XXXVI. The Pink Swan

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"Mommy, do you know where my pink hair bow is?" Isabella asked

"It's in your top drawer."

"And my slippers?"

"Isabella, please relax dear, your recital isn't until tomorrow night. You'll have plenty of time to make sure you have everything that you need and you will."

"I just want it to be perfect, this is my first performance and I'm super excited." She beamed

"You will be perfect, everyone will wonder who's that little girl with the flawless moves," Katherine said as Isabella smiled

"I'm going upstairs to go practice some more."

"Okay, but don't over do it."

Later, after Isabella was tired of practicing her routine over and over again, she went downstairs to go search for Michael because she knew he would be home by now.

She found him by following the sound of his voice that lead to the den as there were other men, some she's seen before and others she hadn't. He spoke in mostly Italian as she couldn't understand half of what he was saying as he spoke really fast and the heavy accent made it harder to comprehend

They all laughed and joked around with each other as they smoked cigars and drank whiskey while Isabella peeped around the corner and watched.

One man had said something as the whole room went quiet. Isabella wondered what he had said because she noticed everyone's facial expression had changed as Michael stood up and approached the man, whipped out his silver handgun and stuck it into the man's side

Isabella gasped as Michael's face remained emotionless and serious.

Soon, he cracked a half smile and laughed as he put the gun away. "Relax, I'm just busting your balls." He said as everyone started laughing and the other man blew a sigh of relief

"I'm glad you were only joking, I started to get a little nervous."

Michael smiled as he patted the man on the shoulder, "Avresti dovuto vedere la tua faccia, stavi per pisciare da solo su di te." Michael chuckled as he handed the man a shot of whiskey and that's when he noticed Isabella standing by the doorway
(You should've seen your face, you were about to piss all over yourself.)

"Bella, sweetheart," He said motioning for her to come in. "Everyone, this is my little princess, Isabella." He said smiling down at her

"Hi." She said shyly and huddled up close to Michael

"Aw, Bella, don't act like that. There's no one here to be afraid of." He said as she looked around the room at all of the scary looking men that look like they could kill you with just one glance at them

"That's alright, we'll go ahead and leave, so you can see about your daughter."

"I think that would be best, your ugly face is probably frightening her and I don't blame her. I bet it's still hard to look at you even with the lights turned out." Michael said as everyone laughed

"Hey, I don't get any complaints. Katherine told me that you should take a few handsome pointers from me, after all, I get mistaken for Clark Gable all the time."

"Se Clark Gable avesse mai avuto una figa, allora sì, posso vederlo anche io." Michael shrugged as everyone laughed while they were leaving
(If Clark Gable ever had a pussy, then yeah, I can see it too.)

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