Chapter 15

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Yay for Monday updates! Time for Sang's first date, lots of North in this chapter because even though I'm not supposed to pick favorites, he's mine :) Happy reading!


"Oy! Trouble, will you stop fucking wiggling?" Gabriel grunts at me, the words muffled by the comb between his teeth. Currently he's styling my hair into big, loose curls all down my back, working with my natural wave because if he does anything else the bike will just fuck it all up anyways, his words.

"Sorry, Meanie," I say sheepishly, shoving my hands under my thighs to keep myself from fidgeting like a crazy person, but I'm nervous. After all, tonight is my first date ever, the first time I've actually spent longer than an hour alone with just one of my guys. I'm both excited to get to know North even better, and terrified I'll muck things up and they'll realize what a mistake they made with me.

"Hey," he says when I go quiet, turning me to face him. "Whatever you're thinking right now, stop it. We all love you, and tonight is going to be amazing, so take those doubts and kick them the fuck out right now." The fact that he only cursed once in that entire speech shows me how serious he is, his crystal blue eyes intent on my face as if he's lasering the words into my brain forever.

I feel myself relax as what he's saying starts to sink in, closing the door on that doubtful voice inside my head that sounds suspiciously like my stepmother. "Thank you, Gabriel," I whisper and the shadows clear from his beautiful blue eyes, and a wicked smile forms on his face that scares me a little.

"Now that we have that shit all taken care of, time for you to get dressed." Taking my hands, he pulls me to stand in front of him. "Your outfit and shit is on your bed." Gabriel follows up his direction with a light slap of my butt, causing me to jump and hurry to my room with a surprised squeak.

"Meanie!" I gasp, scandalized, but I get no answer; instead, his wicked laugh sounds from the bathroom.

Huffing in disbelief I turn to my bed to get dressed and nearly groan aloud when I see the outfit he's laid out for me: High heels, an open back, black halter top, a cropped leather jacket, and leather pants. It's the last one that gives me pause, knowing from experience how difficult it can be to squeeze yourself into leather. Last year I'd had my heart set on being catwoman for Halloween, right up until I'd had to try the costume on. By the time I'd managed to get the thing up my legs, I'd been frustrated, sweaty, and had to pee. Thankfully, getting out of leather proved far less difficult than putting it on, so there had been no accidents at the costume shop, although Erica and Jessica had a good laugh. Let's just say that's not an experience I ever wanted to repeat.

"Meanie, do I really have to wear the leather pants?" I shout, and he walks into the room a second later.

"Do you not like it?" He asks, and I hate that I've made him second guess himself.

Shaking my head quickly, I explain myself. "No! Wait, not that I don't like it...I mean, I love it, but, you know how hard it is to put on leather pants?" By the end of my muddled explanation, I'm nearly hyperventilating and Gabriel is laughing so hard he's doubled over with tears falling from his eyes.

Getting himself together he rests his hands on my shoulders. "Breathe, Trouble. Fuck yes you need to wear them, North will lose his shit and I for one would very much like to watch that happen."

Groaning, I drop my head forward onto his chest. "I don't understand why that would make him lose his...stuff."

He just smirks. "Because leather pants are fucking sexy on the right person, aka you, and to answer your previous question, I do in fact know how hard it is to put on leather pants, me and Raven had to wear them for a mission once."

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