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Breaking Brielle

Chapter Seven

Not Edited

~ Brielle Clark's POV ~

"I'm glad you decided to take me up on my offer" Jackson grinned as we walked onto the football field.

"I'm glad as well" I giggled.

"Alright so let's start with the basics" Jackson said. "One 11 man team has the ball"


"That's the offense. They're goal is to get the ball down the field" He pointed down the field. "Either by throwing it or running with it"

"Okay" I nodded.

"They're also scoring points by passing goal lines and getting into the end zone- over there" He pointed to what I assumed was the end zone.

Honestly, this wasn't very interesting for me. Sports were never something I was interested in, but Jackson seemed to be a cute, interesting guy.

"Can you tell me what I just said?" He smiled at me.

"Of course" I laughed. "The offensive team has to get the ball down there while scoring points on the goal lines"

"Good" He smiled.

"So I'm assuming the other team is the defense?" I assumed and he nodded. "They try to get the ball?"

"Yep. Everytime the offensive team scores or loses possession of the ball, the teams switch" He explained. "Each team has 3 separate units. Ones that are used for offense, ones that are used for defense and ones for kicking situations"

He continued explaining little things that I didn't care for about football. Even though I was getting bored, I listened intensely. He seemed so into it.

"These are here to help everyone keep track of the ball. They're yard lines" He gestured to the white lines on the field. "Those are the end zones, where you score points"

"Cool" I smiled politely and he laughed.

"You're bored"

"Oh no! I'm just-" My eyes widened.

"Don't worry. Football isn't for everyone" He smiled.

"Are you planning on playing professionally?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to college for it next year" He grinned proudly.

"Wow that's amazing"

"Yeah. My parents are pretty happy. So am I. Hopefully I can make it into a career" He nodded.

"Hopefully. I've never seen you play but I bet you're really good" I smiled.

"You really need to come to one of my games before the season ends"

"Of course!" I nodded eagerly.

"Good" He smiled.

We spent another hour just hanging around the football field. Talking about football, his family, his classes etc. I enjoyed listening to him talk about things that made him happy. I just liked when people were happy and talking about this stuff seemed to make him happy.

Sometimes I would get lost in some of the things he would be explaining. He would get really passionate about it and start speaking faster and using words I didn't understand but it was interesting. I wonder if I got that way about things I was interested in.

I guess that would be a bit creepy. I mean all I'm really interested in is random facts about serial killers, weird history, conspiracy theories and stuff like that. I don't think anybody wants to see me getting that passionate about the zodiac killer.

"What're you thinking about?" Jackson smiled at me.

"Just about how passionate you are about football" I blushed.

"Is that a good thing?" He leaned closer.

"Maybe" I grinned cheekily.

"Maybe" He repeated and I nodded. "Brielle can I-"


We jumped apart and looked towards the doors to the gym.

"Matt!" Coach Kenneth pushed the door opened.

Matthew was storming down the pavement to the parking lot angrily. I gasped when he gave Coach the middle finger.

I waited for Coach Kenneth to start screaming at him. I've heard he was pretty strict with students. But he just sighed and shook his head. He looked guilty.

"God, this kid" Jackson muttered under his breath.

"I should go after him" I frowned.

"What?" Jackson's eyes snapped towards me.

"He looks upset and I'm his friend" I explained.

Jackson stared at me for a minute before sighing.

"Okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow" He said and I smiled.

"See you tomorrow, Jackson. Bye!" I waved before running towards the parking lot.

"Matthew!" I called as his tall frame came into view.

He glanced back at me before picking up his speed and I noticed his slight limp again.

"I know you hear me" I called while jogging faster.

"Hey! I know you were some amazing football player and that you can probably walk fast forever. But I'm not. Like the most exercise I've really done is at the diner" I breathed heavily and he didn't stop but his pace slowed down.

"And even then. I eat alot so I'm not really burning any calories but that's not the point. I can't run fast and you're still pretty far away"

He didn't reply but I did hear him make an annoyed sound.

"I just want to make sure you're okay" I huffed and he stopped short making me almost trip over my own two feet.

"What do you want?" He spinned around so he was facing me.

"To make sure you're okay?" I frowned.

"No. What do you want from all of this crap?" He growled.

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why are you always talking to me? Leave me alone. You don't know me. I don't know you. You don't need to make sure I'm okay. You need to go back to Jackson and stay out of my life" He ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm talking to you because nobody else does?" I bit my lip. This was an uncomfortable conversation. I've never actually seen him show emotion or talk this much.

"That's how I like it. I spent my junior year making people leave me alone. You can't just come here and try to change that" He turned around to walk away .

"You deserve a friend" I mumbled and he sighed.

"Brielle. I don't need any friends here because when after graduation, I'm leaving and I'm never coming back"

"Why would you want to this place?" I asked and the eyes that met mine were the saddest I've ever seen.

a u t h o r s   n o t e

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