LIV: Game On

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[Life sometimes sucks..... it's a real pain but you have to keep going and never give up, no matter how hard things get or when it seems like everything keeps going from bad to worse, a change will come.]

"Tonight's your first game, man, how are you feeling?"

"For the most part I feel alright." Ronnie shrugged

"Just alright? It's the first game of the season, people that go to our school is going to be here and not to mention your girlfriend will be watching from the sidelines shaking her Pom poms." Calvin smirked as Ronnie finished tying his shoe and stood up

"In that case, I better be the only one you watch shake anything tonight."

"Don't tell me you're getting jealous already?" Calvin teased

"If you had a girl that was as fine as mine, you would be jealous too."

"Alright, true that. I'll let you finish up and I'll see you after the game." Calvin said turning to leave the locker room and as he opened the door, Isabella was standing by the wall

"Well, if it isn't Ms. Cheerleader. I would tell you how nice you look but your boyfriend said I couldn't look at you tonight."

She giggled, "He sounds like my dad, my mom had to convince him for an hour to let me out of the house in my uniform. But anyway, is Ronnie busy?"

"No, but I'm sure if he was he'd make time for you." He said opening the door back
"Ronnie! Your girlfriend wants you!"

"Thanks Calvin."

"No problem, I can't wait to see you shake your pom poms." He smiled as she grinned

"I bet you do." She said as Ronnie walked out of the locker room

"Bye you two lovebirds, and don't be late."

"Is everything alright?" Ronnie asked her

"Yeah, I just wanted to see you before the game. I wanted to wish you good luck."

"Well thank you and I'll wish you good luck as well, you look incredibly beautiful tonight."

"If it were up to my dad I would look like a hobo but thanks."

"You'd be one cute hobo." He smiled as she laughed

"Oh whatever, good luck and I'll see you afterwards."

"Okay," He said as they put their arms around each other to kiss but it was only a second when they were interrupted

"Isabella!" The kiss ended abruptly as they quickly separated from each other as Christian walked up next to them

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you, it's time for you to come back."

"I don't have to line up until 7:30, I still have fifteen minutes." She said looking at her watch

"Yeah but dad needs to keep tabs on you, he's almost ready to blow a gasket and if I don't come back with you, that's my ass and then he himself will hunt you down and at this point, you don't want that." He said as she sighed and looked at Ronnie

"It's okay, I understand. I'll still see you later." He said

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, now you go on before your dad sends a hit squad to come after you."

She smiled, "Make a shot for me."

"Don't I get a hug too, Ronnie?" Christian teased with his arms wide open

"No thanks, I'm afraid you're not my type."

"That's your lose." He chuckled as he and Isabella began to walk back to where Michael, Katherine and Alex were sitting

"There you are Bella, I was beginning to get worried. Where did you run off to?" Michael asked as she was about to answer but Christian cut her off

"She was in the back warming up, I guess she couldn't wait to release some of that energy of hers."

"I'm glad she was easy to find."

"Yeah well, now that you know that I'm safe I'll go ahead and line up with the girls." She said about to leave as Katherine unwrapped Michael's possessive arm from around her waist and stood up

"Where are you going?" He asked looking at her weirdly

"I'm going to walk with her and fix her hair, is that alright with you?"

"Hurry back." He grumbled with his arms folded

"What's with dad tonight? I haven't seen him this protective since I started public school."

"You're growing up, and he wants you to stay his little girl forever."

"But I can't. Will I have to put up with him constantly watching me at every game because he doesn't trust anybody?"

"You know how he is, just give it some time and eventually he'll come around." Katherine said as Isabella deeply sighed

"This is so unfair."

Katherine chuckled, "You wanna hear unfair, for the first five years of my marriage, I wasn't allowed to leave the house unless I was with Michael.
No one could talk to me directly, they had to talk to Michael, no man could shake my hand, or even sit by me and if anyone broke the rules, let's just say, I never saw them again. Michael is the definition of a control freak and always will be, however, he has a big heart and he loves you dearly. The beautiful little baby he once held in his arms is now growing up to be a wonderful young lady." Katherine smiled as she tucked a stray hair behind Isabella's ear

"Wow mom, I had no idea you had to go through all of that. How come you just didn't tell daddy to let you do your own thing?"

"I did multiple times and each time I got the same answer, Katherine dear, why would you want to do such of a thing? No wife of mine will intermix with other men and caddy women, it's best if you stay home anyway, you might catch a cold." Katherine said as she imitated Michael's voice while Isabella laughed

"Yep, that's dad alright."

"I know he can be difficult and his reasonings on why he does things seem over the top but in the end it's all love and you'll eventually get through this." She said sincerely looking into Isabella's eyes

"Thanks mom, you're the absolute best."

"I'm glad I was able to put a smile on your face, now you go on with the other girls and have some fun."

Isabella threw her arms around Katherine's neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, mommy."

"You're welcome, sweetie. Keep your head up and smile, and I'll see you after the game."

It's been a millennial since I last updated😭😭

Sorry it took me this long, this month had me going and everyday it was something new, but I've finally settled down somewhat and was able to finish out this chapter along with starting the next one

Hopefully the year to come won't be as bad on me but I'm going in with positive thoughts even though all of the emotional and mental turmoil that's going on in my personal life, I won't let it stop me or discourage me

I hope you all had a wonderful Holidays and may you all have a safe and fulfilling New Year😁


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