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《 Distraction 》

"Is there any way we can ask Marcus for help? He would know what the Consul would be doing" I said, as the fae gathered into the throne room.

Dorian shook his head. "I tried to contact him, he's either converted or decided to stay out of it" he said.

I glanced at Austin who was talking to a young fae couple. "You don't plan on letting him walk into danger, do you?" Dorian asked.

I shook my head. "I'm going it alone, I know it's selfish and that my people need me, but this is my fight" I replied, looking back at Dorian.

His hand tightened on his sword. "You won't be going it alone, I'll come with you, you need someone to watch your back" he replied.

I sighed, giving in. I turned to look at the fae gathered. "What do I say?" I asked quietly.

"Tell them what you need them to do, create a distraction to draw the Consul out, it will help us be invisible" Dorian replied, quickly shutting his mouth as Austin walked towards us.

I smiled at him as he took my hand. "What are you two whispering about?" He asked, curiously.

"Just about how much the fae really want to help" I replied, shooting Dorian a look..

"They're your people Diana" was all he said.

The crowd hushed as I stood up, taking a deep breath.

I moved away from the throne, standing in front of them as though I was just talking to them like normal. "I'm not going to lie, some of you will die" I said, entwining my fingers.

The fae looked at each other. "If you wish to remain here, you will not be shamed, take your leave and be safe" I said, gesturing to the door.

No one moved. I swallowed. "The plan is distraction, we distract while Austin uses the staff to defeat the Consul" I said.

"What's to say that if we defeat the Consul, what happens to the Vampires, they roam free" a fae asked.

I shook my head. "That is not our problem" I said.

"Our problem is protecting our home, the innocent and finally taking action against them" I said, straightening my back.

"I don't know what's waiting for us, but tonight we rest, in the morning, we fight" I said strongly.

Everyone nodded their heads before filing out of the room. I turned to look at Austin who smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I glanced at Dorian who gave me a knowing look.

"Dorian, take the staff with you tonight, I'd like to not have it in my bedroom while I sleep" I said, watching as Austin handed Dorian the staff.

"Of course your Majesty, I shall see you both in the morning" he said, bowing before departing.

I glanced back at Austin. "Shall we retire?" I asked.

He nodded and took my hand. We walked back to our room slowly. "I'm going to miss this place" he said almost wistfully.

"You say that like you think you won't survive the battle" I replied, casting my eyes down.

"It's possible" he replied.

"No, it's not" I said, stopping in front of our room.

"Diana.." he said before trailing off.

I pushed open our door and walked inside. Austin followed, closing the door behind me. "Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He asked, tilting his head.

I shook my head. "No, I need your company" I said, patting the sheets as I climbed into them.

He paused a moment before pulling off his shirt and crawling into the sheets beside me. I moved over, cuddling his warm skin.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "What if I don't make it?" Austin asked.

I closed my eyes briefly. "We can't afford to think like that" I replied.

I glanced up at him before leaning up and kissing him, my hand resting on his bare chest. "You will come back" I whispered.

His hand lifted to my hair, wrapping them in my curls before pulling my lips to his again. The kiss was more urgent, like he was still thinking about this being the last goodbye.

He was right. I had no plan on coming out of this alive and if I did, I was going to be in so much trouble. So I kissed him fiercely, taking both his and my breath away. I found my hand wandering his skin, and my body pressing against him tightly.

His free hand went to my waist, pulling me onto his lap. I aas straddling him and I took the moment to laugh at myself, at the irony of myself being the distraction.

I pressed down against him and I heard him growl out. I kissed him again before pulling away. I lifted my arms and felt Austin's hot hands trail up the side of my body, taking my shirt with it.

His skin in mine felt like fire. "I want you" he growled out when he threw my shirt away.

I placed my hands on his chest and leaned down. "I want you" I replied.

That night, I was his.


My head lifted slowly, gazing at Austin's sleeping figure. He looked so adorable, his mouth open slightly to draw breath in and out of his system.

His nose seemed a little scrunched up but he shuffled as I slowly slid out of bed. I dressed quickly and the quietest I had ever been in my life before turning the doorknob.

Light spilled into the room from the lamps in the hallway, igniting his face. I studied it, memorising it.
Slowly, I pulled the door shut, with me on the other side to Austin.

I took a deep breath before turning on my heel and walking to the throne room. Dorian waited on the steps, the staff in his hand and a bag in the other. "Saorise gave us a few things, she wanted to say goodbye but she didn't know how" Dorian said.

I nodded. "Okay, let's go" I said, straightening my back.

He studied my face. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

I nodded. "Let the adventure begin" I said, gesturing to the doors.

Shouldering the bag, he held the staff as he bounced the steps. I followed him, glancing back at the hallway, imaging what the hell happened. "I left a note, I asked them not to follow" Dorian said, alway the ready man.

"He won't listen" I replied.

Dorian glanced at me as we pushed the front doors open and emerged into the cool night air. "Then we have to get to the Consul before he does" he replied.


And now the adventure begins.
I'm really excited.
It's almost the end of book but don't worry Bite Me Back is ready to go for the publishing of first cater.

Can't wait for you guys to read it..
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love, T xoxo

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