Truth Or Dare

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Now. No one can make an entrance as dramatic as a certain someone.

A certain someone with chocolate brown hair with corresponding eyes to match.

A certain someone that comes up with annoying nicknames for everyone around him.

A certain someone that the girls swoon over when he walks into a room (including this author).

A certain someone by the name of Oikawa Tõru, Aobajohsai's official setter.

The dramatic entrance didn't last long, with Iwaizumi whacking Oikawa on the back of the head, causing an uproar created by the other 2 Aobajohsai 3rd years.

"The Grand King!" Hinata exclaimed both excited and shocked that this team were also here in Tokyo.

"Oh how I have missed you calling me that, Chibi-chan."

"Alright. Alright. Please be polite, team." Reminded their coach.

"Thank you for having us. Let's play!" Aoba Johsai chanted.

~lil time skip to the fun stuff~

Yes volleyball is what excited all the boys. But what happens after all the practice, in the location where all the boys are staying overnight, is the most interesting(?) part of the summer volleyball camp.

It started with just chatting, mainly about volleyball because these men have an addiction to it. From new plays they were trying out, to discussing their fellow teammates. Hinata was describing new plays he was trying with his trusty setter, Kageyama, with 'gwaa's and 'whoosh'es to Bokuto and Kuroo alongside Noya and Tanaka.

Kageyama, who was previously talking with his captain, slowly walked over, seating himself behind Hinata with his legs open so Hinata could lean back into his chest. Not an action you would expect from the old cold hearted setter.

"Shouyouuuu~" Kageyama almost seemed to whine.

"Ohohoho! What's this, ay?!" Kuroo questioned looking more at Bokuto than the actual couple.

"*cough* Pay up!" Kuroo presented his hand to Bokuto.

Bokuto slowly handed over some money, trying to avoid the wondering eyes of Sugawara.

"You bet on my children?!?!?" Suga seemed to sprint across the room to the group.

"Sorry coach. Could you give me a minute. I have a bit of deja vu." Daichi excused himself from coach Ukai and went over to his boyfriend.

"You can not place bets on our children. Or should I say teammates. How do you think it makes them feel? But what was the bet?" Daichi received a flick straight on the forehead from Suga for the last bit.

"Well I said that Kagehina would be official in the next 2 months from when we made the bet. But Bokuto didn't believe they would have the guts to ask each other out so he thought it would take a lot longer. So who had the guts. Come on. Who asked who?!?" Kuroo really wanted as much info as possible for future use against the couple.

"Idea!" Oikawa just seemed to appear out of nowhere. "We should play truth or dare. That way we can find out juicy stuff on these two and others as well as having some spicy dares."

"Hell yeh!" Most people chorused as a response.

"Oh hell no. We're not playing truth or dare with you Oikawa. It never goes too good when we play especially alongside Matsun and Makki." Iwaizumi quickly shot down the idea of truth or dare.

"Name one situation where it didn't go well"

"Oh there're too many to pick from. I don't even know where to start. Anyway, we are definitely not playing that. Not with what happened when you played it last time with Matsun and Makki." Iwaizumi seemed clearly against the idea Oikawa had just proposed.

"What are you Iwa-chan, my mum? You literally spoil all the fun. It won't turn out like that. I promise."

"You say that, Shittykawa, but it always ends up like that. We are especially not playing surrounded by quite a few first years. I mean the dares can't be that bad due to the constant check ups from the teachers, but the first years do not deserve to hear what comes out of your mouth for the truths."

Iwaizumi seemed surprisingly against the idea of a harmless little game. Everyone around seemed to be highly confused or quite disturbed, wondering what Iwaizumi meant.

"If it involves scarring my children, then I am also against the idea." Suga chimed in next to Iwa.

"Would you both stop being such mums. I'm sure the first years, who are 15/16 by the way, know what bloody sex is. It's a general topic of conversation."

"No it's not a 'general topic', Crappykawa! It is only for you."

"Okay. Okay. What if we keep it PG rated. Also Matsun and Makki aren't even currently here, so they can't even spice up the game of truth or dare."

"Did I just hear truth or dare? Because Matsun and I are so in if you're playing. We need to expose Iwa... he got away cleanly in the last game." Makki seemed ticked off that Iwa got away 'cleanly' in his opinion last time.

"We ARE NOT having a repeat of last time!"

Hinata, being the complete cinnamon roll he is, asked innocently: "What happened last time?"

"Ooooh. Thanks for asking little chibi-chan. It's a great story."

A story was definitely ahead for the boys.

AN: ooooh! I am finally merging the old book into this one and it makes me really happy. It's currently summer which only means more updates.


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