnapped and brought here. We don't know what happened to her." I knew Lucas felt guilty for involving her in this mess, and I had completely forgotten that she was even here. They had searched the entire Building. We were ready to go to the Hospital when I overheard the Radio.
"Sir, we have 4 deceased. 2 males and 2 females."
I looked at Lucas. He was dead! Sam was finally dead.
"Sergeant, the female," Lucas asks, "is she blonde and wearing a pink dress? That might be Susan. And does one of the men have a bullet wound on his neck?"
The Sergeant radioed the question. I held my breath for what seemed like an eternity.
"Confirmed, Sir. There's a female, pink dress, stabbed in the chest, deceased. Male, bullet wound on neck, also deceased."
My happiness was short lived. Susan was dead too.

The Sergeant turned back to me to ask me something when my stomach starting hurting real bad. I slumped over and started to fall. The area between my legs felt very wet.
"No! Lucas!!"
Lucas caught me before I fell.
"What?! What's wrong??!"
I started to scream in pain.

Almost a week had passed since we were kidnapped. I was in bed resting. Doctor told me I would feel a lot of discomfort due to the D&C. When we got to the Hospital, they immediately did an Ultrasound. Our Baby had no heartbeat. When the Doctor told us this, it didn't register until I saw Lucas fall to his knees. This was something I knew that took him by surprise. I was so heartbroken, but more for Lucas. All he does now is mope around the House. Being a Father meant the World to him and it was taken away from him.

Someone knocks on the door.
"Come in," I say, sitting up in Bed.
"Hey, I brought you your Lunch." Maria had walked in smiling. I knew she was just as sad and was trying to mask it for me. She put the tray on my lap and sat next to me.
"Oxtail Soup, rice and crackers," she says as she moves a piece of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear."
"Thank you. Has Lucas eaten?"
"Eh, I finally convinced him to eat a sandwich."
She looked down and patted my leg. "How are you feeling, Jasmen?"
I smile. "Besides empty? Just pain here and there."
"Time heels all wounds. We'll get through this together. You hear me? We are family. Just like I told Lucas. He doesn't need to distance himself from everyone. He's not the only person going through this. Pick yourself up and decide if you both want to try again."
She winked at me, gave me a kiss on my forehead and left the room.

After Lunch, I took a shower and got dressed. Maria was right. We couldn't be stuck sulking. Our baby was an Angel. He or she wouldn't want us mourning forever. Especially when we could always try again.
Once I was done I headed downstairs. Lucas was in his Office talking on the phone.
"Yeah, so I've decided to move to L.A. I was able to get everything moving so I think a new change of scenery will be good for my Wife and I'm going to have to call Bill and let him know I want him stationed here to take care of Bower Tower in London."
He looked up at me. "Alright. We will be in touch. Email me those papers. Thanks."
He hangs up the phone, gets up and walks towards me.
I meet him half way and we hug.
"How are you feeling?"
"Confused," I say.
"Are we really moving to Los Angelos?"
He lets go of me and puts his hands in his pockets frowning.
"Oh, you heard that?  I just figured-"
"You don't have to explain anything. I would follow you anywhere."
He smiled and hugged me again.
"I'm so sorry."
He whispered in my ear.
I look up at him.
"Stop Lucas. Please. This wasn't your fault. I just want us to move forward."
He smiled and kissed me.
"What did I do to deserve you?" He runs his finger down my cheek.
"You hired me. So you're welcome."
He laughed. 
"I want some ice cream. Can we go get some?" I was suddenly craving Mint Chocolate Chip.

"Mrs. Bower. There's a problem."
I put the papers on the desk and turn towards Maddie, my new assistant.
"Well the caterer called and said there won't be any fish served tonight. The refrigerator that housed all the Fish broke. Everything had gotten spoiled. None of it is good."
Maddie was from Australia. Average height, dark skin with Black hair.
"Are you serious?!"
Poor Girl. She had only been working two weeks for me and I had her completely stressed out. I had been promoted to COO of Bower Enterprises. I had so much to do that it kept my mind busy.
"Maddie, I feel a headache coming on."
She looked down at the floor and seemed frightened.
"I am so sorry, ma'am. I tried-" She said on the verge of crying.
"Oh my god Maddie. Stop! This isn't your fault. You've only been here a short while and you make me feel like a monster. Come on, sit down."
I take a seat at Luke's desk and she sits in front of me. We were sharing an Office. He was going to make me an Office across from his, but we would be moving soon so there was no point.
"Now, what can we do? A lot of our guests want Fish. They have to get Fish."
"Well," she coughs. "I could tell them to get Fish from that little shop near the Bay. It's an hour drive, but they have no choice. That no isn't an option. And I'll tell them that if we don't get Fish, I'll put you on the phone, and you're a total crazy person. With all the due respect of course!"
I smile and wink.
"Great! Once that's done, take these papers down to HR, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am."

I sit back in the chair and sigh. It had been a week since I saw Lucas. They had broken ground on Bower Tower LA and he was finalizing everything for our big move. It was going to take almost a year for the Tower to be built so he rented out an entire building that had just been built. Maria and all the girls where going with us. They were all so excited. None of them had ever traveled to the U.S.

Lucas left me in charge of running the Tower, with the help of Diana. She was promoted to Vice President of Communications. It was stressful at times but nothing we couldn't handle. Lucas would be boarding the plane soon and was due to land in a couple of hours. I was so excited. I missed him so much. We were constantly talking and texting. How we got any work done was beyond me. 
I start going through emails when I hear a gruff at the Door.
"Dayo..." I didn't have to look up.
He walked in and sat in front of me.
"Might I bother you for some information?"
I look at him from the computer screen.
"Ummm, sure? What do you need?"
"Highly classified, yes?"
"Sure, Dayo, what's wrong?"
"Your assistant. Is she betrothed to anyone?"
I sit back and try not to laugh. That had taken me by surprise. 
"Well, Dayo. I'm not sure. She just started here and I haven't been able to have girl on girl chats with her. Especially with us working so hard for tonights Charity event."
"You are absolutely right. And besides, we all will be moving to L.A. soon, no point in trying. I am ashamed and embarrassed. I will leave at once."
I start to laugh as he gets up.
"Dayo, if you have a crush on her, I think you need to talk to her. I understand your religion and all, but you need to communicate somehow with the girl. She might be scared of you. And FYI, she will be coming with us. I didn't do an entire back history on this girl for nothing. I even ran background checks on her entire family. She's not staying here. Trust me."
We both look out the glass window to where Maddie was sitting on the phone.
"She," he clears us throat. "She makes me nervous."
"I think the feeling is mutual. She has to run to the second floor. Why don't you accompany her?"
He looks at his hands and then back at her.
"What if she says no?"
"Then by all means, continue making noises around her. She may read between the sounds eventually!"
He scowls at me while I try to hide my smile.
"Is that sarcasm?"
"Yes? Listen, ask her if she's attending tonights event and if she wants a companion. That's all. Get friendly with her. She needs a friend. I know how she feels. She has no friends here. "

He agrees, gets up, and walks towards her.
I didn't hear what he said to her, but she did look like Dayo was trying to murder her. His non-existing expression didn't help either. She then shakes her head yes. Dayo helps her from her seat and they both walk toward the Elevators.
"I could be a matchmaker." I tell myself. "Yeah, if this whole Corporate World doesn't work out, I'll hook people up instead."

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