Better Than Expected

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The kiss was short but sweet, loving and joy-filled.

"Is that all I get, Iwa-chan~~?" Oikawa whined to the man near him.

"Well what more do you want, Tõru?" The name rolling of his tongue so naturally alongside a smirk and wink.

Before Oikawa could answer, Iwaizumi again moved closer towards the other, before sliding his hands onto Oikawa's waist. He then re-attatched his lips onto Oikawa's but with more urgency. His lips moved a lot quicker, forcing Oikawa's mouth open in order to slide his tongue into.

His hands slowly slid from Oikawa's waist to firmly sit on Oikawa's ass. This made Oikawa jump slightly before he melted back into the kiss.

However, the jump didn't go unnoticed which made Iwaizumi stop the kiss.

"Is- is this okay?" He questioned in order to make sure Oikawa was comfortable.

"Of course. I asked for more didn't I. I just didn't expect you to have the guts to do such a thing." With that the two giggled before their lips fit perfectly with each other again with a similar urgency.

Iwaizumi's hands found themself sliding back down again back to their place on Oikawa's ass, whilst Oikawa's hands found their way into Iwaizumi's hair. This caused Oikawa to smile but it left his face quickly when Iwaizumi's lips abandoned his own.

However, the smile grew when Oikawa felt soft, yet slightly rough lips upon his exposed neck.

"Iwa-chan~. Iwa~ Hajime!" Oikawa raised his voice which made him stop.

"No. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I didn't want to, umm, get too turned on. Haha. We are at a school after all." Oikawa hid his blushing face from Iwaizumi.

"Don't be sorry, Tõru. I got a bit carried away." Iwaizumi said taking Oikawa into his arms. "We should put the net and volleyballs away and go to sleep."

(An: that is the most detailed make out scene you will probs ever get out of me!)

So that's what the two did. The gym was left completely clean as if it had not been used by the two. They then made their way back to the boys' room, silently so that no one was awoken by their arrival. They slid back into their blankets a lot closer this time, cuddling close through the night as they slept unaware of anything around them

~The Next Morning~

"Everything must have gone alright last night with these two then." Sugawara smiled as he looked upon the two Seijoh 3rd years cuddling as they slept.

Others around started talking about the newly found couple as the majority of them got dressed for the day of travel ahead of most of them. The volleyball camp had come to an end.

AN: Imma gonna leave it here. I feel really bad for this but I have completely run out of ideas and I don't wanna put myself under any stress of having to continue this book. I hope all of you enjoyed it and thank you for reading.


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