Not Everything Goes The Way You Plan

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Hinata's PoV

Being away from Kageyama has been so hard. It was just a normal day at school but I was away from him too much since we are in different classes. And we couldn't even be seen in public, at lunch, in a coupley way as we didn't want anyone to know before we told the team.

So, I've been missing him so much I just want him to hold me and hug me like he did the other night. All I want is for him and me to tell the world about our relationship because I just love him that much.

We decided that we would make our announcement at the end of volleyball practice as we didn't want to ruin practice. Because it could go one of two ways: a) someone on the team is really homophobic and won't accept us or b) everyone will be really supportive like Mum, I mean Suga-san, already is.

So we decided that later we will keep volleyball practice the same as always... with endless tosses sent my way from Tobio.

Tobio... doesn't that just sound so much better compared to Kageyama. Well... they both sound great, but saying he's mine is even better. Whoa, chill out! I need to chill my gay thoughts. Who am I kidding? I'm completely gay for the one and only Tobio and can't hide it anymore.

Maybe I should actually pay attention in class. These thoughts will only get me distracted and in complete trouble, like usual. I have a problem when it comes to daydreaming, okay?!

Time skip to practice brought to you by the stress of exams!

I feel so buzzed... full of energy. I feel as if I could do anything. I mean, I can do anything if I have Tobio at my side. I'm so hyped for everyone to know, even if they don't accept us. Who knows... maybe even some of them are gay and we don't know it?!?! Wouldn't that be strange? (AN: oh you have no clue Hinata, you adorable cinnamon roll!)

Third person PoV

The usual set up occurred. Kageyama would set to Hinata (and the other teammates) with Suga setting, as well, for a warm-up, then they would either practice specific skills or have practise matches.

The teams consisted of Kageyama, Hinata and Asahi against Suga, Daichi and Tanaka, with other teammates switching in every now and then to practice. They weren't playing full matches just sets. The current set was tied at 20-20 with Daichi serving next. It was a normal serve but one which had a lot of power, but not a serve that Asahi couldn't pick up and receive. The ball then made it to Kageyama where he was about to set a perfect toss to Hinata.

Hinata did his usual and got into a space with the least blockers. And called out for the ball by only yelling Kageyama's name:


Only then did Kageyama toss the ball to him returning his call with a loud "Shouyou".

By then the team was confused. Only last week the freak duo was completely ignoring each other and now are on first name basis. What was going on?

The first to bring it up was of course Tanaka.

"First name basis, hey?! Did you two finally kiss and make up?" He joked with a slight grin.

Hinata's face only went completely red after this comment due to the things the team didn't know... only things he and Kageyama knew.

"What's this? Hinata's blushing! Dude... you hit the jackpot! You definitely just found out how to tease, Shouyou" Noya, being as close to Tanaka as he is, quickly stated, only making the blushing Hinata become redder if that was even possible.

"Maybe we should drop this topic. My child, I mean Hinata, obviously doesn't feel comfortable with the topic we are currently discussing." Suga rescued Hinata at that moment being the complete mother he is.

"Oh, come on, Hun! Aren't you a little curious about what's going on right now?" Daichi asked his boyfriend ever so curiously.

"Can you two just get married already? You already have all of us as your kids."

"Wait! Everyone knows that you two are dating?!?!" Hinata quickly jumped in, after recovering from his former state.

"I told you, Hinata. I told you I was surprised when I found out no one had already told you. You know... on the day that you told me about your feelings for..."

"Suga-san!!!" Hinata quickly interrupted what Suga was about to say, again returning to his state of blushing and loss for words.

"Feelings for who, Hinata?" Kageyama said with a clear smirk that Hinata could see all too well.

Hinata couldn't keep it in anymore: "You complete bastard, Kageyama Tobio"

"Language, Hinata!" Suga oh so quickly interrupting.

"Sorry, Mum. But he's obviously mocking me and I can't take it anymore. Can we just tell everyone before I bloody explode, Tobio?"

The look of complete confusion was on everyone's face as soon as Hinata said this. Quiet mutters were heard all around the gym while they looked between Hinata and Kageyama who were evidently blushing very wildly. Silence fell in the gym as everyone awaited an answer to the question Hinata had just asked Kageyama.

"I thought you would never ask, dumbass because I can't keep it to myself anymore. Now before you all start judging, please refrain from saying anything that would hurt my precious Shouyou. I couldn't live with myself if you guys were to say horrible shit about him. Because... I love him so much and none of you could bloody change that. Even though he can be a complete dumbass at times, I wouldn't be able to do anything without him, I wouldn't be able to play volleyball and that's the most important thing in my life... correction: Shouyou is the most important thing in my life as I love him more than I will ever love anyone or anything. So yes... this dumbass and I are dating before you make wrong accusations." Kageyama's long speech seemed to make everyone more confused and Hinata to go even redder.

"Well is anyone going to say anything because it just makes me more anxious," Hinata asked when there were no words exchanged after Kageyama's outburst of emotion.

"Wait... I thought you two were already dating. You two were too close to just be friends... friends with benefits maybe but not just friends." That last sentence received Tanaka a whack on the head by both Suga and Daichi causing him to whine slightly at his parents' actions.

"Yeah, I'm with Tanaka on this one! You guys have been dating for ages. You're kidding right, Kageyama? Why the sudden outburst of emotions if we've known for ages?" Noya obviously added to the end of Tanaka.

"Possibly because we've only recently started dating." Hinata chimed in, being the happy sunshine he always is. He was highly confused about what his Senpais were saying about him dating Kageyama for so long, they'd only just got together very recently.

"You owe me, Takeda-sensei! Pay up!" Ukai's loud voice was heard from outside the gym.

Suga being the worried mother quickly asked: "You placed bets on my children?!"

Daichi soon coughed at what Suga had just said.

"You placed bets on our children?!"

"Yeah... that's not what I meant, Kōshi." Daichi said wrapping an arm around Suga's waist.

"What?! They are my children! Or our children however you want to put it. And hey guys... don't ever feel afraid to tell us things. That's what we're here for."

"Thanks, Mum." Hinata and Kageyama both replied which made Suga happy at the name 'Mum'.

"Just be safe and... wear protection!"

"MUM!!!" Hinata squealed and turned completely red as well as Kageyama, who just seemed to freeze of shock.

AN: Exams are such a stress meaning I haven't written in ages. I want Suga and Daichi to be my parents! I refer to them as my parents all the time and it's so great that my friends know I mean them!

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