3. Beautiful Distraction

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Luca's P.O.V.

"Seriously, if you keep staring at her like that, we might begin to think you actually like her." Jake says.

We're currently leaning against a wall in some guy's house. There was a party and we figured we might as well go.

I just shook my head with a laugh, "I don't like her. Her ass is just nice."

"Oh no, you weren't looking at her ass. Do you think I'm dumb?" He smirks.

"You really want me to answer that?" I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really, I was looking at her ass. How can you judge a guy for that?"

He shrugs, "I don't know, maybe because she's a nobody and yet you like her?" Now they're just being dicks.

"I'll second that," Nate says with a chuckle.

Okay at first it was funny, now it's just pissing me off. God, why did they care so much? So what if I just looked at Phoenix? They've looked at girls before and I didn't make a big deal of it! I glanced at the chick. I wasn't staring. She's not even that pretty, honestly. Just like a bug on a windshield to me. Of all the girls to become suddenly interested in, I wouldn't pick her. The only thing I was interested in was her ass. I'll admit I was staring at her earlier, only because she didn't seem nervous around us which was actually interesting. I was testing her to see if she'd back down from my stare. She was just a way to pass the time but the newness of her has worn off.

This was the point when Mason decided to join our conversation. "Can you guys just knock it off? If he actually liked the girl, we'd know. It's never happened before, it's not going to happen now."

"I don't believe it. He looked pretty distracted," Jake stated. They're dumbasses, all of them.

"Would you all just shut up? It's getting annoying." Nathan interjected.

I looked back at her again. She stood with Emily. While Emily's expression was of happiness, Phoenix looked rather nervous. It was cute in a way. She clearly looked uncomfortable to be here, but the way she moved in that dress gave away that she wasn't necessarily nervous about her appearance. Her walk was confident as well as the sway of her hips. I didn't notice I was smiling just a little until it was too late.

"I thought you didn't get distracted by girls." Jake was smirking at me. I wiped the smile off my face real quick. What the hell is even wrong with me? What happened to just staring at her ass?

I tried to shake her from my head, "Oh fuck off, Jake. You know good and well that a nice ass is something to smile about."

He just puts his hands up, "Whatever man, it just looked to me like she stole some affection on your part."


Nix's P.O.V.

I did not wish to be here.

I do not belong here.

I am not cut out for this.

I should not be at a high school party.

Why couldn't Bentley have just stayed with us? I feel like I' be more comfortable with him around.

I need to put up more of a blend into the background, shy girl personality. But yet here I am being pulled towards the doors of a party. Don't get me wrong I've been to parties before but I quit going after... Well, nevermind. Let's just say I quit going to parties and that's the honest truth. My personality might be a bit of a fib in some ways, but I honest to god don't want anything to do with parties.

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