XLIV. Not As Expected

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"She invited you to her house?!"

"Yeah, she wants me to come over and listen to music with her." Ronnie shrugged

"You'll be listening to Sinatra and opera while you're there."

"Actually, she said her dad likes R&B."

"One song from Chubby Checker and the rest are the Beatles, only. I wonder if she told her parents that you're black, you know how much Italians hate us."

"I'm sure she did, otherwise she wouldn't invite me and they wouldn't have agreed."

"Just be careful over there, man. They're a different kind of white people and they have accents." Calvin advised

"I'll be fine."

"You say that now and tomorrow I won't see you because you're buried in a hole somewhere."

"That's a little extreme, remember, it's just a harmless project and we'll have some music."

"Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you."

It was now after school and Isabella and Ronnie met up outside of the school. "My dad was supposed to come get me since my brothers forgot I wasn't staying after. You wanna walk to the bus stop instead?"

"Will your parents be upset?"

"Nah, plus the bus stops a block away from my house."

They walked and talked of all the things they were going to do for the project as they already had a majority of the research done, they just had to put it all together.

"You're the only guy friend that I've ever brought home." Isabella giggled

"Really? Never any boyfriends?"

"I liked a few guys but they never liked me back, I'm told by my friend, Marisol, I've always been a little weird around guys, she says I'm getting better tho."

"I don't think you're weird, maybe a little misunderstood."

"I feel deep down that I can be both, but most tend to only see my name and overthink things, that's why I have very little friends, no one wants to be associated with the weird girl." She said sadly while looking out of the window

When they reached the bus stop, it was very obvious that they were on the rich side of town.

Nice beautiful homes, fancy cars, perfect lawns and everything's so quiet. Ronnie was fascinated with the neighborhood as he soaked it all in because it'll be a long time before he goes into a neighborhood like this

"I guess my dad's still here." Isabella said noticing the many cars parked in the driveway
"I promise, we don't have this many people over everyday."

"This must be the party house." He said as he followed behind her while going inside. The foyer seemed like walking inside of a palace as he immediately took off his shoes

"Does your mom make you do that?" Isabella asked noticing his actions

"Well sometimes, after she cleans up and besides it's a nice house, I don't want to track in any dirt."

"My mom's not that picky, but if you insist." They walked inside of the living room as he looked around at all the furniture and pictures on the wall.

Ronnie then turns around and sees a huge German Shepard running towards him as he instinctively gets behind Isabella. "Oh God."

"Hi, Dex. I missed you too. Ronnie, are you afraid of dogs?" She asked turning to him as whenever Dexter would move, he would move

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