XLVI: Shake & Chill

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"Did you hear Roy Wilkerson is having a party at his house this weekend, you down to come?" Calvin asked as Ronnie was getting some books from his locker

"Yeah I'd be down, but I most likely have to babysit my little brother this weekend, both my parents probably have to work."

"But if they don't, are you coming? Cause you know I'll be there, quick, fast and in a hurry because honestly, his older sister, Dawn, is dynamite." Calvin said as Ronnie laughed

"Like she'll give you a chance."

"Yeah, same as with Isabella." Calvin retorted

"We're friends and I'd like for you to understand that, there's nothing between us. Besides, I don't even believe she looks at me in that way."

"Oh shit.." Calvin said lowly as Ronnie was still plundering around in his locker
"Hey man, I gotta go." Calvin said quickly as he noticed Alex coming towards them

"Where you goin?"

Before Calvin could scurry off he ran right into Christian which made Calvin quickly back up

"Ronnie, my man, what's up with you?" Alex said as he patted Ronnie on the shoulder and he finally looks up from his locker

"Oh, hi Alex, I'm doing fine."

"Good, I hope we're not keeping your friend here." Alex said pointing to a frantic Calvin

"Oh no, what's a couple of minutes early to class anyway? There's no rush." Calvin said with a nervous laugh

"I'm Alex and this is my brother, Christian."

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Calvin."

"Nice shirt, Calvin, where'd you get it?" Christian asked

"Well, you know, it's a nice custom blend of my favorite fibers woven together to make this exquisite shirt." Calvin explained as Ronnie rolled his eyes

"He got it from Macy's department store." Ronnie said as Calvin scoffed

"Man, don't tell everybody. They probably don't even know what a Macy's is, let me have my moment, please?"

"Whatever, man."

"And good things come from Macy's, all of my fly gear is from Macy's, that's why I always look good and you don't, cause you don't shop at Macy's."

"Yeah, okay." Ronnie smiled
"I'm sorry about my delusional friend here, he was dropped on his head when he was a baby. Were you looking for Isabella?"

"No, I wanted to ask if you wanted to join us this afternoon for some burgers and a milkshake, and your friend is welcome to come as well."

"Oh thanks, I guess we can come."

"Great, then we'll see you after school." Alex said as him and Christian walked away

"So what was all of that about? Exquisite fibers woven together, you the new Coco Chanel now?" Ronnie asked as he shut his locker

"I got nervous okay, and they invited us to hangout with them so you know we have to sound extra important. When are we gonna get this chance again?"

"They're just regular people like you and me, except they have more money than us." Ronnie shrugged

"Think how this could boost our popularity, all the foxy ladies will be on us, bro. We too, will be untouchable."

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