Chapter 20

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Jasmen's Point-of-View

I was out of breath, cold, and hungry. How long have I been running?
If I didn't slow down my pace, I would pass out.
I was beginning to get very weak. Might have something to do with the pain and blood loss coming from my feet. Felt like I had been running for hours and I had no shoes on.
They hurt so bad.
Sitting on the side of the road came across my mind. Then the imagine of Sam finding me made me I more determined to find a house or a person. Anyone.

Rubbing my arms to keep warm was no help at all. The worst part was the sun was starting to set, and it would definitely start to get even colder. Where the hell was everybody? Anybody.

Finally! I see someone driving towards me. Driving a a small, blue truck. I run onto the Middle of the road and start waving like a maniac.
"Please, stop!! Please!!"
The driver slows down and stops in front of me. I run to the driver side.
It was an older man.
"Please," I beg him, starting to sob. "I was kidnapped. I have no idea where I am. I'll give you money if you take me home. I promise."
"Kidnapped??!" He jumps out the Truck.
"Are you okay, Sweetheart? God you look horrible!" He sees I'm shivering and reaches for a blanket in the back of the truck. I didn't care how filthy it looked. The warmth felt good once he wrapped it around me.

He walks me around to the passenger side, opening the door for me.
I climb in.
"What direction where you coming from?" He asks. I point directly in front of us.
"Good, let's go the opposite way."

I give Stan the address. He was a sweet, old man. He turned the heat up and reached under his seat for his pistol.
"Oh, don't worry. If anyone gets near this truck, they'll have to get pass this."
He waves the gun.
Not one time did Stan make me nervous. I knew he'd take me home. He knew the area and wanted me to stay down until he was sure we were out of the country side.

An hour had gone by.
"Are we almost there yet?"
I say trying to keep my eyes open. My entire body started to ache and my feet were hurting so bad. I was trying hard not to cry. Getting out this truck was going to prove to be impossible.
"Yes, 10 more minutes. Up this hill here."
Yes, he was right. I look around. Everything was starting to look familiar.
I lay back with my eyes closed. I tell Stan its the house on the right. Big white gate. Security should be standing out there.

"Miss. Look, we're here."
He stops several yards from the Gate. There were news vans and spectators lined up. I don't know how I managed the strength but I open the door and exit the car, falling to the ground. Getting up, I see security running towards me in slow motion. I try to crawling towards the gate but I am engulfed in so much pain. Glancing at my feet, I see they are covered in Blood.
I look around for Stan.
One of the guards has him leaning against his Truck holding his gun.
"No!" I try to scream. "He's helping me. Leave him alone!" I tried desperately to scream but I don't think any words were coming out. Lights from every direction shined on my face. Then suddenly, hands wrap around my face.
"Princess, are you okay?"
I look up to a familiar voice and smile. Dayo.
Stan was cursing up a storm.
Everything was still in slow motion.
"Dayo, he's a friend. Please."
I point towards Stan. Dayo hears me because he runs towards Stan and moves everyone away from him.
Dayo runs back to me, lifts me up and puts me back in the Truck. He gets in right behind me and yells something at Stan. Stan then jumps into the Truck and drives us onto the property.

I can finally see all the House lights. Maria and Cindy come into view, followed by Lucas. I was home. Finally I was home. I look up and see Dayo staring at me.
"It's over. You're home." His words were comforting. I place my hand on his face. It's the last thing I see before I black out.

Lucas Point-of-View

I hadn't gotten any calls that following day. My Office was a mess but I refused to leave the Room. I was waiting on anything. A call, text, anything. Her face was plastered all over the TV and I started to lose faith that she was alive. That sick asshole assaulted her and I couldn't do a thing about it.

Falling TowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora