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《 Surprise Kiss 》

Time is a fickle friend

Day two of hiking through the brush and trees was way harder than the first. Several times Marcus had to help me up from falling over on the large stones.

He had turned it into a game and I would glare at him everytime I tripped.
The almost kiss from the first night drifted from our minds as Taron kept us walking.

Finally I couldn't take it. "Taron! Can we stop?!" I asked for the fifteenth time.

"We have to keep going, if we want to get there on time" Taron argued.

"Taron, I agree with Diana, she's not like us, well like you she is but she doesn't do physical exercise" Marcus replied, sitting down on the nearest log.

I glared at him.
Taron stopped and turned around, looking me over. He sighed. "Fine, I'm going to go find some fresh water, anyone wanna come?" He asked, looking at us expectedly.

I shook my head, bending down to take off my shoes. My feet were tired and sore. I lent back and arched my back, I turned my head to see Marcus watching me.

He looked away when he noticed. "You look awfully pale" I said, tilting my head and covering my mouth as I yawned.

"You try walking two days without blood" he replied, a little too snappy.

"You didn't bring any with you?" I asked, confused.

"It's not like Taron stopped by my house and said, hey pack a bag full of blood, we're going to hike for three days.." Marcus replied.

"It's there anything I can do?" I asked, worried.

Marcus shook his head. "I'm just going to go hunting tonight" he replied.

"Oh.." I trailed off, turning to look at the view.

We had stopped on a hill that over looked a small creek and nestled trees. The sun best down on us and I wiped my hand across my forehead.
Suddenly, Marcus sat next to me.

"Here" he said, reaching up and placing his hand on my forehead.

I shivered at his touch. "You're so cold, even though it's like 40°c? How?" I asked, looking at him.

"Perks of being dead, I suppose" Marcus replied.

I bit my lip. "I wish you would stop doing that" he said, looking away.

I realised my lip and flushed, embarrassed. "Sorry" I mumbled.

"What other perks do you have?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Speed, sight, smell, I can jump higher, stamina, I can fight, immortality" he replied.

"Stamina?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, meaning I could run a lot longer than other people, or maybe last a lot longer than most people in bed, ectera.." he trailed off.

"Marcus, I didn't need to know that!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "It might be the thing that wins you over, so I had to try" he replied with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes and smiled back. "Nothing will win me over, I told you what I felt" I said, facing the view again.

"No you didn't, you asked me about the four years I've been gone and then you walked away, how do you feel Diana?" Marcus asked, his tone rising a little..

"I feel betrayed, alone and confused, I feel like I've woken in some weird dream where I pretend to be a fairy princess but soon I'll wake up, except this isn't a dream and I won't wake up" I replied, my smile dropping from my face.

"Than let me help" Marcus exclaimed, turning his body to face me.

"Help? How the hell are you going to help! In fact! You're part of the prob-"

I was cut off by him grabbing my face between his hands and pulling me forward. My sentence was cut off by him slamming his lips against mine. I was in a state of shock, for such a bold move. At first I didn't respond, before I pulled out of his grip and turned away from him. I was angry.

I heard him sigh. "Diana, I'm sorry" he said quietly.

I stared at the rocks, watching an ant crawl over it and disappearing into the grass. "Diana, please c'mon" he said, touching my arm.

I pulled away at the first contact and slipped back into my shoes. "We better go, I'll go find Taron" I said, not looking at Marcus.

"Diana!" He exclaimed as I walked away from him.

I stumbled down the hill before meeting Taron at the Creek's edge. He was sitting by the water, his feet submerged. He turned his head when he heard footsteps.
"You okay?" He asked as I walked closer.

I nodded and my hair fell forward. "You don't look okay, want to talk about it?" He asked, tilting his head.

I sat on a big Rock and turned to look at my supposed brother. "What's she like?" I asked.

Taron's face fell. "I uh haven't met her that much, I'm a soldier, I gave away my royalty status when I chose to be a soldier, since then she hasn't really spoken to me, she had her advisor ask me to go on this quest.." Taron trailed off.

I picked at my already ugly nail. "Oh" I said.

"But she's a great queen, the best Faerie has had in centuries" Taron said, smiling.

"But that doesn't mean she's a great mother, I mean.. she gave me up, doesn't talk to you, I guess that's mother of the year award worthy" I replied.

"Diana, she didn't give you up, she hid you to protect you, you are much more powerful than you know" Taron replied.

I looked at the palm of my hands. "All of this stuff is just make believe Taron, I'm not Diana Greene, I'm just Diana, and I'm just a human" I said, turning my hands it fists.

"Diana, if you were human, how could you do that?" Taron's voice asked.

I looked up and a huge ball of water floated in the air above the creek. It still seemed to be running but in a circle. "You're doing that" I replied. 

"I don't have that type of magic, Diana" he said.

I squeezed my hand again and the water burst, going everywhere and wetting Taron and I. He shook his head to shake the water from his hair. "That's impressive, for someone who doesn't use magic all that often, that's pretty advanced" he said, smiling up at me.

I smiled back.


Hey hey hey hey! Don't you forget about me..

Jks.. How are you all!!
I'm super dooper excited we won all those awards!
I cried a little. . Okay. . A lot.

But guys! We also made it to #29 in Vampire!
Give a round of a applause to us!

What did you think about the chapter *smirks*
You haven't seen nothing yet.

Ultimate goals and a bitter revenge plot coming up, are you ready?

No seriously... are you ready?

Get excited!
Kissed from me,
T xoxoxoxox

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