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《 Seeing Him 》

"Keep up" Taron said as we kept following him into a quaint town.

It seemed silent, even for an early morning. "Do you even know where you're going?" Keian asked exseperated.

"Taron, perhaps we should stop for food and rest, we could all do with a bit of a break" Austin said, speaking up.

I sighed, thankful that someone had.

Taron turned around to face us, our exhausted and hungry faces staring back at him. "Fine, we'll eat and rest but then we're gone" Taron said as he trudged off to the nearest hotel.

I looked at Austin. "I'm starving, coming?" I asked.

He nodded and followed me as we walked down the street to the bright yellow arches. "What do you want?" I asked as we walked in.

"I'll get it, go find us a seat" Austin said as he smiled at me.

"I'll eat anything" I said as he walked up to the counter.

I found a table in the corner and slid onto the smooth cushion. I sighed and leaned my head back onto the wall, closing my eyes.

I breathed out and the chair across from me slid out and I jumped startled. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Marcus asked.

"No" I replied before looking up again in shock.

"Hey" he said giving me a grim smile.

I opened my mouth and closed it, not knowing what to say. "Diana, I'm sorry for leaving the way I did" he said reaching across and grabbing my hands.

I let him pull me. "I love you so much" he added, his thumb caressing the back of my hand.

I wanted to reply. To tell him I felt the same, but my eyes opened when a slap of the tray hit the table in front of me.

My eyes focused on Austin sitting down and shoving a receipt into his pocket. He glanced at me before backtracking. "You okay?" He asked, worried.

I nodded. "Are you sure because you're crying" he pointed out.

I wiped at my eyes and nodded. "Yeah I'm okay, I just miss home" I replied, sitting up.

Austin's face softened. "I know, it's hard being out on your own, but you've got your brother and me" he said, trying to cheer me up.

I took a deep breath and picked up a burger. "This looks so good" I said changing the subject.

I bit into the burger and instantly moaned at having fast food. Austin smirked at me and I realised what I did. I blushed and shrugged before continuing to eat my burger.

Austin started to eat and soon Keian and Taron joined us. We ate silently, just enjoying the food we all had missed. Except maybe Keian, who looked at the burger like he'd never seen something so brilliantly created..

Austin made me laugh as we walked to the hotel, Taron and Keian behind us. We just wanted to rest and I was to share a room with Taron.
I walked into my room after bidding goodbye to Austin and fell face first onto my bed.

"That tired huh?" A voice asked.

I looked up and Marcus was leaning against the doorway, arms folded across his chest. "Am I going to.see you everywhere?" I asked, confused.

His smirk widened. "Do you see me everywhere?" He asked.

"Even when you're not really here, you ask cryptic questions" I replied before flopping my head back into the pillow.

"We'll meet with Scathach tomorrow and hopefully she'll help us" Taron said emerging from the bathroom.

He was completely unaware that I was just talking to the Marcus figment of my imagination. "Okay" I echoed.

"Get some sleep, no doubt Scathach will train you" he said crawling beneath his covers.

I did as well, not bothering to shower. My bones ached and I felt like if I walked anymore, my feet would fall off.
I laid back on my bed, feeling something hard under my neck.

I turned my head and realised my head was lying on Marcus's shoulder. "This feels too real to be a figment of my imagination" I said, glancing up into his grey eyes.

"I am whatever you dream me up to be Diana, you obviously miss me though" he said, a smirk lighting his face.

"Really? What made you guess that?" I asked sarcastically.

"This is the third time today, is there something you should tell me?" He asked..

"No" I replied.

"Hmm" Marcus replied, not believing me.

I felt his free hand trail along my shoulder blades, caressing my neck before pulling away. "You should get some rest and stop dreaming about me" Marcus said, his arms going around me.

"Maybe you should stop popping up every where I go" I replied, suddenly enjoying his presence.

"You'll see me soon" he said, his fingers twining in my hair.

I closed my eyes at the feeling. "I love you Diana Greene" he whispered.

I opened my eyes and he was gone. In sighed and rolled over in my bed, my eyes meeting with yellow ones. I jolted upright and clicked on my lamp.

A snowy white wolf stood on the corner of the verandah outside the wide windows. "Taron!" I exclaimed.

I heard him turn and get up. "Stay here, don't go anywhere" Taron said, spotting the problem.

I watched the wolf and it seemed to cocked his head at me. I pulled the covers up to my chest and bit my lip.

The door opened again and Taron walked in with Austin. His rumpled hair made him so much cuter until he walked past and Marcus was leaning on the wall.

I studied him, even if he was just a figment. "I hate dogs" he said, glancing at me.

I couldn't help but smile as he repeated something I had already heard. I glanced back at Austin as he slid open the door and crouched in front of the wolf. They seemed to be speaking through a connection not through voice.

The wolf nodded before walking away and Austin moved back inside. "What was that about?" Taron asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"They smelt me arrive but I hadn't presented myself to the current Alpha here, I'll need to meet with him tomorrow" Austin said, locking the door and closing the curtain.

Austin glanced at me. "She didn't mean to freak you out, she's newly turned and said you were very beautiful" he said a small smile on his face.

I felt my cheeks go red. "Oh" I replied.

"Goodnight" he said again.

"Night" I replied, glancing back at the leaning Marcus on the wall.


Hmmm. Diana is seeing Marcus everywhere. I wonder what that means??

It's definitely going to be an important part of the story.
Did you read anything weird... out of place.. :)

But here's a fun thing!
I'm selling a position!

This position is important and will play an important role.
All I need is your name and why you love Marcus and Diana.

So get typing!

Lots of love, T xoxoxoxoxo

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