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Breaking Brielle


Not Edited

~ Brielle Preston's POV ~

4 years later

"You did not just do that!" I squealed as I felt the paint hit my back.

"But I did baby" Matt laughed.

I spun around and flicked paint on his face making him cringe.

Right now we were painting the house my mother had left me when she died. After high school Matt went to California for med school and I stayed here and went to a community college to get a degree and study photography and videography. We stayed together, flying out to see each other whenever we could, video chatting etc. But 2 years ago he dropped out of med school and came back home to get his degree in business because Aunt Miriam was leaving the diner to us since Faye had disappeared after high school. She calls us every once in a while but she's never coming back here.

Last year, on the anniversary of my parents wedding, we flew to Vegas. Just for to celebrate their lives but we won $500 on a slot machine and took that as a sign to get married. And we did, right there in Vegas like my parents.

We moved into the house because Matt thought it would help my panic attacks. Yes, I've been getting really bad panic attacks. Because I'm 22 years old. I got married less than a year ago and I'm pregnant. Every time he leaves the house, I'm terrified that I'll get the same call my mom did and find out he was lying on a road somewhere.

I know how my mom felt now, because if I ever lost Matt, I would lose a part of myself.

Matt has gotten better. He sleeps better at night and he's not depressed anymore. His anxiety attacks stopped being so frequent, now they only show up if he's in a enclosed space for longer than 15 minutes. He's still in pain though. We've been to multiple doctors trying to help with it but nothing's worked.

Instead of his mom helping him with his prosthetic leg some mornings, it's me. But it's not a bad thing anymore because he understands that it's not a sign of weakness.

Sometimes I couldn't believe that he was once that scary, loner kid people told me to stay away from. Because right now, he was my husband. A goofball that had yellow paint splashed on his face.

"What are you thinking about?" He smiled softly at me.

"Our story" I smiled back. "Promise me that it's never gonna end?"

"I promise"

The End.

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