ch. 2

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ch. 2

"That's it, I'm going to die."

Hoseok smeared his knuckles against his shiny forehead in annoyance. Taehyung's jaw was clenched as his exhausted pants echoed throughout the Bighit practice room. Dance practice was never easy during the summer with a broken AC.

"Agh, this is torture-"

A surge of panic gripped his throat as Jimin staggered, "I think I'm going to faint."


"I'll get you some water!"

This years summer wasn't bright, or warm. It wasn't filled with blinding white smiles, or smooth iced tea. 

The afternoon breezes didn't posses the usual cucumber-beach aroma and it didn't hold a laid back aura.

This summer was hell.

It was sweaty and sticky with heavy breathing that hinted at a wheeze. Like a towel being squeezed of its last desperate drops of water.

Seokjin was being drained. He could feel it now, drained of his everything. He felt like he was working himself to the bone. Everything was getting more arduous day by day, and his pace was getting slower despite how hard he pushed during dance practices.

or are you just insane.

Why did the members even like him? His personality would burn out and get old along with the rest of him soon enough.

"Aha!" Jungkook blurted, "I found the peanut piggy!"

Jimin raised a skeptical brow.

The Maknae swung his pointer finger around towards Seokjin with a triumphant smile, "Jin-hyung!"

He really did eat the whole box.

Though Seokjin melted into a bright grin, a twisted sense of self hatred furred around him like a coat under the brief happiness.

What a creep.

(흉물스러운 놈)

(a scumbag)





1 | MIC Drop (feat. Desiigner) [Steve Aoki Remix]

2 | Best Of Me

3 | Work Hard, Play Hard

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