Chapter 34

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I sat at Luke's Office for about 20 minutes. This was stupid, I really wanted to go home. Right when I decided to use the Bathroom in Luke's Office, Shawn had gotten a phone call and turned to face the Window. I figured it was my opportunity to get my stuff and leave the Building. I didn't want Shawn to get into trouble, but I'd rather let him face Lucas than me. I tip toed to my desk and grabbed my stuff. It was extremely hard tip toeing with Heels on. I don't know how I did it, but I got to the Elevator.

I go through my phone and see my sister had called me. I had been ignoring her for some time, but I needed to tell her what was going on. She had the right to know. Now that Sam had backed out of our lives, I felt like I could tell Jocelyn everything, without fearing for her safety. I decide I would call her for sure once I got home.

The Elevator was taking forever. Long enough, that Shawn should've already noticed my disappearing act and was probably looking for me.
"Thank goodness!"
I put my Blazer on and put my phone into my purse, waiting for the door to open.
The door opens and people start filing out. There was a gap to the right and I slip in. Just when the door was going to close, someone from inside the Elevator stuck his hand out, keeping the door from closing. I turn around.
It was a fuming Lucas.

"You just can't seem to follow orders can you?"
He lets the door go and pushes the Emergency Stop button. I was trapped in the Elevator with Lucas and he was not happy. He then adjusted his tie, takes a deep breath and suddenly looked calm.
"I ask you to come back to work, and you're late every single day. I was being nice when I didn't say anything that first morning."
I've said it before, I can deal with a fuming Lucas. However, a calm one? I was terrified.
"This was one of the most important meetings I've ever had and you almost cost me it." He said through gritted teeth as he suddenly stalks towards me.
"What were you trying to pull? Whoring yourself in front of-"
Wait, what?!
"Whoring myself?! I show some cleavage and I'm whoring myself? Have you seen a lot of your staff in this building lately? Now that you're back on the Market, they all want a piece of you. But you're fine with that right? And it's makes me what? A whore?"
He doesn't say anything and walks to the other side of the Elevator. He leans his head back and closes his eyes.
"It infuriated me. Not that you were dressed this way," he points to my outfit. "But the look of hunger in their eyes at that meeting. They were all practically salivating over you."
I laugh and shake my head.
"Please. What does it matter it you? I'm single remember?" I put my left hand up, showing him we weren't married anymore.
"I'm not bound to no one. Let them all look. I don't care. And who knows? Third times a charm in London. I may find Mr. Right after all!"
It was like a light went off in him and he instantly got pissed. He pulled me to his side of the Elevator and pushed me against the Wall.
"You are bound to me. You are mine!"
"No I'm not. We're divorced remember?"
I go to push him off and he doesn't budge. This wasn't fair. Why was he doing this to me? I was starting to accept everything for what it was, and he was standing in front of me, claiming he still wanted me.
"I wish Susan could see you now. Maybe you can feed her this bullshit. Better yet, marry her and see if you can divorce her in record Time."
I push him again and he doesn't move. He just kept staring at me.
What was he doing?
I wanted and needed to get away from him. He grabbed my face. Oh, please-no, was he going to kiss me?
"Please, don't do this." I whisper.
I feel him start to tremble. What was wrong with him? And then I see it. He wants to say something but was fighting back.
"Lucas, what's wrong?" I put my hand on his face.
"Listen to me. I'm goin to tell you something. After I do it, I'm going to move away and I want you to slap me. Stay on the Elevator and go straight home. Don't call me or text. Do you hear me?"
I was confused. "What are you talking about?"
"Listen, we are being watched. Do NOT look around. Look directly at me. Did you hear what I just said? Slap me when I tell you, and go home."
I shake my head. "Yeah, okay."
He takes a deep breath and smiles at me. "I would never have asked for the Divorce. That night I left you, Sam called. He said he would kill you if I didn't divorce you. If I let you go, he would end all this. He'd stop. And I did. I was stupid in thinking I could trust him. Tate was killed on his way to a meeting with me today. He wanted to come back to work for me."

I was shocked. Tears started rolling down cheek. Sam was the reason behind this? And he killed Lucas's Friend Tate.
"Slap me and go straight home. Don't call-"
"Wait, and Susan? Did you sleep-"
"No, I didn't. That night I drove around thinking how I was going to get you as far as possible from me. I knew you would put up a fight and not leave me. Sam would have to kill you to get you away from me. We both know this. I started to think how I could get you away from me, and she happened to be calling my phone at that moment. I don't know if she's helping Sam or what. I have no choice but to play this game."
I understood.
"I love you and it hurts to breathe being away from you."
I knew he loved me and I, him.
"Now, slap me and push the button to the Elevator and go straight home."
I couldn't move. I looked at the Elevator door but felt paralyzed. Lucas, suddenly grabbed me, pulling me towards him and kissed me. I wanted to melt but I knew this was for show, I needed to act right along with him. Who knew if Sam was watching the Cameras. So I push him away, and slapped him. I hit the Release button and the door opens. Lucas walks out and turns to me. I hit the 1st floor button and stand against the wall. We didn't break eye contact until the door closed.

I start uncontrollably crying. This was so much information to process. I didn't know where
to begin.
"He loves me," I say. I cover my mouth just in case someone was watching. Now I knew no one could be trusted. We were going through this misery together. Not because he wanted to. But because he needed to. To protect me. Then I realize I'm crying tears of joy. I was going to have to fight to get Lucas back. And Sam would have to walk over our dead corpses to separate us again.

Going home proved rather difficult. I tried so hard to not look around.
Was Sam following me?
Did he send his Men to watch over me?
I had my face in my Phone the entire time. My phone rings, startling me.
"Hey sis!" I tried to sound as happy as possible.
"Finally!! Where have you been? Is everything alright? You told me about the creepy guy and then you disappear!"
I close my eyes and pretend to laugh.
"OMG! That's old news. Everything is fine."
"Are you sure? How's Lucas? Everything okay? Are you sure?"
"Yes! Calm down. We are good!" I didn't want to involve her at all. If I told her about the 3 day marriage and the crazed lunatic running around London, she'd come running.
"And this divorce that's plastered all over the internet?"
"Rumors Joce, you know how it is. Don't worry about me. Okay? I'm fine. How's Robbie?"
"Eh. Being a pain in the ass. When he's not working, he's sitting around gaining weight."
I shake my head and laugh. My sister was a damn bully.
"Um. He was always a little fluffy. And you love him."
I stayed on the phone with her until I got to the underground Tube.

It was a stressful ride. I had to look as calm as possible. Glance around once in a while. Anyone could be working with Sam. I had to keep busy and make it look like I wasn't just told Sam hunting us was back on. I try to pass the rest of the time playing Solitaire.
Losing streak.

Once I was home, I threw myself into the shower. Today was beyond stressful and I wanted nothing more than to talk to Lucas. He made it clear that we couldn't speak at all. I started to get paranoid again. Every sound in the Hallway had me freezing. After hours of pacing around the entire apartment, I went to the Kitchen and grabbed the two biggest Knives I could find. I walked to my room and put them under my pillow. I even moved the dresser in front of the my Bedroom door. If Sam got into my Apartment, he would have to make a lot of noise to get into my Bedroom. That would give me plenty of time to embody 'Edward Scissor Hand' and go psycho on his ass!

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