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《 Escape 》

I felt a hand trail across my cheek as I tightened my eyes closed. I wasn't ready to talk to Marcus or Austin, I had made a big mistake and it would haunt me forever. I never counted myself as one of those girls. Never wanted to be one of those girls who played two guys. I couldn't help but feel cheap.

The fingers trailed across my lips before clamping over them, jolting me awake. My eyes tried to focus on the stranger in front of me but it was so dark in the room but something told me it wasn't Austin or Marcus. I lashed my body against the person holding their hand over my mouth and I tried to scream but it only came out muffled. "Stop struggling or everyone in this house will die" the voice rasped out, in a clam deadly tone.

I stopped moving, my bones automatically freezing as he spoke. "Get out of bed,  quietly" the voice ordered again, pulling on my arm.

I did as told, not being able to see the strangers face. He was dressed in black from head to toe and reminded me of a ninja. I slowly slid out bed, doing exactly what he asked of me. He kept his hand over my mouth, preventing me from making any noises with my mouth at all. I considered running into the heavy bookcase near the door and making sure some books fell loud enough for someone to investigate but fear stopped me as I felt cold steel press into my side.

That was a knife. If I didn't follow his orders I or everyone else in this house would die.

The house was dark and moody as the stranger pulled open my door and half dragged me down the hallway. Everyone's door was closed, the only light flickering from under Marcus's door. My body ached to scream or kick his door but the guy who had me, dragged me past.

I let him pull me down the stairs and out of the house. I saw the car idling ready for the man to stuff me into the back. The man's hand slipped from my mouth and I jumped at the opportunity. I screamed.

I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before and called out for Marcus. The man hissed and opened the door, pushing me inside the car making me bang my head against the frame. My screamed cut off as my head slammed against the car seat, falling back. "Diana!" I heard a yell before the car door closed as someone jumped into the front seat.

"Go!" The guy snapped urgently.

The car started forward and I sat up, banging my hands against the window as I spotted Marcus running for the car. Even his vampire speed wasn't helping.

The car sped up and threw me back onto the seat. I stayed lying down and my eyes closed as a pain started to hurt me between my eyes. It wasn't long before I passed out. 


I blinked away the dark spots that covered my vision, blinking into a sunlit room. I had no idea where I was but I could feel the hard concrete underneath my knees and the rope tight around my wrists. My kidnappers stood next to me, one had a hand on my shoulder.

I glanced up to identify them but they still wore their disguises. Footsteps echoed out through the large cathedral like room. They were coming from behind me as I saw a tall figure walk past.

He didn't stop until he strode up the steps and paused at what could only be a throne. He turned around, sitting down on it.

My mouth fell open as shock coursed over me. The man smiled cruelly as he waved my kidnappers forward. One kneed me in the back and pushed me forward, I fell onto my hands, crawling forward.

The other kidnapper made me kneel again as we were closer to the man on the throne. I couldn't take my eyes of him. "Hello daughter" he said, studying me with shocking blue eyes.

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