《 FOUR 》

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《 Dreams 》

"Diana! Get away from him!" A voice called out.

I turned my head to see Austin, holding his hand out to me but his gaze in another direction. I looked behind me as a figure stepped out of the shadows. Marcus.

He smiled, holding his own hand out. "Diana, you and I, forever" he said, his eyes staring into mine. 

"No!" Austin called out

I glanced at him again as his eyes flashed a brilliant gold. Suddenly, his body started to transform. I winced as I heard his bones break. His body bended as he crouched on the ground. I blinked and suddenly a snarling wolf stared back at me.

His fur was white and a peppered grey throughout. Marcus stepped forward, opening his mouth and exposing his fangs. "Diana, step back" he growled out.

The wolf- Austin, snarled and bounded forward. He crouched down into a protective stance. "No!" I yelled.

Marcus turned his head to look back at the snarling wolf.  Marcus took a running start towards the huge wolf as Austin did the same. I threw my hands out before they clashed and a huge beam of light shot from my hands.

It threw me back but blinded Marcus and Austin, they fell with a yelp and a yell.
I scrambled up into a sitting position before lifting my hands to stare at them.

Marcus stood up and stared at me. I heard another yelp and saw Austin lying on the ground. He had returned to his human form. His gold eyes had vanished as he stared at me in wonder.

"What are you?" He asked.

I shot up in bed, sweat dripping off my forehead. I quickly grabbed my mouth and scrambled out of bed.  I threw open my door and ran for the bathroom, quickly throwing the toilet lid up, I lurched over the toilet and threw up everything I had in my stomach.

I hugged the bowl and suddenly felt better. My bathroom door opened and my mother poked her head through. "Diana?" She asked.

She saw me bent over the toilet and knelt down to hold my hair back. "Are you okay darling?" She asked, flinching as I threw up again.

"Yeah" I replied, gasping for breath.

"What happened?" She asked, smoothing back my fringe.

"I don't know, I had this weird dream and woke up and I ran straight in here" I replied, flushing the toilet.

"Weird dream? Tell me" my mother said, standing up and wetting a cloth.

She knelt back down and pressed it to my forehead as I began to explain to her my dream. Her hands shook and her mouth pressed into a thin line as she listened.

She helped me out of the bathroom and back onto my bed. He took my hand. "Diana, there's something I have to tell you" she said, her tone sad.

I glanced up at her face, to see her eyes welling up. "Mum what's wrong?" I asked.

"You know how much I love you, and you will always be my daughter but you aren't not my daughter by blood" my mother said, making me freeze. 

"What?" I asked, shock filling me.

"You're adopted" my mother said.

My hand slipped out of hers to grip my bedsheets tight. "Your father and I were going to tell you when you turned 13 but you grew so fast and started to get friends and I didn't want you thinking that your birth mother didn't love you, because she did! She loved you so much, it's because of that reason she gave you up" my mother continued.

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