Chapter 9

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Happy Monday update!! Thanks again for all your votes and comments, hope you like this one.

Because is it even a ghost bird fan fiction if Gabriel doesn't get to shop? Here goes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him, he keeps staring at me like I've grown another head.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me you're joking." I laugh, thinking he's messing around but quickly stop when he glares at me.

"What are you talking about, I was asking if you guys all wanted to go to the wedding with me. Rocky and Jay wanted to meet my new friends, probably to make sure you're not all secretly psychotic axe murderers." I don't get what the big deal is.

He shakes his head, looking at me like a disappointed father. "Trouble, Trouble, Trouble, what the fuck am I gonna do sigh you?"

This makes me laugh, he's such a drama king. "Gabriel, what are you talking about? I don't see what the big deal is."

My Meanie takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger before settling his crystal blue eyes back on me. "The big deal, Trouble, is that this wedding is now only two fucking weeks away, and you're just now telling me." He pauses, like that should explain everything, which I'm sure in his beautiful, chaotic mind it does.

"So?" Oh cheese and crackers, that was not the right thing to say.

"So? Fucking so? That means I only have two motherfucking weeks to not only find you the most gorgeous fucking dress ever, but also to make sure my 13 other brothers look fan-fucking-tastic in suits. Do you understand how god damn motherfucking difficult it is to wrangle Raven, Brandon, North, and Nathan into fucking suits and a fucking tie!" By the end of his rant, Gabriel is panting, red, and pulling at his once artfully styled hair, and, being the horrible person that I am, I do the worst possible thing I could've done in the moment.

I laugh.


I get the giggles so bad that I fall off the couch, my whole body shaking with the force of my laughter. I laugh so hard I cry, and it takes me several minutes to stop.

Controlling myself, I sit up from my new spot on the floor while wiping the hysterical tears from my face. Looking up I see a gaping Gabriel before noticing that Luke and Nathan have joined him, also with open mouths staring at me. Huh, I wonder when they got home?

Nathan is the first to break from his stupor. "Uh...Peanut? Mind explaining why Gabe here looked like he just ran a mile while you were rolling on the floor giggling like a hyena?" His description of the situation almost sets me off again but I manabas to fight back the giggles this time.

"I just asked him if he was on board to go to the wedding, then he started acting weird and talking about dresses and suits and something about North in a tie?" I explain and both he and Luke nod like this makes perfect sense.

"Oh. Got it."

"No further explanation necessary, Peanut."

Gabe looks torn between being mad at them for making him sound so predictable and still being frustrated with me for the whole two week notice thing. Finally he seems to just give up and his shoulders drop.

"No fucking appreciation." He shakes his head and stomps down the hall, followed by a slamming door so I assume he went to his studio/bedroom.

Looking to Nathan and Luke, I see them sharing communicative glances, obviously trying to decide which of them is going to go after their butthurt brother this time. I stand, since this is mostly my fault it should be me who apologizes. Besides, if he's mad at me then who the heck is going to take me shopping for the right dress? I know that Karen and Jade would be happy to take me, but I don't trust them to make me look do I say this kindly? Like a classy hooker. I love them dearly but I'm not quite comfortable showing the rest of the world what all I've got "goin' on" as Jade is so fond of saying.

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