Fifteen: Sparks & Flares

Start from the beginning

"You really take me as a fool, Kylo Ren," Hux said, spitting out his name like venom. "You'd really thought I would believe that foolish story you came up with. A scavenger from that garbage dump of a planet could kill Supreme Leader Snoke by herself?" He shook his head, standing straight and began to pace around the room. Ren could barely lift his head to follow him. "She couldn't possibly kill all those guards, fight against you and return to the Resistance in one piece without any. . .assistance."

Ren rolled his eyes, knowing how dramatic Hux could be. He loved making a good show.

All Ren could do in his position was deny anything Hux accused him of. Until then, maybe someone will come to their senses to stop him. "You're accusing me. . .of assisting. . .a Resistance fighter?"

"She's more than a Resistance fighter and we both know it," Hux cut him off, denying whatever lies the man who was once his leader tried to stir up. "It's not as though she willing gave herself up to Snoke to help the First Order." Hux stopped in place. He glanced over the Supreme Leader, waiting for his reaction that he was expecting out of him as he revealed this next piece of information, "No, she came for you, didn't she?"

Ren lifted his eyes to the ceiling, unable to deny that.

Hux brought his hands together and clapped once out of amusement. He couldn't help but laugh through a wicked grin which made himself look slightly unhinged. "Assuming you know this. . .scavenger," Hux said, "at least, well enough for her to go running after the Master of the Knights of Ren. . .you must know something about her that can help us."

Ren flinched when Hux used the same name he gave Rey. His name for her.

Then of course, he thought of her. The way her delicate, yet strong smile lit up her youthful face. The way she laughed, the sound—smooth and sweet as honey. The way he felt when he saw that smile given to him. For him. The way he wanted to kiss those curved lips. Her sun-kissed cheeks held in his hands, her life in his hands.

And how it was once again in that very moment.

How dare he say that name. How dare he speak of her.

It was as if he were trying to offend him. To use her against him. . .

How did he know?

He thought he hid his feelings in his dark and hard exterior. He thought he hadn't let his feelings towards Rey come out if he had buried them so very deep in his small, shabby and scabrous black heart.

Who knew what else Hux might do just to get him mad? To get him to release his rage and not be able to do anything with it in this state?

Ren tried to gather any strength he could muster and connect himself with the Force to put Hux in a chokehold. But after two hard attempts, he admitted to himself that it wouldn't work.

Even Hux noticed that the Supreme Leader was failing to tap into the Force for someone who wasn't Force-sensitive. "Oh, don't waste your strength," Hux warned him. "We'd stun you to weaken those silly Jedi mind tricks."

Ren balled his fists, digging his fingers into his palms.

"There's no way out for you."



All was red.

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