LV: We Belong Together

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"Bye mom, I'll see you when I get home

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"Bye mom, I'll see you when I get home." Isabella said to Katherine as she was quickly making her way down the stairs

"Bye, have fun and don't stay out too late." Katherine said out to her as Isabella was halfway down the steps and once she reached the bottom, she walked even faster to get out of the house

"Woah, where are you running off to?" Michael asked stopping Isabella as she was attempting to speed walk past the living room

"I wasn't running, I was just going fast so I could leave on time."

"Where are you going in such a rush?"

"To meet my friends, you said it was okay for me to go so I'm going to head out now." She said attempting to leave by walking around Michael but he stops her again

"Wait, you rush off so fast that I hardly ever see you."

She sighed, "Dad, you saw me this morning at breakfast which was three hours ago."

"Well since you're so busy, I'll try to keep it short, you mind having a seat I want to talk to you about some things." She put her bag on the edge of the love seat and sat down while Michael sat in the chair facing her

Isabella was a little nervous as it seems to her that Michael had gone from dad to mafia boss by the change in attitude as she rarely sees him in this way

"Where have you been going these past few months?"

"The library, like I said I was."

"Are you sure?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and staring intently at Isabella

She nervously swallowed and shook her head, "Yes sir." She answered as he stayed quiet for a moment and tapped his index finger on the arm of the chair

He roughly ran a hand over his face as he deeply sighed with his eyes closed. "Just out of curiosity I called the library a few days ago and asked about you, and the lady told me that you haven't been there in almost two months." He said as a worried look came across Isabella's face
"Bella, you should know that I'm the last person you would want to lie to,"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry you will be."

"But daddy, I-" Before she could finish her sentence, Michael held up his hand to silence her

"Before you start digging yourself into an even deeper hole, I'll go first and then you can talk."

"All of this sneaking around and lying to me and your mother began once you started hanging out with this new friend of yours. I want you to enjoy your friends and have a good time with them but not lie and sneak around, and personally I don't think you should be around someone like that."

"Oh no daddy please, Ronnie's a good person." She said on the verge of tearing up

"I'm sure he is a good person, but if being around him makes you lie and sneak around, then you shouldn't be friends with them. There's no telling what else you would do to be with him and as your father I will not take that risk."

"Please don't do this,"

"You have to put yourself in my position, I'm a powerful man and there's people out there that want to bring me down at any cost and the easiest way they can is by getting to you. What if one day you were to go off somewhere without telling me and you end up getting snatched by some creep or worse. Now that you're older I've relaxed a bit on protection because I didn't want to keep you in a bubble all your life and I do want you to experience a somewhat normal life, but lying to me will get you back to private school, no outside communication and zero extra-curriculum activities." He said sternly as she sadly held her head down and started to cry

"Please don't send me back to private school, I promise I won't lie to you ever again." She said as she got on her knees and begged while clutching his arm

"Stand up." He stated as she let him go and got off the ground while sniffling and wiping away her tears.
"I take this very seriously and I do this because your safety is my number one priority and nothing or no one will jeopardize that. I truly hope you mean what you say when you promised me no more lying or sneaking off somewhere I don't know about."

"I do, I meant it. I won't do it ever again."

"Good because I'm going to hold you to it. Now, as for your punishment, Friday is your first away game and you won't be going. Then Saturday, you're to dust and clean out all the cabinets, do the dishes, scrub and mop the floor and change out all the curtains. And Sunday, I'm not too sure about just yet, we'll see what kind of mood I'm in that day. Do you have a problem with any part of your punishment?"

"No sir."

He smiled as he stood up, "Terrific, I'm glad we understand each other."

"Daddy, is it okay if Ronnie and I can still be friends?"

"I'll see after the weekend, after your punishment is up."

"Is it still okay for me to go out?"

"Yes, go on and have fun since I already said you could."

"Thank you, daddy." She said giving him a hug as he hugged her back

"You're welcome, Bella. I don't do this to be mean but because I love and care for you." He said as he kissed her forehead

Later, Isabella met up with Marisol, a girl named Larissa from their art class and Ronnie at the library for an upcoming assignment they have

"Hey girlie, glad you could finally make it, we were getting a little worried, usually you're the first one here." Marisol said as Isabella sat down at the table with them

"Sorry I'm late, my dad nearly scared the life out of me."

"Why, what happened?" Marisol asked as Isabella heavily sighed while she opened up her notebook

"He found out about me lying to him about going to the library and instead hanging out with Ronnie. He threatened to send me back to private school."

"Oh no, is he really going to do it?"

"No, but if I screw up again then definitely. As part of my punishment I can't go to the game this Friday night." She said as they all sadly sighed while Ronnie had the saddest look of all

"I'm sorry about that Isabella, but I told you this would happen."

"I know, and I should've listened but this also means that our relationship could be in jeopardy as well. Because of my behavior lately he's not too sure if you're the kind of person I should be around, but I've pleaded with him to let us stay together. He hasn't decided but I just wanted you to know beforehand."

"I believe that your dad will let you two stay together, I mean this is the happiest you've ever been and I doubt he would want to ruin that for you, but for the future please stay out of trouble as much as you can." Marisol said

"No matter the outcome, I will always still be right there for you." Ronnie said as he put his arm around Isabella

Do you think Michael will let Isabella and Ronnie stay together?🤔

If not, how will Isabella react towards this?

Thank you all for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think and I'll answer the question above in the next chapter.

You all be breezy and I'll catch you in the next update,
🏄🏽 -NadineJB💜

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