LVIII: Revelation

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"Kat, what about this one? It will go perfect with the new drapes you have in the living room." Kristdalin, Marisol's mother, said as she was looking through interior decorating books to help Katherine find new carpeting

" Kristdalin, Marisol's mother, said as she was looking through interior decorating books to help Katherine find new carpeting

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"I don't know Kris, that one seems a bit much."

"I don't think so, this will fit the room perfectly."

"I really like the one Julia picked out the other day."

"And when is she coming back?" Kristdalin asked

"She said when I'm no longer sick, she doesn't want to be around me for too long or else she fears she might catch what I had."

Kristdalin laughed, "You're practically better now, I don't see why Michael won't let you go back to work."

"You know how he gets, I sneeze one time and he's ready to lock me up for a year."

"Well just let him know you're ready to get back to work, and if he doesn't agree, then oh well, that's his problem." She said with a shrug as the two chuckled and the phone rung

"Hello." Katherine answered

"Hello, is Michael there?" A flirty voice said as Katherine raised her eyebrow

"Who is this?"

"This is Jessica, could you have him to call me back, he wouldn't answer the phone, I even tried last night when he told me he would answer but he never did."

"Sure, I'll give him the message." Katherine said as she hung up the phone and Kristdalin looked at her with a puzzled look on her face while she sipped her tea

"What's up, Kat?"

"You wanna go on a little trip?"

"I'm down, but where are we going?"

"To go see who my husband has been calling." She said as Kristdalin took another sip

"Uh-oh, I don't know nothing and I didn't hear nothing, but I'm damn sure not gonna miss it though, let's go girl." She said grabbing her purse and heading towards the door

Later on that day, Katherine came back to the house as it was getting around the time Michael would come back.

She was upstairs in the bathroom when she came out, Michael was just walking in as he went over to her and kissed her forehead. "Hey babe." He said and went and sat down in the chair

"I could use a nap, I am tired." He huffed as he took off his shoes, and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt

"I guess running around with other women makes you tired." She said as he looked at her weirdly


"What did you do today?"

"The same thing I do everyday."

"Tell me, did you make time for Jessica?" She asked

"Who the hell is Jessica?"

"I don't know you tell me, you're the one that's been talking to her all the time, day and night, surprisingly when I'm not around." She said throwing the phone bill in his lap
"So when were you gonna tell me about your new girlfriend." She said with her arms folded as he chuckled

"Babe, you've got it all wrong."

"Oh really? Some whore calls my house and I got it wrong?!"

"Babe listen,-"

"No Michael, you listen. I know you do some vile things and even though I don't say anything about it and I turn a blind eye to it, that doesn't mean that I'm oblivious to what's going on. I'm not that scared, naive girl you married twenty years ago that you could've told me anything and I would've believed you, I'm a grown woman now and you can't fool me anymore."

"I understand, but why would I cheat on you after twenty years of being married."

She shrugged, "I don't know, why would you, I thought you loved me."

"I do, the thought of cheating on you has never crossed my mind and I don't plan on it anytime soon."

"Well, who's Jessica, and why does she call you all the time?"

"It's for business." He said standing up and put the bill in the chair and sat on the side of the bed

"Business? At eleven o'clock at night."

"There's a two hour time difference."

She scoffed, "How convenient, you have an answer for everything."

"Babe come on now, of all the shit we've been through in the past twenty years and you're willing to write it off as some lucky fluke that happened because of one phone call. I know on paper it looks bad but I promise you nothing's going on and nothing ever went on, I love you and only you, and that's all I ever want is you." He finished as she was feeling bad that she accused him of cheating
"Now are you still mad at me, because I don't wanna run the risk of you trying to stab me in my sleep." He said as she went and sat on his lap

"I'm sorry about all of that, I just can't stand the thought of losing you."

"I can't stand it either," He said as she wrapped her arms around his neck

"How about we go up to Toronto this weekend for our twenty year anniversary."

"Sorry honey, I've got a business trip."

She scoffed, "Are you kidding me, Michael?"

"Well I was hoping you'd come with me."

She rolled her eyes, "For what? So you can be gone the whole time and when it's time to go I'll be your pillow to sleep on, on the plane ride coming home."

"Well, I wouldn't mind you being my pillow at night when I get lonely and I want something to squeeze on." He said slowly caressing her body as her anger began to melt away

"So I'll be there just for sex."

"No, we can do other things and still have a good time, there's plenty to do in Vegas."

"I haven't been there in awhile."

"Well this will be perfect for the both of us, I do my thing and then the rest of the time I'm all yours."

"Will little miss Jessica be there?" She asked as he sighed

"Yes babe, she'll be there."

"Well then I'm definitely going, it's not that I don't trust you, but I already don't have a good feeling about little miss Jessica."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and as always let me know what you think.

Sorry it's a little shorter than usual but I can promise you next Friday it will be a lot longer.

I wanna say thank you for the likes and comments and a big hello to all the new readers and followers👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽

Until next Friday my friends I'll check you later,


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