[16] Why

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While they were at the dance studio, Jungkook received a disturbing call. His face color changed and he just looked blankly in space. His phone dropped from his hand but he didn't even realize it.

"Hey Jungkook, why are you like this? What happened?"

Minhee asked him when she saw his condition. He was pale as if all the color from his face vanished. He looked like he was lost in his world and without answering her, he ran out of the studio.

Minhee, Jimin and J-Hope ran after him, fighting with the same storming thoughts in their heads. They just hoped that they were wrong - no, they pleaded to be wrong.

They went after him following his track until the hospital. They shouted his name to catch his attention but it was hopeless, Jungkook was just running without turning back not even at least once. They finally managed to catch up with him when he went inside a hospital room.

The trio entered the room after him with shaking legs both from the run and from the fear of what they would see in it.

They saw Jungkook's hovering over someone's body laid on the hospital bed. His mother was on the floor beside the bed. The poor woman was just tearing silently with her eyes still locked on the person who was lying in the bed.

"No, no! This can't be happening. This isn't real! Not again please!"

Jungkook screamed holding onto the body as if he was holding on his dear life - and he probably was. The agony in his voice made Minhee near him ever closer so she could finally see the person that was lying in Jungkook's embrace.

"Jinhee, open your eyes! Please pumpkin, do it for me!" Jungkook pleaded once again, placing a kiss on his little sister's forehead.

Minhee turned her view from them to the heart-beat monitor that was beside the bed. It was beeping in one continuous beat. The line on the screen was flat.

And Jinhee wasn't moving.

She wasn't breathing anymore.

She was dead.


Even the sky was crying for her.

The rain wasn't falling with force; the raindrops were stepping down from heaven with invisible stairs. They were caressing their faces almost gently, mixing with their tears as if they were trying to wash away their sorrow.

The rain was making the muddy paths even more impossible to walk. As if it was trying to slow them down, to give them more time in this world with her.

The world wasn't ready to let her go. She was too young to go that way. What did a little one like her do to deserve to leave in that way? Why wasn't her heart stronger? Why couldn't it endure more, so she would live another day, another year? Why take away the life of someone who has nothing else to offer except her five years? Why?

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