Chapter 24

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"Mr. Bower's Office, how can I help you?"
Being back at work was a dream. I didn't mind the phone going off the hook, making copies, running to the CNL Floor to get contracts for Lucas to sign. It was all worth it. Yesterday he said I could go to work and that's exactly what I was doing. Nothing could ruin my mood.

I decided I wanted to stop by Cindy's Floor and see if she had any clothes on that I gave her.
She looked up at me smiling but it didn't reach her eyes.
"So you want to grab lunch? I'm ordering. How about, Chinese?"
She was going through her phone and looked up at me.
"No thank you. I'm going to stick around here until it's time to leave." She puts her head back down and continues writing her text message.
I walked away confused.
She never turned down food. I chalked it up to that time of the month or she had a fight with her Boyfriend.

I go back upstairs and I see that Lucas isn't in his Office. Security was in there thought. Shawn was sitting on a chair near the Window. He looked up and waved at me.
"How's Tate?" I say walking into the Office and taking a seat on the desk.
"He's great. Starts therapy soon and keeps nagging about coming back to work."
I understood completely.
"What does Lucas say about that?"
"I know he wants him to take some time off. After that, he will discuss where Tate will go from there. I'm sure Lucas will hire him back. He's always been Mr. Bower's first in command."
"So..." Shawn stands up. "I was told to take you home for your hair and nail appointment."
I looked up at him confused.
"The Ball tonight. Did you forget?"
With everything going on, I completely forgot.
"Oh, of course! Where's Dayo? He usually drives me." He had brought me to work this morning and I hadn't seen him in a couple of hours.
"He's actually with Mr. Bower right now."
I nod, get my things and make my way to the Elevator.

I was surprised to find out Lucas had one of the Bedrooms made into a Salon. Two hair stations, two Nail Tables, and two Pedicure massage chairs.
I was getting my hair washed when my phone rang. The caller ID said Cindy. Was she in a better mood? I put her on Speakerphone.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She says cheerfully.
"Getting ready for tonight. Are you feeling better?"
She nervously laughs. "I'm sorry. I was such a bitch earlier. Trevor and I have been going at it a lot lately. You were the last person I should've taken it out on. You know?"
"I understand. No worries. Men can be so infuriating. But we can't help who we love."
"Or who they love. But I have to go. I'm helping Trevor with some stuff. Ill see you Monday morning?"
I was still stuck on what she meant by 'or who they love.' Was he cheating on her? He probably was. Come Monday morning I was going to hound her about it.
"Yeah. Take care Sweetie!"

My hair and makeup didn't take long at all. I decided on a high bun with red Nails. Making my way to the Bedroom, I see Maria and she asks if she could help me with my dress.

She takes the Dress out the bag and I follow her into the closet. I pull off my Robe and I'm basically standing their naked. Maria holds the Dress open as I climb in and helps carefully pull it up. She brings the sleeves up and I slip my arms in.
I stand in front of the mirror.
It was a Dark Wine Sequins Dress. Bareback with a small train. I had picked it out a week ago when Lucas had a stylist come by. He was to dress us for this occasion. I was not to happy about it. Nor did I care for this Dress. At that time I decided I wasn't going. Come to think of it, someone should've smacked me for choosing this color.

Maria turns and grabs my choker from its box. She carefully put its on me. It's basically a necklace but it hangs down your back. White Gold and thin. Simple, yet expensive. She then reaches for the Mask. As she removes my mask from the Mannequin, I put my Diamond earrings on. She turns back and places the Mask on my face. I hold it as she ties it. It was a simple Mask with Black Diamonds all over it.
"$400,000 just on this mask alone. Do you think Lucas will get mad if I donate it?"
She smiles and shrugs her shoulders.
"You're quit moody. Usually being pampered calms a person down. What's wrong?"

I just stand there looking at myself in the Mirror. I don't even recognize myself.
"Is it wrong that I don't want to go?" I turn and look at her.
"Not at all. Have you told Lucas?" She says as she gets up and fixes the tail of the Dress.
"No. It's his Benefit and he's excited about tonight. I didn't want to mess anything up."
"You know, you're happiness means everything to him. If you would've went and told him from the beginning, I'm sure he would've put your mind at ease."
"So what you're saying is that, it's too late and I have to suck it up?"
"Yes!" Maria says as she stands in front of me. "You are a vision! And you need this. Besides, weren't you just nagging him about letting you out the house?"

Lucas was already at the Venue. He had some last minute things to go over before guests started pouring in. That was almost an hour ago.
I was late.
"Are you on your way?"
"Yes, we just left the house."
I called Lucas to let him know we were on our way.
"Alright, I'll see you when you get here."

We had arrived 30 minutes later. The Masquerade Ball was being held at Venue-St. Paul. A place not far from Bower Tower.
"Are you ready?" Dayo looks at me through the rear view mirror.
I look out at the Building and sigh.
"Better late than never."

I didn't bother stopping for Paparazzi. I didn't want anyone asking me any questions about my kidnapping.
I ignored them all, and kept walking.
What a bitch, is what they probably though.
Fair to say, I didn't care.

We walk into the Building. I see Shawn and make a B line towards him.
"Miss Gibson."
"Hello, Shawn. Could you point me in the direction of Mr. Bower."
He smiles and points towards the Big double doors.
"Thank you."
I was so nervous I thought I might throw up. There were so many people here. And this was just the people in the Lobby Area.
I hold my breath as I walk into the Room.

It was beautiful. There was the big white staircase leading down into the Dance Floor. Everywhere else was carpeted in Gray. The wall to the left of the Room was Glass while the other was White, with Purple Accent Lighting. White and Purple Lily's encase in tall Glass vases on the tables and floor.   White candles everywhere. The ceiling had circular, long rods hanging from them. The Orchestra was sitting in the corner towards the back, playing Beethoveen's 5 Secrets.  This was breath-taking.
Lucas was talking to a guest when he finally looked up and saw me.

Please don't fall, please don't fall, please don't fall.
I kept repeating this as I made my way down the steps. Lucas was already at the bottom, waiting for me.
He smiled at me and takes my hand and plants a small kiss on it.
"I was going to give you a whole lecture on the importance of punctuality, but since you look this ravishingly, never mind." He spins me around.
I put my head down. "Thank you Mr. Bower."

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