ch. 7

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a/n-lowercase intended in beginning for the 'tired' feel. also the lyrics of the song above fit so well with jin in this story. (this chap is dedicated to you guys! i wasn't going to write another chap but y'all are great)

ch. 7

seokjin rubs his eyes. it's already:

5:00 a.m.

And it was monday, which meant vocal lessons at 6:30. he lifted the covers from his side to let hoseok continue to lull in his dreams. he slept late last night. seokjin glances back at hoseok as his squished cheek twitched to the left. he suddenly groaned, nearly scaring the socks out of the older.


hoseoks voice was quiet, accepting. he hadn't opened his eyes yet seeing as his face was pushed so far into the pillow.

"where are you going?"

seokjin rubbed his shoulders soothingly to ease him back into a dreamscape, "ah, hoseokie, go back to sleep. i'll be back soon

his brows pinched together and his voice was scratchy, "nooo don't leave me, heathen."

his squished cheeks and glowed highlights under the dark morning rise formed a natural halo. it made him seem so cherubic and childlike. and for a moment, seokjin fell in place. he was the hyung. hoseok was cuddling into him and not vice versa.

just for a moment, he could pretend he wasn't so dependent on his team.


"you never tell me when you're going to come back."

"...goodnight, hope," he gently reached for hoseoks jaw and shifted it from the pillow, "you'll get neck pain if you sleep that way."

sleepy hoseok croaked in response.

seokjin glued his mouth shut as he tiptoed out of the room.

Timetable For This Monday:
written by SJ ;p

12:00 a.m. - try to go to sleep (probably won't, r.i.p), maybe take a few sleeping pills to help

5:00 a.m. - waaaaakeee uppppp 'n get ready (pls shower ew)

6:00 a.m. - drive to lesson

6:30 a.m. - arrive and die a little inside cause it's the morning and you didn't sleep

7:30 a.m. - drive back. cough a lot.

8:00 a.m. - arrive back at dorm, wake everyone up, make breakfast, try to have fun :D members are awesome! warm up after breakfast before dance practice :,(

9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m - dance practice. (oof today is a dance day r.i.p me)

12:00 p.m to 12:30 p.m - FOOOOD

12:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m -dance practice jfmsknfksndjeiea

5:00 p.m. - skin care wth jungkookie uwu

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