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《 The Journey 》

"I'll speak to your mother, you just need to pack a bag for the journey" Taron said, as he parked in my driveway.

"Journey?" I asked, glancing at Marcus, hoping he had a clue.

"What? You think we can just walk straight to Faerieland? No, the journey is about 4 days" Taron replied, getting out of the car and closing the door.

I stepped out to.as Marcus copied me. "So what do I need? Clothes?" I asked, nerves getting the best of me and my voice rose.

"Clothes, water and food" Taron replied, walking towards the front door.

"You make it sound like we're hiking" I laughed, following my supposed brother up to my front door.

Taron turned around and gave me a look. "Oh" I said faintly.

I felt sick.

Taron opened the door and walked inside, Marcus and I on his heels. "Go pack, and you, help her" Taron ordered as my mother stood up at our entrance.

"What's going on?" My mother asked, frowning.

Marcus touched my elbow gently and I turned and headed upstairs. Everything was going so fast. I just wanted to be a normal girl who went to.high school.
I pushed open the door to my bedroom and slowly walked inside. I stood in the center, my mind going blank.

"A bag, clothes" Marcus said as he headed towards my closet.

I headed towards my bathroom and grabbed anything I thought I'd need. Bandages, tape, mascara, lipstick, soap. I walked into my room to see that Marcus had already packed my bag and was holding it up. "Let's go" he replied, making way for the door.

"Wait" I said, my voice shook.

He stopped at the door and turned around to face me. "Marcus, what's really going on?" I asked, my hands shaking.

He moved towards me and took the things out of my hand, quickly stowing them in the bag. He then, took my hand and led me to the bed. I sat down and hid my shaking hands under my thighs.

"Look, the best way I can say this, is that you're going to meet your mother and she'll explain everything" Marcus said, concern written on his face.

I sucked in a shuddering breath quietly. "I know it's a lot to take in, especially when nothing ever exciting happens in your life" Marcus added.

I shot him a glare.

"Just saying" he replied.

A knock sounded at the door and we looked up to see Taron standing there. "Time to go, sister" he said, glancing at his watch.

I stood up and Marcus followed me as I pushed past Taron. I ran down the stairs and straight into the arms of my mother. The mother that raised me and loved me. Who took care of me when I was sick.
"Take care hun, I'll always love you" she said, quickly.

"I'll always love you" I replied, squeezing her tightly.

She pulled back and wiped her thumb across my cheek. "You've turned into such a beautiful girl" she replied, smiling sadly.

"Tell dad I love him too, and little Shelly" I said, as my voice broke.

She nodded and gave me a pained smile. I stepped out of her arms and slowly walked over to Marcus who was holding open the front door. I turned around one last time, not knowing if I'd see her again.

I waved and smiled, even though in my heart, it was shattering. She waved back, a similar look on her face. "Diana" Marcus said softly, reminding me.

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