Chin Tikis

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It was like eleven o'clock right now, and it was pitch black outside, besides the street lights and lit houses we passed in the ghetto side of Detroit. We had picked up Iz, Cheddar,and Sol, and Juicy, by Notorious B.I.G. was playing loudly. Lucky me, I was wedged in between Iz and Sol, who were smoking a joint full of weed and laughing hysterically in my ear.

"Yo B I got those new beats man." Iz said apparently high. "Yo man you know how much I like yo mom and everything," Iz said trying to agitate Jimmy. "Shit not as much as I really really like to mamma rabbit." Sol laughed, and everyone did except for Jimmy, who flipped them both off with a giant smirk on his face. The music was literally blasted in my ear, and I held the rim of my ear to my lobe.

"She got stuff I can't describe man." Iz said, and I elbowed him in the rib. "Too much information." I whispered and he jested. All the boys laughed and through the commotion rabbit said, "Fuck you get out and walk!" Sol, I guess wanted a ride, so he added, "Man at least the radio works." He stroked his chin looking out the window, at the slick sidewalks and run down convenient stores. "Yo did I mention how fucking sexy you look Caprice?" He muttered. "Fuck you Sol!" I laughed,leaning forward in my seat.

"Man, what's up with this whole East Coast/ West Coast thing dawg?" Sol said, making our conversation serious. "Word," Future said huffing out a drag. "Yo we gotta get Mo on the map." Sol agreed, leaving me, once again just a hoe in the back seat. "Yeah 313! 313!" Cheddar screamed, bouncing in his seat, taking a drag as well. Future turned to face him and said, "Man no one even know you from the 313." Cheddar didn't care, he just kept saying, "313,313!" Sol, I'm guessing, got agitated and replied with a rude remark. "Man what the fuck you talking bout fathead, you from 810." Everyone gathered in laughter, and I think me and Jimmy were the only ones who weren't high.

"Nah we just gotta make our own sound, fuck everybody else." Future said, getting Jimmy to agree. "Yeah then we get us a deal, go platinum, get cheesed, get out, and get all the bitches..." My head shot up all offended like. "All da' hoes." I coughed, "Um excuse me?" Silence rose, then they all roared with laughter. "Do I really have a big head?" Cheddar asked out of no where. No one answered, and I'm guessing no one wanted to let him down.

Sol, with his stupid ass, pulled out a giant, black, paintball gun, and Iz got all mad, "Oooo!!! The boys cheered as Sol rolled down the window."Why'd you bring that shit man?" Iz said to his brother. Sol didn't care, and pointed it towards a taxidermy Bull head. Right in the middle too. "Paint Gun Bitch!!!" The boys all cheered and I grabbed the gun. "You pussies don't know how to shoot." I flexed my butt, and put my head out the window, which made the air blow my hair. "DAMN!" Sol said, looking at my butt. I ignored their butt comments, and shot a yellow splotch right in the middle of a convenient store's window.

I sat back down and they all stared at me as I wiped my face. "Fuck." Jimmy said staring me in the eyes. I laughed and Future took the gun. "Hold up let me show you motherfuckers how to shoot," He said with lots of ego. "Yo do it!" Jimmy said, honking ferociously on the horn. As he aimed it at two people, Iz argued, "Ay future, c'mon man." I shot him a face meaning 'Shut the hell up.' Future cocked it, and shot right on the side of two people dressed in black. They flipped him the bird as we drove off and Cheddar repaid the gesture. Sol and Cheddar clapped and huffed in between laughs.

"Take the wheel man." Jimmy said grasping the gun. "C'mon Jimmy," Future acknowledged. "I got the gas." Future laughed, over the music. "C'mon Rabbit, Ay Yo Rabbit." Iz kept trying to make Jimmy sit, but he didn't. Instead he stuck his whole body out the window, and aimed the gun. I watched as his red t-shirt got full of air as we passed a charter bus. "Shoot the bus, the bus." The boys all chanted. "Haha shoot tha-" For some reason he skipped that and we saw why. Sol's mouth formed an O, and we all screamed, "NO!" as he aimed at a Detroit's finest. "NO, NO!" We yelled again. Jimmy's stupid side came out, and he shot twice. One orange splotch on the side, and a white splatter on the windshield.

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