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Breaking Brielle

Chapter Twenty-one

Not Edited

~ Brielle Clark's POV ~

This was going to be awkward. The last time I saw the Preston's, I basically cursed Mr. Preston out and stormed out of the house after Matt. I never went back. Matt did, obviously. He told me that nobody mentioned anything that happened but his dad did stop being so harsh on him.

Their relationship wasn't fixed but he wasn't getting yelled at for things he couldn't control.

I looked down at my outfit and sighed. I hope he liked it... Ever since I realized I had feelings for him, I've been worrying more and more about how I look. Today I decided to wear a simple long sleeve, white, button up blouse and a pair of floral leggings and some flats.

I grabbed the gift I got him and stepped out of Faye's car. I was able to borrow it for the day because she had gotten grounded for not coming home after the Sweetheart's dance.

I walked towards the door and waited a minutes before knocking.

"Brielle! Darling! It's so good to see you! Come in! Let me bring that into the living room for you!" Mrs. Preston opens the door and takes the gift. "Matthew! Brielle's here! He'll be downstairs in a minute"

Mrs. Preston left me in the foyer and I looked around the room a little bit. I noticed a new picture on the wall and smiled a little bit.

"Hey" Matt greeted me as he came down the stairs. "Oh uh Mom did that" He said when he noticed me staring.

Mrs. Preston framed and hung up our Polaroid from the dance.

"Happy birthday" I leaned over and gave him a hug.

"Thanks" He leaned into the hug and I grinned.

"Aww look at the cute couple" Eric said from the top of the stairs.

"Hugging when they think they're all by themselves" Anthony joked.

"Guys leave them alone" Summer shook her head.

"Oh! Is Matt's girlfriend here?" Marilyn asked but she must have been behind Summer because I couldn't see her.

"You guys are annoying" Matt pulled away.

"Hi!" I waved.

"Hi!" Marilyn stuck her hand through Eric and Summer to wave and I laughed.

"Come on, let's go to the living room" Matt lightly grabbed my arm to guide me down the hallway.

"I got you a gift but your mom took it" I said.

"You got me a present?" He grinned at me.

"Mhm" I laughed.

"H-Hello!" A little voice said.

"Hello!" I smiled widely at Matt's baby sister, Sky.

"She's been learning how to talk" Matt laughed.

"I can tell" I glanced at Matt.

He was making silly faces at Sky... He was such a good brother.

"Don't look at me like that" He said when he noticed me staring.

"Like what?" I teased and he shook his head.

"Ew! Mom they're flirting!" Sage groaned making me blush.

"I hate living here sometimes" Matt snorted and walked over to sit on the couch.

The next few hours are just filled with talking, eating McDonald's and playing with Sky.

"You're goo with her" Matt commented at one point.

Matt's dad was avoiding me, which I was thankful for but when Mrs. Preston called everyone in to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Matt, we had to face each other.

Of course he didn't mention what happened the last time we were in the same room but it was obvious that everyone could feel the awkwardness.

We finished eating the cake and sat around the living room watching Matt open his presents. There was 6 for him. 1 each from his parents, 1 from Eric and Marilyn, 1 from Summer and Anthony, 1 from all the children and 1 from me.

He opened each gift up and thanked everyone. He started opening the one from his dad and a smile broke out on his face.

"They're for next football season. I thought maybe you and I could go together" Mr. Preston said. "Unless you want to take Brielle"

"Oh no! I'm not very into Football so it'd be a waste" I laughed.

"Thanks Dad" Matt leaned over and gave Mr. Preston a hug.

Hopefully this was a start at repairing their relationship.

"This ones from Brielle!" Mrs. Preston said while handing him my gift.

"Is it a shirt?" He laughed as he tore the wrapping paper off.

"Just wait and see" I smiled.

"Is this... How much did this cost you?" He looked up at me with wide eyes.

"That doesn't matter" I laughed.

"Yes it does. This is an autographed football jersey from one of the best players in the NFL" He stared at me.

"Matthew it's fine. I have the money and you deserve it" I smiled at him.

"Thank you so much" He said after a few minutes.

"Ooh Matt and Brielle sittin' in a tree..." Sage and May sang and everyone laughed.

I wish Matthew was this happy everyday...

a u t h o r s   n o t e

Sorry this chapter is so short! It's just a filler! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

The next book will be about Sage Preston and it will be called One Of a Kind!

Don't forget to,

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