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"Tell me what do you love above all ?" a male voice says to Audrey as she's kneeling on a fancy king sized bed dressed in an oversized sweater

Audrey bits her lip as she says "Pizza, cuddles," she pulls the camera man forward "when you kiss my neck," the camera shakes as the person kneels on the bed right in front of Audrey "you..." the camera turns to see lips kissing each other


"What's up, Blanchers ?! Good morning, good afternoon and in case I don't see you good evening and goodnight ! So as you may have noticed from the start of this vlog. I'm going to be experimenting with some new methods. Basically with everything happening in my life, that's- side note : amazing ! And I wouldn't be even here without you my lovely, beautiful Blanchers! So from now, on my lovely assistant Dommy ! Will be vlogging, editing, commenting on the vlogs so that hopefully, fingers crossed, knock on wood and peau de singe (monkey's skin), I'll be able to do more vlogs for you and create more content. So yeah, it's a learning curve or curb ? Whatever and I'll be delegating that. Are you ready to see Dommy ? Here we go !" I flip the camera to my blonde headed assistant

"Hi ?"

"Well tell us more about yourself !"

"I'm Drey's assistant, I'm a single 24-year-old. I've been working for you, her for like- since November ?"

"Are you single and ready to mingle ?"

"Yeah, I guess ?"

"So what kind of guys are you into ?"

"I don't know, like a male version of you ? Like a fun, smart and driven guy ? Like you're my kind of guy, if you had a set of balls."

"Well I do, but not the kind your into." I say pushing up my bra "Anywhere, here's to Dommy's introduction. Yay ! Now here's the camera." I say as I hand over the camera


"So today- well later is the Brit Awards. Earlier, I said how grateful if was for you. I never thought at this time last year when I started blowing up on YouTube. I never expected to be here today. For me, to be a guest and nominee to such an event is such an incredible and unbelievable thing... I'm like gobsmacked that this is happening..."

"She's been in a daze since the announcement."

"I'm also crazy scared, like following some people not being able to attend and me having such a good year, I've been told kind of last moment that my sets been changed and it's now quite long. Firstly I've never had such a long performance. I've like never even had my own actual concert now that I think of it. I've only ever sang at award shows. I'm so nervous... Also I'll be performing For You for the first time live as well as some other song. Eeep !"


"So for like the red carpet and actually attending the show, I will be wearing this beautiful fluffy wedding dress."

"Yes not just any white dress, a wedding dress. Because why not ? Then I have this like white polyester track outfit."

"Then I'll strip down to a white bodysuit, that personally sends me some like honeymoon vibes and is also way out of my comfort zone. Knowing that my whole family mother, grandfather, cousins and so on will be watching it live on TV ?" Audrey awkwardly smiles at the camera

The Hollywood : Reign 》Audrey Blanchard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now