ch. 14

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a/n-i still love you

ch. 14

All Jimin can see are the dim lights that travel across the ceiling as car headlights project through the window as they drive by. The steady hum of each fading doppelgänger affect sluggishly blew from the open window to the rim of his ear, where it would whisper soft nothingness to comfort him.

He questioned it more times than he could count. 'Why this, why that' all these unanswered yearnings and feelings were left unattended in the dark of the night and in the pits of his brain.

stop thinking.
you'll wake him up.




Jimin's fingers twitched underneath Hoseok's arm. Half of Hoseok's body was inconveniently draped around Jimin's torso, so it was going to be difficult to escape.

To give Hoseok credit, it had been Jimin who asked him to sleep in his bed because he couldn't seem to catch any rest. His eyes were heavy and crusted around the eyelids, but they still refused to close. It had been calming at first, but simply staring at Hoseok's slowly rising chest was beginning to get tedious.

Very steadily, Jimin inched his arms and shoulder out of Hoseok's grasp. He froze when Hoseok huffed and shifted onto his back. Under the chopped moonlight casting on his face from the blinds, his eyebrows quivered upwards in worry. His lips parted. He was dreaming.

Jimin pursed his chapped lips. There was nothing he could do about it. Jimin cursed himself inwardly for sleeping on the side against the wall. Now he'd have to climb over Hoseok.

The pounding in his ears clenched around his throat. He was determined not to wake him. Flailing, he placed every limb on the other side of the bed and climbed over his sleeping figure. All was well until his leg slipped over a blanket. He cried out as he fell roughly on Hoseok. The bed bounced in a rippled effect.


Jimin sighed in defeat and collapsed onto Hoseok, "sorry hyung, I didn't mean..." he trailed off when he focused closely on his hyung's eyes, "are you crying?"

He only smiled weakly in response.


He shook his head without letting go of that false smile.

"What's wrong hyung," Jimin asked.

The smile broke in two as Hoseok's lips began to tremble.

"Please don't cry..."

"No i'm," he furiously rubbed his face, "...sorry."

Jimin frowned in confusion.

"Sorry, hah, I'm just thinking about what could've happened if Yoongi and Jungkook didn't...ah," Hoseok sniffed and hastily cut the sentence off in fear that a tear would spill. Tears had almost been given value in the last few months. A negative value. As soon as one slipped through the cracks, the entire castle would surely be flooded.


Jimin only stared as Hoseok furiously wiped his eyes. They were red.

bangtan is red
and no one really
knows how to
color correct people.

but what park jimin does not see,
is the small glimmer of golden hope
in those reddened eyes

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