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Breaking Brielle


Not Edited

~ Matthew Preston's POV ~

One year after the Epilogue

"Mommy is going to be very angry at me" I stare at the little bundle of joy in front of me. "Okay I'm lying. Mommy doesn't know how to get angry"

My little man and I have been walking through the supermarket for an hour because Brielle sent River and I out to get some stuff for the barbeque we're hosting later today and there is no more Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream left.

River was born 8 months ago. We named him after Brielle's father. It took me hours to convince her that I was okay with it. I remember the day he was born. It was the best day of my life. A close second was the day I met Brielle.

We were at my parents house when her water broke. Mom and I were panicking because Dad had his car at work and Mom's car was in the shop. Brielle's car was at home and she wanted to take a walk there.

While Mom and I were losing our heads, Brielle just smiled at the sight. She thought it was cute while I was terrified. Then Eric walked into the house and cracked up because I didn't have my prosthetic on and was hopping around the kitchen.

Mom beat him with her purse. Some things never change.

Eric drove us to the hospital and Brielle was in labor for 6 hours before giving birth. She wanted to give a natural birth.

This was the one and only time I have ever seen that woman not happy. But as soon as she saw him, her beautiful smile was back on her lips.

I didn't really notice how amazing and beautiful my son was until later that night. I was distracted by Brielle, my parents and my siblings all day that I didn't get time to see my baby.

It was 10 pm and Brielle was asleep. She insisted on staying awake for the 10 o'clock feeding but by nine she was gone.

We were bottle feeding so the nurse didn't have to wake her up. He handed me River and the bottle. Then River opened his eyes and he was staring up at me with his big blue orbs. All day, everyone was telling me that he looked exactly like me but until that moment, I hadn't seen it.

And then the questions. He looked like me. Was he going to act like me? Was he going to always look like me? Was he going to like sports? Was he going to be a theatre kid? There was endless possibilities.

Summer walked in on me crying while feeding my own son. She laughed at me and it was the first time in so long that she didn't coddle me. It felt great to be laughing with my sister while feeding my son.

My son. My first son. Brielle made it pretty clear that we were going to be having many, many children.

"I'm sorry" I glanced up at the cart I bumped into.

"It's okay, man" The guy said and my eyebrows shot up. "Matt?"

"Jackson. Hey" I greeted the guy in front of me.

Jackson. The guy I fought back in high school over Brielle. The guy who took my spot as captain.

"It's been a while. 5 years. How are things?" He asked.

"Things are good. I'm married now. This is my kid" I gestured to River.

"You are? I guess things didn't work out with Brianna?" Jackson laughed.

The thing is, I don't think he was meaning to sound like an ass.

"Uh Brielle. And yeah things did work out. She's my wife and his mother" I laughed uncomfortably. "How did college go for you?"

"Oh yeah. It was good. I'm working at this sales company now" Jackson nodded.

"What happened to football?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, that. It just didn't work out. You know how it goes" Jackson sighed.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, man" I apologized.

"Yeah-" He was cut off my River, crying.

"Look, I gotta get home to Brielle before she yells at me for being late" I lied. "I'll see you around"

"Yeah, see you" Jackson waved goodbye at me.

I turned the cart around and walked down the aisle.

"Thanks buddy" I laughed quietly as River stared up at me with a smile. Always smiling, just like his mother.

One thing I found interesting about the day he was born, was the hospital. I spent the entire pregnancy panicking over the hospital. I was so scared of going into that place again. The place where I lost my leg. I lost my future. But when Brielle was in labor and River was born, it was like that never happened. I honestly didn't realize until I was at home with Brielle and River.

Can I tell you something? I don't regret anything that happened the night of the accident. I don't think Brielle would have fallen in love with me if I was the guy I was before the accident. I wasn't a person. I was a clone. I was just trying to be like my dad and older brother. After the accident, I was my own person.

I lost my future the night of the accident but I gained a better future. A future with Brielle and our children to come.

"Mama!" River sputtered out and I jumped.

"Oh your mom is going to be so angry she wasn't here for that" I grinned at my boy. "Okay I'm lying again. She really doesn't know how to be angry"

a u t h o r s  n o t e

And here is the official end of Breaking Brielle!

c a m m i

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