LXXIV: Macho Man

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Just to let y'all know that there will be some major time jumps in the next few chapters, I don't want to drag the story out too long.

One year later...

"I think I'm gonna like it here." Christian said plopping down on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table as Rebecca came over and moved his feet

"No feet on the table." She said as he scoffed and put his feet back on the table

"You're not the boss of me."

"Mrs. Andolini," She called as Christian was shushing her

"Really? You're snitching on me."

"Yes." Katherine said coming out of the kitchen

"Christian won't put his feet down and I told him no feet on the table." Rebecca explained

"Do you put your feet up on the table at home?"

"No ma'am." He answered quietly while putting his feet down

"Well then you won't be doing it here, she told you nicely to put your feet down and you will respect her and the rules."

"But ma I was just-"

"You're arguing with me now?"

"No ma'am."

"I didn't think so. Don't get it twisted, I'm still your mother and it doesn't matter that you're living in New York now, I'll smack you silly, you got that?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now keep your feet off the furniture." She said leaving and going back to the kitchen as Rebecca had a triumphant smile while Christian angrily frowned

"I didn't want to tell on you, but you left me no choice."

"You better be glad your my brother's girl otherwise you'll find yourself at the bottom of the stairs."

"You wanna kill me for telling your mom?"

"I didn't say anything about killing, and in my family we take snitching very seriously."

"Listen, I don't want us to get off on a bad start, after all, we'll be living together for awhile so we at least have to get along to make this work." She said

"You're right, so from here on out no more snitching and instead we'll work things out and compromise." He said as Michael walked through the door

"Did you put the table up like I asked you to."

"Yes dad and I moved the dresser back to the wall."

"About time you did something right." Alex said smacking Christian on the side of the head and plopped down on the couch next to Christian and put his foot on the table

"Now wait a minute, how come he gets to put his feet up but I can't?!" Christian expressed to Rebecca as she was watering the plants

"I bought this table and you got shoes on."

"That's still not fair!"

"Well buy your own table."

"Dad!" Christian whined as Michael huffed

"Ok will you two stop, you're acting like little kids." He said as Katherine walked out of the kitchen

"Oh good you're back, Rebecca and I wanted to go look at some new drapes to hang up."

"And what's wrong with the drapes that's hanging up now?" Michael pointed out

"They're a little dated, plus it'll living up the room a bit."

"I picked those out."

"Exactly." She said with a smile

"What are you trying to say I have bad taste?"

"No honey, it's just that certain things you're good at and decorating isn't one of those things. However I think they're beautiful but they just don't match anything, but that's okay you tried."

"Thanks for the lovely backhanded compliment." He muttered as Katherine kissed his cheek

"I don't mean to offend,"

"Oh yes you did." He frowned as she wrapped her arms around him

"I made baked ziti, will that make you feel better?"

"I guess so, I can't stay mad at you for making my favorite." He said kissing her lips

"I'm happy to hear, we'll be back later and the food is on the stove."

"Alright, see you when you get back and don't spend up all the money either." He said as Katherine smirked and unwrapped her arms from around him

"No promises."

"Here you go babe, get yourself something nice." Alex said standing up and giving Rebecca some money

"That's okay Alex, I have money."

"I know but you're my girl and I want you to look nice, so just take it and enjoy." He said putting the money in her hand as she tried to give it back
"Please." He said as she took the money and put it in her purse

"I'll see you when you get back." He said giving her a hug and a kiss on the lips

"No wild party while we're gone." Katherine said as her and Rebecca were leaving

"I never thought I'd see the day." Christian started

"See what?" Alex asked

"The day my brother turns into a pussy-whipped slave boy."

"I know you're not referring to me. Alessandro Andolini is not pussy-whipped for no fucking body. You better get that shit right." Alex said sitting down

"I can understand dad being whipped but not you."

"Ooh, you hear that dad, Christian just called you whipped." Alex grinned as Michael came out of the kitchen with a small plate of baked ziti in his hand

"You calling me whipped? That's funny, you just wait until the right one comes into your life, then we'll see who's whipped."

"You're not gonna wait until they get back so we can eat together?" Alex asked as Michael sat down in the chair

"I'm gonna wait but I just had to get some now, I haven't eaten anything all day."

"Well now that Alex and I are moved out will you miss us?"

"Hell no."

"Why not? We were good kids." Alex said

"It's not about that, I want some privacy, and I can't walk around naked with y'all running around the house bothering us every five minutes interrupting our bonding time."

"What about Bella? Will you be happy she'll be leaving soon too?" Christian asked

"Yes and no. That's my baby girl and I don't want nothing to happen to her, but on the other hand, Katherine and I will have the house to ourselves and I don't have to worry about keeping the noise down, so yeah I'll be happy once she leaves too."

"You'll have plenty of time to make up for with zero distractions." Christian said

"Doubt it, between you two and Bella will be calling nonstop asking for money, at least then I have the option to not answer or hang up."

How will Rebecca and Christian get along? Will Christian find a girl in New York?

Let me know what you think.

I appreciate y'all for coming back and reading and I hope you've enjoyed.

Until the next update, be breezy,

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