Chapter 28

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"No?" He was surprised. I was more surprised that came out my mouth.
"Yeah, No thanks." I turn and walk into our Bedroom Bathroom.
"Um, weren't you hounding me a week ago about going back to work. Now you don't want to go?"
After everything that happened, I didn't want to enter the Tower. I was fine at Home. Truth be told, I'd rather Lucas stay home with me but I knew he was important to so many people, and he wouldn't let Sam deter him in any way.

I walk into the Bathroom and grabbed my Toothbrush. I put it up to my mouth and saw my Ring glisten in the Mirror, thanks in part to the rays shining through the Bathroom window. After he popped the question, early this morning, I said yes. He ran into his Office and came back out with a Cartier box. I opened it. It was a Miadora Signature Collection 18k Gold 5 5/8ct Cushion-cut Halo Diamond Ring. He told me he planned to propose to me the night of the Ball. That was a bust, for obvious reasons. We then agreed to elope. The only people who would know were Maria and our personal guards. No one else outside that. Once the threat was over, we'd plan out our wedding. I finished brushing my teeth, washed my face, and left the bathroom.

"Well I owe you a trip to Paris. How about this weekend?"
I get he was trying to be nice but it wasn't working.
That was a lie. It was.
"Baby," I say walking up to him. "I don't need a trip or my closet stocked, I am happy if you're happy. Okay?"
He had also planned to get my closet filled with clothes, shoes and Jewelry. As we spoke, the maids Kate and Maddie, were coming in with racks and boxes of things.
I would be lying again if I didn't say how excited I was. He was definitely earning brownie points.
"Well do you at least like my surprise?"
He says sadly, pointing to the closet.
"Are you kidding me?" I wrap my arms around him. "What woman doesn't dream of owning hundreds of shoes. Thank you!"
He smiles and I kiss him on the forehead, chin, and make my way to his lips.
"I'm not going anywhere ever again. Okay? And if I feel like something is off, I'll communicate with you."
"Same here."

The day went by quickly. I spent the majority of the morning helping the Girls with my closet. So many designer things and they all had price tags still on them. Anything I didn't like I gave to them. Maddie had to sit down when I told her she could have a $11,000 Oscar de la Renta blouse. Kate kissed my hand when I told her she could have a pair of Christina's Louboutin heels. These girls always made me laugh.

I showed Maria my engagement ring. She started to cry and promised not to say a word to any of the staff. She had already known, since she actually went with Luke to buy the ring. With everything going on, I realized I forgot to call Jocelyn. She would die when she heard I was engaged. I make my way up to my room because I left my phone charging all Morning. I enter the Room and realized the Closet door was wide opened. I heard someone in there. 

I walk in. It was that maid. The one that was flirting with Lucas, early this morning. She was looking through my jewelry drawer.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like, Ma'am?" She says with an attitude. "I'm dusting."
She pretends to dust with a rag.
"What's your name, and it's Miss Gibson. Not ma'am."
"Giselle, ma'am."
"Well Gisele, there's only one person in this house allowed in here to clean, and you look nothing like Kate. So get out! I see you in here again, I will fire you."

She smiles at me. She freezes when she hears Luke call for me. He was walking into the room. Giselle starts to pull her hair, scream and pushes me to the Floor, while running out to the Closet.
"Lucas," she yells. "Help me, she's crazy!"
Lucas? Why was she falling him by his first name.
He runs into the closet and sees me trying to get up. "What happened? Are you okay?" He extends a hand.
"No, Luke. I found your Maid in my jewelry drawer. I never touched her. She's crazy."
I fix myself.
He calls Giselle in and asks her what happened.
"I was cleaning the closet and dusting. She comes in screaming and starts going on about us. I told her there was nothing going on. I'm so scared Lucas." She grabs onto his arm.
"Meeting!!" I yell.
I walk by the two of them. I start screaming at the top of my lungs.
"I want every staff member of this house in the Foyer!!! Now!!" I start banging on doors.

Heading into the Kitchen, I start to yell the same thing. Maria comes rushing out of the Pantry with a confused look.
I sit on a stool, in the Kitchen, giving everyone ample time to congregate. I hear Giselle telling the other girls about how she had been attacked my me. How scared she was. It gives me all the motivation to get up and head to the Foyer. There had to be about 30 people.
I point to the next room.
"Alright. Everyone make your way into Living Room."
Giselle was right on Luke's tail. I wanted to drag her by her hair but kept my cool.
"Every person that lives under this roof is family. The person to the left and right of you is family. Behind you, the guards, me and Mr. Bower, we are all family. Granted, Mr.Bower is King around here. And every time anyone needs anything, he is the first to help. He helps each and every one of you. You all don't get the regular person wage, am I right? You all are sitting on some nice accounts. Now, as his woman, I feel as though I need to protect him. Protect his Castle, if you will. Especially if there's a rotten fruit among us. It's spoils the rest, you know?
Now since I've been here, there has always been ONE person allowed to clean Mr. Bower and my room. It's no secret, we all know who she is. And it's for obvious reasons why that is. If no one knows, it's because their are Millions in Dollars in Jewelry in our Room. So, to be fair, I'm going to let Giselle here tell you what happened and why she looks disheveled."

Giselle eyes grow big while everyone looks towards her.
"I...She's crazy!" She points towards me. "I was in her room cleaning and she tells me how she's sick of Lucas giving me attention. She yanked my hair!"
Everyone looked shocked. They all look from her to me and start whispering. I walk around and grab the TV remote.
"Lucas, please put up the security footage from our closet. Start it from, I guess, 20 minutes ago." He grabs the remote from me and does as told. The video shows Giselle walking into the closet. There's no audio. She runs her fingers through my dresses and shoes. Starts looking through drawers. She then opens my Jewelry drawer and pulls out a bracelet, which she then puts into her pocket. She starts rummaging through the other drawers and grabs more jewelry. She goes to the Mirror and starts modeling them. It must've been when I walked into the Bedroom, because she freezes and puts the other jewelry back. The video shows me standing 5 feet away from her with my arms crossed. She then walks up to me, stops, pulls her hair and pushes me to the floor. She runs out. I guess Luke had seen enough because he pauses it. Two guards come forward and they grab Giselle by her arms. Maria walks up to her, reaches into her pocket and pulls out my bracelet, shaking her head.

"You're fired!" Maria say calmly. She was in charge of hiring and firing the House Staff. 
Giselle laughs. She then looks me up and down and says, "Bitch."
The guards go to pull her away and I stop them.
"You're right," I say smiling. "But I'm his Bitch!"
I point at Lucas.

Once they take her out the house, Kate's starts to laugh. And the other maids join her. Maria turns and looks at them in disbelief. Lucas walks towards me and puts his arms around my neck and kisses the back of my head.
"What is so funny?" Maria looked very upset.
"What?!" Kate tries to say serious. "I told that girl to stay away from that room and Mr. Bower. I told her if Miss Gibson caught her she would be given the boot. And it wasn't worth it. The pay here is like nothing we've ever seen." The other staff nod in approval. "I even made a bet with Claire that she wouldn't make it past 2 months. Claire dear, you owe me 5 large!"
Claire's eyes open wide and she puts her head down.
Lucas starts to laugh and sees that Maria is giving him a dagger look.
He clears his throat uncomfortably. "Alright, back to work."

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