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《 Dedicated to: user65163594

《 I'm not in love with you 》
This is my absolute favorite song right now. Oh PS.. prepare for some water works.

《Marcus's POV》

"RUN!" I screamed.

Kaden ran in the opposite direction, dodging the bullets that rained around us. I watched him run for the trench, falling into it and ducking.

I stayed put, the firing sound of bullets passing me, made me squeeze my eyes shut. My hand clutched my chest, my fingers wrapping around the one photo I had kept these past four years.

Bullets rained past again and I flinched. I saw Kaden peek over the trench. "Marcus!" He yelled over the sound of bullets hitting the sand.

"Marcus!" Kaden yelled again.

I glanced at him. He gestured for me to run for cover. "Run!" He yelled.

The firing stopped for a moment and I made a break for it. Suddenly, the bullets followed me and I fell halfway to the trench. I closed my eyes, clutching my photo and prayed it would be a quick death.

I heard gurgling and realised it wasn't coming from me. I looked up and saw Kaden on his knees, his face pointed to the sky as blood ran from his mouth. "Kaden!" I yelled.

I scrambled upright and caught him just as he fell. It seemed the war had stopped just for this moment. "Marcus" he coughed out.

His chest started bleeding and tears fell  from my eyes. "Kaden, no" I said softly.

I pushed his hair out of his face, rubbing the dirt off his cheek. "Stay with me" I said, my chest tightening.

I looked up. "Medic!" I screamed.

"Marcus" Kaden coughed again.

I looked down, cradling the friend who kept me alive for the four years we'd been together. "Go to her" he breathed out.

I frowned but he reached his hand up and patted my pocket. "Go home Marcus" he said, blinking softly.

"I'm not leaving you" I replied, softly sobbing.

"Go to her" he breathed out slowly, his eyes falling shut.

"Kaden, Kaden! KADEN!" I yelled, shaking my friend.

His hand dropped from my chest and landed on mine which had been pressing against the bullet holes. I screamed into the air and shots rung out.

I didn't feel it at first, until I felt the burning pain of a bullet hitting me. I doubled over, landing sideways next to my best friend. I reached for his elbow.

Blood trickled from my mouth. I closed my eyes and waited. Waited for death to come. I felt a hand touch my forehead and I opened my eyes. A medic stared down at me

"Kaden.." I muttered

"Is gone, but you.. you have so much to live for" he said before flashing his fangs.

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