That Day

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I could hear moving and paper and crayons in the middle of the night. My eyelashes batted before my eyes actually popped open to find Lily coloring and Jimmy practicing songs for his demo. His lips made out words and I could read them clearly. "Palms are sweaty, sweater already, moms spaghetti, he's nervous, keeps on forgetting what he wrote down," I sat up in the bed and he caught a glimpse of me. It was probably twelve something and the lamp was on. "Opens his mouth, words won't come out, clocks run out," His eyes would shift back and forth as he wrote down words with his headphones on.

I paused from looking at him then whispered to myself I guess, "You're brainstorming." I felt a tug at my arm and saw Lily putting her head down, still coloring. He looked at her, and her blonde curls stroked my arm before she looked up to do the same. They smiled at the same time, and I saw the killer resemblance. I yawned and buried my face in the pillow I had.

*8 long hours later*

You ever got that feeling when you sleep too much your head spins in a million directions? And you try to shake it off but it makes it worse? That's exactly how I felt at this point in time laying in bed with Lily. Jimmy must have left to sleep on the couch and I wanted to see him without being a stalker. So my excuse would be I was hungry and I needed toast or something. I was pretty comfortable enough with Stephanie to eat out her house. I wiped the covers off me without waking Lily and walked barefooted through the house to find Greg Buhel sitting on the seat where Jimmy had his head.

"Morning Beautiful." He said weirdly making me shiver as I opened the refrigerator. "Morning bastard." I smiled. He laughed and looked down at Jimmy. When I noticed what was in his lap. The eviction notice. Holy CRAP!!! If Jimmy woke up and Greg hurt him I swear...."You know your moms getting evicted?" Greg said with his unusual face. He took a sip of I'm guessing coffee and I just stared from the fridge with it wide open. Jimmy saw me and his eyes got wider, like Greg had beat me or something. "Says right here, you must vacate the premises due to non payment of rent?" He stared at Jimmy like a lion looking for a slab of pork chop.

Jimmy sat up from underneath his blanket and stared at him back. "You know about this?" Greg sounded like his father or something and I could feel the refrigerator cooling my bare legs. I could hear Stephanie's footsteps behind me and I smiled when I saw Lily in her arms. "Morning baby." She said to me in a whisper and kissed my cheek. "Hey Steph. Morning Lily." She smiled and I closed the refrigerator door and sat on the counter. "Morning." She said to the boys and I watched Lily while drinking a little coffee I had fixed. "So what are you here for?" Stephanie asked Greg.

"I was just talking to your impressive son about this eviction situation." I saw Stephanie's eyes and smile simmer and I felt super bad for her. Greg started walking towards her and sat his cup on the counter inches away from my butt. "Somebody was going to tell me about this? Huh?" He asked. I moved away from it and listened for Stephanie's answer. "Oh honey about that... It's just a mistake." She smiled trying to comfort him. He towered over her and I stayed put where I was. "You're a fucking liar." Greg mumbled and my face flushed as I looked at Jimmy who was already sprawled up off the couch.

"Ay man!" He said and Lily sat down on the floor coloring and watching Road runner. "Stay out of this rabbit." Stephanie said and I got up off the counter and moved onto the couch to comfort Jimmy. "It's okay don't worry I'm taking care of it." She said hugging Greg's stomach. He shoved her off and a flash yelling the word, "DONT!!!" That caused her to fall onto the counter and scream loudly. Jimmy aroused and I tried grabbing his hand but he shoved it away. "Fuck man!!!" Jimmy yelled pushing Greg's shoulders. Lily climbed under the table wisely and I frowned. "What da' fuck is your problem to don't touch my mother man!!!!???"

"No st-stay o-out o-out of it!!! Stay out of it!!!" Stephanie yelled at Jimmy to move, shoving him away from Greg. "I'm out of here," Greg said grabbing his jacket. "Can't go out with someone like you." I breathed heavily looking at Rabbit scream. "Ay you just go let him talk to you like dis'!!!"

"Just -just!" Stephanie tried stopping another fight but Greg couldn't keep his mouth shut long enough. "You're just two homeless kids!" He got up all in rabbits face and I saw Lily still under the table. Jimmy got defensive and pushed him against the wall with a thud, and Stephanie's and Lily's screams filled the trailer. "JIMMY!!!NOOO!!!NOOO!!!" I cried into my arm and looked at Lily who had her ears covered and was screaming. This was traumatizing her. The way Jimmy jerked Greg around by the collar into glass, the wall, the counter, the floor, and anything he could possibly get his hands on.

I would jump in, but I didn't want another bleeding nose, so I just stood up and tried to comfort Lily. "Sh..shh..." I whispered to her as Jimmy punched Greg in the face and called him a motherfucker. Stephanie rushed to him and started yanking on his arm screaming his name over and over. I saw Lily squeeze her ears and her eyes reddened. "Jimmy PLEASE!!!" Stephanie screamed as she held Jimmy back staring at Greg lay on the floor. "Agh." Greg stretched as he arose from his position and I just stayed on the couch reaching for Lily. We thought everything was simmered down for only a second before Greg grabbed rabbit in a chokehold and Stephanie was screaming like a maniac.

"Fuck you!" Jimmy said punching Greg to the floor by the door. Lily broke into a whine and I tried calming her down before stopping Steph from getting hurt.

"RABBIT!!!" She screamed through loud punches and i buried my face in my knees from all this chaos. Steph grabbed Jimmy by the shoulders and they both collapsed on the floor leaving Greg just laying there. "Ugh." He moaned as we all watched Greg leave the trailer. We all breathed heavily and the only thing you could hear was Lily's faint cry from under the table. "Oh my God! Lily." Jimmy sort of mumbled glancing over at her then me then back to Lily. When she heard her name her head shot up but you could tell she was scared. "It's alright. Come here." He ended up crawling closer to her with his arms wide for her. "It's okay." He cooed. She put one hand down and soon the other slowly letting her guard down.

"Come here baby." He continued and I arose from the couch. "Come here." She looked at him like he was retarded but she crawled into his arms hugging him tightly around the neck.


While Jimmy was out I practiced for a battle rap and I literally did that all day. 'I'm so fucking stressed, 'i just wanna smoke a cess, 'My boyfriend just kicked some ass, 'how the hell did my relationship last, 'a white female trying to make a buck, 'I guess I just sold out on luck, 'the world leavin me behind, 'I guess I'm running out of time, -

I was cut off by my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered flatly. "Tell yo pussy ass boyfriend we know where he is." I pulled away and returned again. "Umm who is this?" The line went flat and I whispered, "hello?" over and over until finally putting the phone down and shoving clothes in my bag.

"Fuck this." I muttered and walked out the door slamming it.

To be continued...

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