Let It Burn

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He kept rapping to me and I swear I was about to pass out right here on his shoulder in top of an Oldsmobile, but when Wink walked up, he slid the headphones off, with my eyes shut on his shoulder. "Yo you and the guys wanna come to my place tonight?" Wink asked. I looked up at Jimmy who was smiling down at me. "What about yo mama?" He asked. "She working night shifts, I got the place to myself."

"At the after nights spa?" Wink clapped his thick hands together. "Yea."

Iz, Cheddar, Future, Sol, and Future's girl he met in a Chin Tiki's all climbed into the car with me and Jimmy. We were all laughing like fools, and I asked a question that defined how sleepy I was. "Why do they call you rabbit?" He looked at me with wide eyes meaning, 'you still up' Future was laughing and answered. "Cause he's fast and likes to fuck a lot." I laughed. "I'd like to try that out sometime." I whispered into his ear. "Hey Hey get yo hand off my balls!" Sol yelled to Iz. "Yo Yo Jimmy!" Wink said. Jimmy turned his attention to the road to find a truck in front of him. He swerved, and that made us laugh harder. The girl landed on Future and he said, "Why'd you do that man?"

"My bad guys." Jimmy lied. "I can't wait for your battle next week." I said to him personally. "Well, you know you gotta battle to." He replied. "I know. Maybe we'll both win and we can both be 313 bitches." He smirked. "If we both win I'll give you anything you want." I thought for a moment. "Anything?" I whispered. He turned to face me with the tip of his tongue touching the inside of his cheek. "I KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS!!!" Cheddar screamed from the back. "Shut up cheddar." I rubbed his hood down while he was driving, and took his jacket off. "I'm going to sleep." I said climbing under the jacket.

5 Minutes Later*

When I woke up we were inside of Winks place with lots of other people i didn't know. My head was on Jimmy's lap as he fiddled with my hair. My eyes roamed the entire run down house. Cheddar was talking to some girl with clear lip gloss and curly hair. "Hey." He said obnoxious. "I saw you talking to Papa Doc. How do you know him?" I saw Jimmy and Future look at him too. "You mean Clarence, he went to Cram brook. He's Christen's brother." She said looking at a white girl with an oversized jacket, and a black ponytail. "You wanna dance?" He asked her stubbornly. "Not right now." She replied with a rude face. "Fucking Wink man." Future moaned looking at Wink who was dancing with a blonde, who I think names was Alex. "He's gonna get me a demo." Future rolled his eyes. "Man 313 is real that shit Wink is talking about is wack." He said.

"I don't see why the media isn't all over this." I heard Iz mumbling to a handful of people in the corner. "What the hell is he talking about?" a Future and Jimmy said in harmony. "That old abandoned house where that little girl got raped." Cheddar explained to us. I snuggled out of Jimmy's jacket, and sat up. "That's what you call a trap. How much do you wanna bet that house wouldn't still be standing if it was on the other side of 8 Mile?" Iz budged in. "It could've been Lily rabbit." Cheddar walked closer to us. Jimmy looked at me and at Future who huffed out a great deal of smoke. Sol was watching Future's girl dance, and he stopped when he heard.

We rushed to the abandoned house, and we started putting gasoline on the wall. "Burn this shit to the ground!" Future yelled as we sprayed alcohol and stuff on the floor and walls. "Burn it down man, burn it down." Jimmy mocked Future's accent and I laughed while walking through sloshy gasoline. He held it to his private and started shaking it up and down. I saw him find a picture and glance at it but I couldn't quite see what it was. I left him be with his privacy, and went down this stairs with the rest of the boys.

"We need to burn this thing down." Cheddar said. "We need a lighter." Future said. "You got my lighter?" He asked wink. "Nah I gave it back to you." "I got one." Cheddar said lighting a match. "What are you doing?" I asked. He threw it down on the clothes and it spread quickly. "NO!" They all said as spread more quickly. Sol grabbed me bridal style and all of us quickly got out of the house but I noticed Jimmy wasn't out. Cheddar grabbed a football and I could see Jimmy coming out the window.

He hopped down on top of a old car. Cheddar threw him the football, "I burned the house down!" He was truly proud of himself. Jimmy and I walked over to a old swing set and watched as they sang "Burn"

"The roof, The roof is on fire, the roof, the roof is on fire, we don't need no water let that motherfucker burn. Burn Motherfucker Burn!!!" I hugged Jimmy's waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I wanna hear you rap." He said. "Jimmy, it's One O'Clock in this bitch, maybe tomorrow." I yawned. "Tomorrow?" He asked. I kissed him softly before saying, "Tomorrow." I walked away to my house, watching him smile at me.


No need for any explaining. I just wanted to say to the people reading, thanks so much and you're the bomb.com. Stay a Stan, stay a Sparkler!

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